06 September 2018

Zur Reform der asylprozessualen Rechtsmittel

Aktuell wird wieder wird über eine Reform der Rechtsmittel im Asylprozess diskutiert. Das geltende Asylverfahrensrecht bildet in großen Teilen ein vom allgemeinen Verwaltungsrecht abweichendes Sonderrecht mit erheblichen rechtsstaatlichen Problemen. Es gibt also Bedarf für Reformen, die aber gerade nicht zu weiteren Lasten der rechtsstaatlichen Garantien gehen dürfen. Der folgende Text gewährt einen Überblick über die komplexen Regelungen und gegenwärtige Missstände. Continue reading >>
05 September 2018

Shedding Light or Shooting in the Dark – How to define Fake News?

A proposed legislation against the “manipulation of information” is currently under consideration by the French parliament in order to tackle the problem of fake news. A sufficiently precise definition of fake news is a necessary preliminary condition to have a political or legal debate on the issue. The attempts of the French parliament have some significant shortcomings in this regard, but they can serve as a basis to elaborate a better definition. Continue reading >>
04 September 2018

Democratic Decay Resource (DEM-DEC): Second Monthly Bibliography Update – September 2018

DEM-DEC aims to provide useful information to academics and policymakers concerned with the creeping deterioration of democratic rule worldwide. Updates to the Bibliography will be issued on the first Monday of each month, based on new publications and suggestions from users of DEM-DEC. Continue reading >>
03 September 2018

My Body, the Majority’s Choice? A Comparative Overview of Abortion Laws in Ireland and Argentina

Both Argentina and Ireland have tried to move forward in the fight for the decriminalization of abortion. In Argentina, even though the approval in the Chamber of Deputies represented a very important step, the Senate majority followed the religious standards and rejected the bill. In Ireland, the referendum resulted in a victory for women. The next step is to enact the new law and, of equal importance, to create all the practical conditions to implement the new rules. Continue reading >>

Spanish Jurisdiction at Stake: Puigdemont’s Judge to be Judged by a Belgian Court?

Tomorrow, a new weird chapter opens up in the „affair Puigdemont“: The Spanish Supreme Court Judge Pablo Llarena, who unsuccessfully issued the European Arrest Warrant against former Catalan premier Carles Puigdemont, is cited before a Belgian court. He is object of a civil lawsuit filed by Puigdemont who accuses the magistrate of a lack of impartiality and violating the presumption of innocence as well as his right to reputation. What is the most astonishing about this lawsuit is the fact that it is a Belgian court which shall judge the professional actions of a Spanish judge. Continue reading >>
02 September 2018

The Diciotti Affair: beyond the Populist Farce

After years in which Italy has been the only European country to take seriously the legal obligation to save migrants in the Mediterranean and to accept them on its territory, the Italian government calls for a broader notion of “burden sharing” which involves also a distribution of people and, hence, it proposes to cut off the link between the country of first entry and the obligation to process asylum applications on which the Dublin system relies. At a time when Germany is trying to make the “first country of entry” rule really binding, the Italian position can be hardly dismissed as unreasonable. But there is a serious risk that the current strategy of blackmailing Europe, reiterated in the Diciotti case, will end up compromising the solidity of Italian arguments and eroding the already narrow margins for negotiation in Brussels. Continue reading >>
30 August 2018

Schengen Entry Bans for Political Reasons? The Case of Lyudmyla Kozlovska

On 13 August 2018, Lyudmyla Kozlovska, an Ukrainian national and the President of the Open Dialog Foundation (ODF) in Poland, was detained at Brussels airport on the basis of a Polish entry ban reported into the Schengen Information System (SIS II). One day later, the Belgian border authorities deported her to Kiev, Ukraine. This case raises questions on the discretionary power of states to use the SIS II for entry bans on ‘unwanted migrants’ and the obligation of executing states, in this case Belgium, to check the legitimacy or proportionality of these other states decisions. Furthermore, this case illustrates the necessity of effective remedies against decisions reported in large-scale databases such as SIS. Continue reading >>

Fighting the Backlash – The South African High Court on the Suspension of the SADC Tribunal

