07 May 2018

A Constitutional Referendum to Delegitimize the Constitution

President Andrzej Duda has just announced that on 10 and 11 November a referendum will be held in Poland on the need to amend the Constitution, in which he will put to the Polish people numerous questions arising from ongoing public consultations. This consultative referendum is an attempt to delegitimise the Constitution, on which the referendum’s own legitimacy is based. Continue reading >>
06 May 2018

Choosing between two Evils: the Polish Ombudsman’s Dilemma

The Polish legislator has adopted several controversial anti-terror and surveillance laws recently. Ombudsman Adam Bodnar had had applied for constitutional review before the Constitutional Tribunal – but the cases were assigned to panels that included unconstitutionally elected "anti-judges". Therefore, he decided to withdraw the application. But that is not the end of the story. Continue reading >>

Staatlicher „Hygienepranger“ vor dem Bundes­verfassungs­gericht

Die Behörden müssen die Öffentlichkeit informieren, wenn der Verdacht besteht, dass in Lebensmitteln zulässige Grenzwerte überschritten oder qualifiziert verbraucherschützende Regelungen verletzt werden. Diese Regelung dient nicht der Warnung und Gefahrenabwehr, sondern der Verbraucherinformation. Der Erste Senat des Bundesverfassungsgerichts hat sie jetzt im Verfahren einer abstrakten Normenkontrolle für teilweise verfassungswidrig erklärt. Sie ist insoweit mit Art. 12 Abs. 1 GG unvereinbar, als die Veröffentlichung nicht zeitlich begrenzt ist. Continue reading >>
05 May 2018

Libanon im Wahlfieber

Am 6.Mai 2018 werden die Libanesen zur Wahlurne gebeten – gewählt wurde zuletzt im Jahre 2009. Ein Blick auf die politischen und geschichtlichen Hintergründe des Zedernstaates. Continue reading >>
04 May 2018

Deflection of Asylum Seekers to Ghettos in Third Countries?

One of the reform ideas of the Common European Asylum System is to enforce the deflection of asylum seekers to non-European countries. The designation of a third country as a safe third country may be made with exceptions for specific parts of its territory. That could cover the transfer of asylum seekers to an unstable third state, when a protection zone of the size of a refugee camp has been brought under control and asylum seekers are held there with their subsistence secured. This post aims at questioning the compatibility of this new scheme with the Geneva Convention and at eliciting a debate on it. Continue reading >>

The Danish Institute for Human Rights and the Copenhagen Declaration – a Reply to Helga Molbæk-Steensig

In her blog post “Is Something Rotten in the State of Denmark?”, Helga Molbæk-Steensig analyses the making of the Copenhagen Declaration; the most important outcome of the Danish chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. Molbæk-Steensig agrees with most commentators that the declaration does not reflect the Danish government’s “strong discourse of sovereignty and democratic deficit in the Danish debate“. We certainly agree on this point, but we cannot agree with Molbæk-Steensig when she claims that we – Denmark’s national human rights institution – played a passive, or even negative, role during the making of the declaration. We especially disagree when Molbæk-Steensig implies that we somehow legitimise a far-right narrative designed to limit the system of human rights protection in Europe or subscribe to a reductionist concept of democracy. Continue reading >>
03 May 2018

Verweisung Asylsuchender auf Ghettos in Drittstaaten?

Eine neue Idee bei der Reform des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Asylsystems ist das Konzept des territorialen Teilschutzes: Um Asylsuchende auf außereuropäische Schutzstaaten verweisen zu können, soll es ausreichen, wenn die dazu nötigen Bedingungen nur in einem Teilgebiet des Territoriums erfüllt sind. Demnach wäre es etwa möglich, Schutzsuchende zwangsweise einem instabilen Drittstaat zuzuordnen, in dem eine Zone von der Größe eines Flüchtlingslagers unter Kontrolle gebracht wurde, und die Schutzsuchenden in dieser Zone subsistenzgesichert zu ghettoisieren. Continue reading >>
02 May 2018

Corporate Liability for Extraterritorial Human Rights Violations – the US in Retreat?

