Open. That is what we are. Always have been, always will be.

No paywalls or other means of exclusion here. We are open for everyone, readers and authors alike.

Usually, access to knowledge depends on your readiness to pay exorbitant sums to corporate publishers and/or relinquish control over your personal data.

We want no part of that. We have been “Diamond Open Access” long before it was cool.

We put the “public” back into public law.

And into publishing, for that matter. Democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights are the foundation of, well, pretty much everything. Legal experts and law professors possess extremely valuable knowledge about these things. We all need access to that knowledge to make sense of the crisis-ridden world we are living in. We open access to that knowledge. For free.

And that’s why we need your support!

How? It’s easy.

Questions? Of course you have questions.

Yes. As a registered non-profit organisation, donations to us are tax-deductible under § 10b EStG. For donations over 300 € per year, you will receive a donation receipt at the beginning of the following year. For donations up to 300 €, your bank statement is usually sufficient proof for the German tax office. Please don’t forget to transmit your tax ID so we can process the donation with the tax authority.

  • You help keeping access to crucial knowledge on constitutional matters open.
  • You take action against the rise of authoritarian populism.
  • You become part of our community.
  • You earn our heartfelt respect and gratitude.

By using our donation tool you can send us a one-time donation or donate on a recurring basis. Recurrent donations provide planning security, flexibility and independence from temporary third-party funding.

Of course, an ordinary bank transfer (IBAN DE94 4306 0967 1302 0051 00, BIC GENODEM1GLS, GLS Bank eG ) is perfectly fine as well.

Our donation account is IBAN DE94 4306 0967 1302 0051 00, BIC GENODEM1GLS at GLS Bank eG  in Berlin.

We use your donations to cover a part of the costs of running  Verfassungsblog. We are committed to the principle of open access, which means that we will never demand fees from our readers or authors. As a registered non-profit organisation, we are legally obliged to spend the money we receive for altruistic goals – in our case principally the advancement of science and research and of democracy (§ 52 AO).

Steady is designed to serve for-profit customers, not non-profits like us. We can’t hand out tax donation receipts for what we receive through Steady. We will continue to use Steady, and unless you want or need a receipt for your tax return, you don’t need to change anything. Switching to a direct recurring monthly donation, however, is considerably less costly in terms of fees, so more of your donation will be actually reaching us.