Today, the South African Constitutional Court may have the last word on a case concerning South Africa's suspension of the Southern African Development Community Tribunal. On 1 March 2018, the South African High Court found that this foreign policy decision violated substantive human rights. Even though it is easy to criticize the judgment for its scarce reasoning, the decision entails intriguing ideas for building a more principled foreign relations law in the South African context. Continue reading >>

Prosecuting a Judge that Enjoys Diplomatic Immunity: the Case of Judge Aydın Sefa Akay

After the coup attempt on 15 July 2016, more than 80,000 people have been detained in Turkey. One of the most interesting incidents was undoubtedly the arrest of International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals’ (MICT) (former) Judge Aydın Sefa Akay. The main problem in this situation was whether Judge Akay enjoyed diplomatic immunity even from his own State’s jurisdiction. What happened with Judge Akay has manifested the deficiency of international rules regarding the immunity of international judges and, moreover, that said rules must be so articulated that they leave no room for similar incidents in the future. Continue reading >>
29 August 2018

VB vom Blatt: Vier kurze Gedanken zum Europaschulen-Beschluss des BVerfG

Verfassungsblog vom Blatt: FRANZ MAYER schreibt auf, was ihm beim Durchlesen des heutigen Europaschulen-Beschlusses des Bundesverfassungsgerichts ein- und auffällt. Continue reading >>

Disenfranchised by Accident: the Brexit Initiative and Brits abroad

On the 23rd of July 2018, the European Commission registered a European Citizens’ Initiative called “Permanent European Union Citizenship”, with the objective, in the context of Brexit, to ask the Commission to “propose means to avoid risk of collective loss of EU citizenship and rights, and assure all EU citizens that, once attained, such status is permanent and their rights acquired”. The aim of this initiative is, for British citizens, to retain European Union citizenship post Brexit. However, paradoxically enough, a considerable number of British expats, who are the main concerned, are legally unable to support this initiative (or any other as it turns out) because of a legal conundrum. Continue reading >>
27 August 2018

Hund sans scho

„Hund sans scho“ ist in Bayern das höchste Lob für ein Verhalten, das auf mindestens unkonventionelle Weise zum gewünschten Erfolg geführt hat. Besonders wahlkämpfende Politiker lassen sich gern nachsagen, dass‘ fei echt Hund san, weil sie sich mit einer Mischung aus Nachdruck und Bauernschläue für Förderbescheide, Umgehungsstraßen oder ähnlich beliebte Maßnahmen eingesetzt haben. Aber auch der Bayerische Verwaltungsgerichtshof hat das Prinzip verstanden. Er ließ jüngst verlauten, dass man es zur Durchsetzung der bisher schmählich ignorierten Entscheidungen zu Luftreinhalteplänen und Dieselfahrverboten für möglich halte, den Bayerischen Ministerpräsidenten in Zwangshaft zu nehmen. Droht Markus Söder eine Ladung zum Haftantritt in Stadelheim? Continue reading >>
26 August 2018

Constitutional Democracy in Crisis? The Right-Wing Populist Surge

Right-wing populists now govern in Turkey, Poland, Hungary, India, South Africa, Israel, and the United States. They are gaining ground in almost every European nation outside of Scandinavia, most notably in Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, the Netherlands, and Austria. Right-wing populists are weakening the European Union. Even Australia has not been immune to the siren call of a more ethnic and religious nationalism.  When empowered, right-wing populists take aim at the inclusive, secular and cosmopolitan commitments of contemporary constitutionalism, and the independent courts designed to foster those commitments. Continue reading >>
24 August 2018

New German Intersex Law: Third Gender but not as we want it

The new German draft law to introduce a third option in personal status law has overwhelmingly been decried as a missed historical opportunity, or even as counterproductive, for a variety of reasons. The main criticisms are that the third option does not fully recognize gender diversity as it will only be available to those with a medical diagnosis of an intersex condition, and that the government failed to genuinely consider the alternative option presented by the Constitutional Court – that of scrapping sex/gender registration altogether. Continue reading >>
23 August 2018