Last week, in Jesner v. Arab Bank, the United States Supreme Court decided that foreign corporations cannot be sued in federal court for human rights violations that occurred outside the US and have no substantial link to the US. The decision is the latest piece of an ongoing debate around the question: just how far can the US meddle in affairs of other countries? More pragmatically, it makes international human rights litigation - a successful counterpart to diplomatic intervention in the past - much more difficult today. Continue reading >>

Der Rechtsbruch-Mythos und wie man ihn widerlegt

Bis heute hält sich hartnäckig die Meinung, dass eine „illegale Masseneinwanderung“ nach Deutschland stattfinde und an den Grenzen die „rechtsstaatliche Ordnung“ zusammengebrochen sei. Nun dürfte die Behauptung vom fortwährenden Rechtsbruch, wie ich im Tagesspiegel schrieb, vorrangig das strategische Ziel verfolgen, die Politik generell zu delegitimieren und einem sachlichen Streit auch dadurch auszuweichen, dass man die Systemfrage stellt. Bei dieser generellen Feststellung könnte man es bewenden lassen und Reaktionen wie diejenige von Thilo Sarrazin über „Professor Unfug“ den diskursiven Echokammern des politischen Darknet überlassen. Dennoch sollen nachfolgend die zentralen rechtlichen Aussagen des Tagesspiegel-Beitrags näher erläutert werden Continue reading >>
01 May 2018

Has Parliament Taken Charge of Brexit?

The UK House of Lords has adopted amendments to the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill that would make the conclusion of a withdrawal agreement contingent on parliamentary approval. It is not at all clear which, if any, of the Lords amendments will survive in the House of Commons, and we may not find out for a while. It may be premature to conclude that Parliament is now fully in charge of the Brexit process. What the amendments show, however, is that Parliament can assert control if it chooses to do so. Continue reading >>

Warum der Stadionverbots-Beschluss weit mehr ist als nur Common Sense

Mit Beschluss v. 11. April 2018 hat der Erste Senat des Bundesverfassungsgerichts entschieden, dass ein bundesweit gültiges Stadionverbot eine spezifische Konstellation ist, in der sich aus Art. 3 Abs. 1 GG gleichheitsrechtliche Anforderungen für das Verhältnis zwischen Privaten ergeben. Die Ausstrahlungswirkung des Gleichbehandlungsgebots auf privatrechtliche Rechtsbeziehungen begründet zwei Pflichten privater Akteure. Ist der Beschluss, wie Matthias Ruffert schreibt, lediglich eine zutreffende Einzelfallentscheidung? Warum aber hat der Senat darüber entschieden? Und warum hat er sich dafür mehr als acht Jahre lang Zeit genommen? Diese Faktoren passen nicht so recht zur These einer common sense-Entscheidung. Ich plädiere mit vier Argumenten dafür, der Entscheidung eine größere Bedeutung zuzuschreiben. Continue reading >>
30 April 2018

Common sense statt strikte Dogmatik? Zutreffendes aus Karlsruhe zu Stadionverboten

Gibt es ein Grundrecht gegen willkürliche Stadionverbote? Ist ein übermächtiger Profifußballverein einfach nur ein Grundrechtsträger, der von seinem Recht auf Privatautonomie Gebrauch macht? Die Antwort des Bundesverfassungsgerichts auf diese Fragen ist überzeugend. Continue reading >>
28 April 2018

(Not) Striking Down Surrogate Motherhood in Portugal

Last Tuesday, the Portuguese Constitutional Court declared unconstitutional several provisions of the regime on surrogacy, as well as the prohibition to disclose the identity of gamete donors and surrogate mothers. The most striking aspect of this decision, however, is not what the PCC ruled unconstitutional but rather what it expressly accepted as being constitutionally valid. The clear messages sent by the PCC to the legislature show a careful self-repositioning of the Court in its role as a constitutional interpreter in a democracy. Continue reading >>
27 April 2018

Ein Recht auf Rehabilitation für Folteropfer oder: Wenn der EuGH die Flüchtlingseigen­schaft vergisst

Schwer kranke Drittstaatsangehörige erhalten nur dann Schutz vor Abschiebung, wenn sie mangels medizinischer Behandlung im Heimatstaat eines qualvollen Todes sterben würden. Diese Linie hat der EGMR mittlerweile zwar etwas gelockert, aber subsidiären Schutz gibt es auf dieser Basis jedenfalls nicht. Jetzt hat der EuGH seine Rechtsprechung aktualisiert und für Folteropfer, die an schweren psychischen Folgeschäden leiden und in ihrem Heimatstaat keine adäquate Behandlung erhalten können, die Anforderungen an die Verfügbarkeit medizinischer Behandlung im Herkunftsstaat herabgesetzt. Doch so richtig glücklich macht auch dieses Urteil nicht. Continue reading >>
26 April 2018

Something Rotten in the State of Denmark?