Von Diensten und Pflichten

Wenige Gespensterdebatten tauchen in der bundesrepublikanischen Öffentlichkeit so regelmäßig auf wie die allgemeine Dienstpflicht für junge Erwachsene, derzeit im Zeichen des Rechtsextremismus, Pflegekräftemangels und der demographischen Alterung. Dabei kommt in der Diskussion ein höchst legitimes Unbehagen an Entsolidarisierung in der Marktgesellschaft zum Ausdruck, das sich aber ein voreiliges Ventil verschafft, statt zu den Gründen der Misere vorzustoßen. Dass die allgemeine Dienstpflicht unter dem geltenden Grundgesetz rechtlich nicht zulässig, im Wege der Verfassungsänderung aber möglich wäre, ist daher das geringere Problem einer politisch befremdlichen Debatte. Continue reading >>

Why the Polish Supreme Court’s Reference on Judicial Independence to the CJEU is Admissible after all

On August 2nd 2018, the Polish Supreme Court has referred questions to the European Court of Justice about whether or not the forced retirement of most of its senior judges and other infringements of judicial independence are compatible with EU law. That decision is a landmark step in the serious constitutional crisis in Poland that has been going on for several years. One issue is of fundamental importance: Is the SC’s preliminary reference  to the CJEU admissible? Continue reading >>
18 August 2018

Zwischen Supreme Court und Zentralregierung: Zur drohenden Staatenlosigkeit der muslimischen Minderheit in Assam

Ende Juli hat die Zentralregierung in Delhi ein neues Bürgerregister für den Bundesstaat Assam veröffentlicht, in welchem sich nicht alle Einwohner des indischen Bundesstaates wiederfinden. Ein Großteil derer, die auf der Liste fehlen, gehört der muslimischen Minderheit an. Ihnen droht die Festsetzung in Camps, der Entzug politischer Rechte, Abschiebung oder gar Staatenlosigkeit. Der Fall, dessen  Historie bis in die Zeit der Unabhängigkeitsbewegungen zurückreicht, zeigt, dass gegenwärtig in Indien Ressentiments gegen ursprünglich Geflüchtete einer bestimmten religiösen Minderheit wieder aufleben und rechtlich verfestigt werden. Continue reading >>

Seenotrettung als völkerrechtliche Pflicht: Aktuelle Heraus­forderungen der Massenmigrations­bewegungen über das Mittelmeer

Ein sicherer Ort ist mehr als nur trockener Boden unter den Füßen. Es steht außer Frage, dass Libyen die Anforderungen an einen sicheren Ort für die geretteten Migranten nicht erfüllt. Die Praxis italienischer staatlicher Schiffe, Boote mit Migranten entweder so lange an der Weiterfahrt zu hindern, bis sie von der libyschen Küstenwache aufgenommen werden oder aber die aus Seenot geretteten Personen selbst nach Libyen zurückzubringen und dort auszuschiffen, ist ein klarer Verstoß gegen völkerrechtliche Verpflichtungen. Continue reading >>
17 August 2018

The 2018 French Asylum and Immigration Act

As many others in the European Union, the French government attempts to tackle the so-called “migrants crisis”. A new bill aims at reducing the length of asylum proceedings and fighting against irregular migration. Despite disagreements between the two chambers, the National Assembly has adopted the last version of the bill on August 1st. Left-wing Members of Parliament have brought an action before the Constitutional Council. The bill may not be enacted before the Council has given its decision, at the beginning of September. The text will no longer change, unless some provisions are deemed unconstitutional. Continue reading >>

Facebook’s Efforts to Squash Scrutiny of the EU-US Privacy Shield

Currently, Facebook is before the Supreme Court in Ireland asking to curtail judicial powers that allow courts to refer questions on the EU-US Privacy Shield Agreement to the CJEU. This is part of an ongoing litigation of Max Schrems, who was still an Austrian law student at the start of the litigation, against the Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC) in the jurisdiction of Ireland where Facebook currently holds its EU headquarters for tax and company law purposes. The litigation has the capacity to change the face of the transatlantic relationship, not least now, at a critical juncture of fragility and uncertainty and represents an extraordinary step. Continue reading >>
15 August 2018