The final version of the Copenhagen Declaration has turned out to be a lot less dramatic than the original draft led many observers to believe. This leaves several questions of why. Why did Denmark, traditionally a frontrunner country, create a draft declaration so regressive it gave rise to harsh critiques from the Council of Europe Assembly, from academia and from civil society? Why was the Danish Minister of Justice glossing over the content of the declaration? Why has the Danish Institute of Human Rights been so relatively quiet throughout the whole debacle? Continue reading >>
25 April 2018

Harnessing Artificial Intelligence the European Way

Will 10 April 2018 be remembered by many as the day of Mark Zuckerberg’s testimony before the US Senate? The hearing was covered by the media in all aspects down to the tie he was wearing. But that was not the only important event taking place on that day, and maybe not even the most important one: I am talking about the Declaration on Cooperation in Artificial Intelligence, signed on the same day but hardly noticed. And yet its impact in the long term might exceed that of the current scandal about Facebook and Cambridge Analytica by far. Continue reading >>
24 April 2018

The Draft Amendments to the Serbian Constitution: Populism before Judicial Independence

Serbia is currently abuzz with draft constitutional amendments that should enhance judicial independence and move the country one step closer to EU accession. On 12 April 2018, the Serbian Government adopted the draft amendments and sent them to the Venice Commission. However, while at present the political influence on the judiciary comes from the political institutions, in the future this influence will come from the ruling majority. Continue reading >>

Gerrymandering and Judicial Review in Malaysia

On 28 March, the Malaysian Parliament passed new electoral maps. The re-delineated boundaries create an imbalance in constituencies, prompting allegations of mal-apportionment and gerrymandering. They remain largely unchallenged, not only through ouster clauses in particularized elections legislation, but also through the unwillingness of the judiciary to recognize the importance of the constitutional question relating to fair and equitable electoral management. Continue reading >>
23 April 2018

What’s (still) Wrong with Glyphosate? On Pesticides, Public Trust and Parliamentary Scrutiny

The Glyphosate saga that had been troubling farmers, regulators, activists and corporations for almost seven years, finally came to an end with the renewal of the authorization for the infamously notorious pesticide in December 2017. Or did it? Reacting to the widespread institutional and societal concern generated by the uncertainty over Glyphosate’s safety, the European Parliament has set up a special committee on the authorization procedure for pesticides, which held its first working meeting in Brussels on April 12th, 2018. With this, the first renewal of Glyphosate’s authorization became a major case of politicization of science in the European Union. Continue reading >>
19 April 2018

Den Behörden Beine machen: Das EuGH-Urteil zur Familien­zusammen­führung von Flüchtlingen

Der EuGH hat am 12. April 2018 im Urteil A und S den Familiennachzug von Eltern zu unbegleiteten Kindern maßgeblich erleichtert und dabei insbesondere die Frage geklärt, zu welchem Zeitpunkt die Person unter 18 Jahre alt gewesen sein muss. In dogmatisch überzeugender Weise arbeitet der Europäische Gerichtshof heraus, dass auf den Zeitpunkt der Asylantragstellung abzustellen ist. Ist also die Person unter 18 Jahre alt, wenn sie einen Asylantrag stellt, dann ist sie für die Familienzusammenführung auch dann als minderjährig anzusehen, wenn sie während des Asylverfahrens volljährig wird. Dieses Urteil hat erhebliche Auswirkungen auf die deutsche Praxis des Familiennachzugs zu unbegleiteten Minderjährigen. Mit der Entscheidung bestätigt der EuGH seine zunehmende grundrechtliche Orientierung in Migrationsfragen. Continue reading >>
18 April 2018

„Doomsday“ für das kirchliche Arbeitsrecht?