Secessionism, Federalism and Constitutionalism in Ethiopia

On the morning of 4 August 2018, troops were seen taking over key positions in Jijiga, a capital city of the State of Somali, one of the constituent units of the Ethiopian federation. Heavily armed military vehicles were stationed outside the state parliament, the offices of state government and the state TV station. It was not an invasion by a foreign force. It was a federal intervention. Continue reading >>
08 August 2018

The Rule of Law Crisis in Poland: A New Chapter

The current controversies on the Polish Supreme Court resemble the conflict over the Constitutional Tribunal in 2015-216 to some extent. However, the Supreme Court took new steps on August 2, when it referred five questions to the Court of Justice of the EU and requested a preliminary ruling. All five questions relate (more or less directly) to the principles of (1) independence of the courts and (2) the judicial independence under the circumstances of the rule of law crisis in Poland and thus have a potential of becoming a key aspect in the Polish rule of law crisis. Continue reading >>

Democratic Decay Resource (DEM-DEC): First Monthly Bibliography Update-August 2018

The DEM-DEC Bibliography presents a global range of research on democratic decay. It has a strong focus on research by public lawyers – spanning constitutional, international and transnational law – but also includes key research from political science, as well as policy texts. First monthly update since DEM-DEC was launched. Updates to the Bibliography will be issued on the first Monday of each month. Continue reading >>
07 August 2018

Kirchenasyl – staatliche Eskalation aus Opportunismus?

Nach hitziger Diskussion mit Scharia-Vergleichen und Ähnlichem hatten sich Staat und Kirche im Februar 2015 auf ein gemeinsames Verfahren beim Kirchenasyl geeinigt. Dieser  kooperative Umgang wurde jahrelang positiv evaluiert. Nun aber verschärft die staatliche Seite den Ton. Das Kirchenasyl wird laut Innenministerkonferenz in „Teilen der Öffentlichkeit zunehmend kritisch gesehen“. Wohl daher verständigten sich die Innenminister darauf, den staatlichen Umgang mit dem Kirchenasyl ab dem 1.8.2018 zu ändern und ernst zu machen mit einer Drohung, die schon länger im Raum stand: Unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen wird sich das BAMF künftig auf die 18-monatige Überstellungsfrist nach Art. 29 Abs. 2 S. 2 Dublin III-VO berufen.  Continue reading >>

Open Letter

We, the undersigned, have learnt that Chief Justice of the […] Continue reading >>
05 August 2018

Holocaust, Meinungsfreiheit und Sonderrechtsverbot – BVerfG erklärt § 130 III StGB für verfassungsgemäß

Ist der Straftatbestand der Holocaust-Leugnung verfassungswidriges Sonderrecht „gegen rechts“? Diese Frage war bislang heftig umstritten – und durch die Senatsrechtsprechung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts jedenfalls noch nicht ausdrücklich entschieden. Jetzt beantwortet das Gericht diese Frage per Kammerentscheidung mit Nein. Continue reading >>
03 August 2018
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Drawing Red Lines and Giving (Some) Bite – the CJEU’s Deficiencies Judgment on the European Rule of Law

The illiberal turn in Europe has many facets. Of particular concern are Member States in which ruling majorities uproot the independence of the judiciary. For reasons well described in the Verfassungsblog, the current focus is on Poland. Since the Polish development is emblematic for a broader trend, more is at stake than the rule of law in that Member State alone (as if that were not enough). If the Polish emblematic development is not resisted, illiberal democracies might start co-defining the European constitutional order, in particular, its rule of law-value in Article 2 TEU. Accordingly, the conventional liberal self-understanding of  Europe could easily erode, with tremendous implications. Continue reading >>
02 August 2018

Bulgaria’s Constitutional Troubles with the Istanbul Convention

On July 27th Bulgaria's Constitutional Court ruled that the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence, also known as the Istanbul Convention, contradicted Bulgaria’s Constitution. The decision may cause a stir among Western commentators not only because of its result, but also because of its peculiar legal arguments and untidy, repetitive narrative. Continue reading >>