Der Europäische Gerichthof stellt in seinem heutigen Urteil Egenberger das vom Bundesverfassungsgericht bislang stets hoch gehaltene Selbstbestimmungsrecht der Kirchen im Hinblick auf ihr Selbstverständnis in Frage. Das Ende des kirchlichen Arbeitsrechts steht deshalb aber noch nicht unbedingt bevor. Continue reading >>
17 April 2018

Selmayr’s Appointment: Why this Juncker Crisis is Much More Dangerous for the EU Commission than the Santer Crisis in 1999

The promotion of Jean-Claude Juncker's chief of cabinet Martin Selmayr to secretary general of the EU Commission has caused quite a stir in some parts of the press, but rather little critique in the EU Parliament, among EU lawyers and in the eurobubble in general. This episode will come back recurrently during the populist campaign against the EU institutions in 2019. And later it will still be used to weaken the Commission. 2019 will sadly be far from the end of this story. Continue reading >>
16 April 2018

Völkerrechtswidrig­keit benennen: Warum die Bundesregierung ihre Verbündeten für den Syrien-Luftangriff kritisieren sollte

Die Bundesregierung betont gerne, dass Deutschland für eine regelbasierte internationale Ordnung stehe. Das völkerrechtliche Gewaltverbot ist ein zentraler Eckpfeiler dieser Ordnung. Es zu verteidigen sollte Anliegen der deutschen Bundesregierung sein – auch gegenüber den westlichen Verbündeten. Dabei muss sich die Bundesregierung nicht mit Russland gemein machen. Continue reading >>

Bad Response to a Tragic Choice: the Case of Polish Council of the Judiciary

A few days ago, the courageous and intelligent Chief Justice of the Polish Supreme Court, Professor Małgorzata Gersdorf, announced that, after some agonizing due to important legal and moral dilemmas at stake, she decided after all to convene the first, inaugural meeting of the National Council of Judiciary. The meeting is to take place on 27 April. The decision was met with dismay on the part of some lawyers and relief on the part of others. Generally, however, it did not prompt any particularly strong responses on either side. But the decision is momentous, both in its practical consequences and as a matter of principle. Continue reading >>
15 April 2018

The Pisciotti Saga: A Duel in Karlsruhe as Finale?

The arrest of the Italian businessman Romano Pisciotti at Frankfurt Airport on 17 June 2013 has been the cause of many judicial decisions. The latest, if not last, was rendered this week by the Court of Justice of the European Union. Considering the reasoning of the Court, the last decision on this matter might actually come from the German Federal Court of Justice: The German supreme court might get to answer the thorny question whether or not the German Federal Constitutional Court had violated EU law by not referring the case to the CJEU. Such an unprecedented clash between federal courts would surely be a worthy coronation of a long saga. Continue reading >>
14 April 2018

Syria and the Humanitarian Reprisal – President Trump’s Poisonous Gift to International Law?

Among the many unwanted gifts Donald Trump has given international law as of yet, this may very well prove to be the worst: the humanitarian reprisal. Forcible countermeasures, so-called reprisals, were standard practice in order to enforce violations of international obligations at least until World War I and continued to be used and accepted even in the inter-war period. Not infrequently, they led to wider military conflicts. Thus, under the post-1945 international legal order established by the UN Charter, reprisals do not constitute licit countermeasures and in fact are covered by the prohibition of the use of force in Article 2(4) of the UN Charter. Continue reading >>
12 April 2018

The Charming Smile of Viktor Orbán

The political campaign leading up to the recent Hungarian general elections was deeply flawed. One of the constitutionally suspicious steps of the party in power (Fidesz) was to blur the lines between the official communication of the Government (as a constitutional organ) and the campaign messages of Fidesz (as a candidate party). Unfortunately, none of the state institutions involved in the adjudication of the case could adequately address the constitutional issue. Continue reading >>
11 April 2018

The Strange (German) Case of Mr. Puigdemont’s European Arrest Warrant

The decision by the Oberlandesgericht of Schleswig in the Puigdemont case is a flawed ruling that seriously undermines the effectiveness of the European arrest warrant, and I would even say its future survival. It is also a manifest example of mistrust between courts of Member States, the type of conduct that destroys the foundations of mutual recognition and judicial cooperation. Continue reading >>