POSTS BY Daniel Holznagel
05 November 2024

Art. 21 DSA Has Come to Life

Art. 21 DSA is a new, unusual and interesting framework to settle disputes over online content moderation decisions. By now, the first four online dispute settlement bodies (ODS-bodies) have been certified, and most of them have already started taking cases. In this article, based on recent interviews with representatives from all certified bodies, I will explore how these very first ODS-bodies are set up and which very first experiences they have made. Continue reading >>
30 May 2024

Follow Me to Unregulated Waters!

In this article, I will demonstrate how some major platforms are failing to ​properly ​implement the Digital Service Act's (DSA) rules on notice and action mechanisms. In my view, many platforms are ​unduly ​nudging potential notice-senders to submit weak, largely unregulated Community Standards flags. At the same time, platforms are actively deterring users from submitting (strong) notices regulated under the DSA. Continue reading >>
13 February 2024

Das Bundeskriminalamt als überdimsensionierte Plattformpolizei

Das von der Bundesregierung vorgeschlagene Digitale-Dienste-Gesetz (DDG-E) soll im Bundestag bis zum März abschließend verhandelt werden und dann schon im April in Kraft treten. Ein wichtiger Aspekt des Gesetzentwurfs erhält bisher zu wenig Aufmerksamkeit: Was genau soll eigentlich das Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) nach § 13 DDG-E - der nationalen „Begleitgesetzgebung” zu Art. 18 Digital Services Act (DSA) - machen? Ist diese Rolle im gegenwärtigen Entwurf hinreichend abgesichert? Und bedarf es dafür wirklich - wie geplant - 450 Stellen? Continue reading >>
23 March 2023

Political Advertising and Disinformation

Over a year ago, the European Commission presented its Proposal for a Regulation on the transparency and targeting of political advertising (COM(2021) 731 final). Recently, the Council presented its General Approach, followed by the position of the European Parliament (EP). While stakeholders are waiting for the trilogue negotiations to shape the final text of the legislation, critical voices are raising concerns. Concerns are that under the future regulation online platforms might have to de-amplify such independent content Continue reading >>
13 March 2023

Politische Werbung und Desinformation

Zum Verordnungs-Entwurf der Europäischen Kommission über die Transparenz und das Targeting politischer Werbung (COM(2021) 731 final) liegt inzwischen die Gemeinsame Ausrichtung des Rats der Europäischen Union als auch die gemeinsame Position des Europäischen Parlaments vor. Nun beginnen die abschließenden Trilog-Verhandlungen. Dem VO-Entwurf geht es um die Eindämmung von Gefahren durch politische Online-Desinformationskampagnen. Aufhorchen lassen Stimmen aus der Zivilgesellschaft, die eine zu weitgehende Erfassung auch privater oder unabhängiger politischer Meinungskundgabe fürchten. Continue reading >>
16 March 2022

A Self-Regulatory Race to the Bottom through Out-of-Court Dispute Settlement in the Digital Services Act

Art. 18 of the draft Digital Services Act [Art. 21 in the final text] will introduce new dispute settlement processes. This addresses a legitimate policy concern, namely the need to enable effective recourse mechanisms for platform decisions. However, the concept fails when trying to combine the best of two worlds: solving disputes through real courts as well as through self-regulation. Art. 18 [Art. 21 in the final text] DSA raises serious concerns and should be substantially modified. Continue reading >>
27 July 2021

YouTube vs. das NetzDG

Nachdem es hierzu in den vergangenen Tagen schon Gerüchte gab, hat das Verwaltungsgericht Köln heute bestätigt, dass Google Ireland Limited, welche YouTube betreibt, in der Hauptsache negative Feststellungsklage gegen die Bundesrepublik Deutschland vor dem VG Köln erhoben und parallel Eilrechtsschutz beantragt hat. Google möchte klären,  dass der neue § 3a NetzDG (sog. BKA-Meldepflicht) sowie der neue § 4a Abs. 3 NetzDG (Auskunftspflicht des Anbieters im Aufsichtsverfahren) unwirksam sind, beziehungsweise hieraus keine Pflichten für YouTube folgen. Wenn YouTube hier Erfolg hat, könnte das wohl das ganze NetzDG zu Fall bringen. Continue reading >>
24 June 2021

The Digital Services Act wants you to “sue” Facebook over content decisions in private de facto courts

According to Art. 18 of the Commission’s draft for a Digital Services Act [Art. 21 of the final text], Member States shall certify out-of-court dispute settlement bodies which might - at the request of online platform users - review platform decisions. While well-intentioned, this introduction of quasi-courts is incompatible with European Law. Continue reading >>
27 April 2021

Ireland cannot do it alone

Due diligence obligations for online platforms are probably the most relevant aspect of the European Commission’s proposal for a Digital Services Act (DSA). However, the DSA's proposed oversight structure is based on the country of origin approach, which has proven difficult in the past. An alternative oversight model which would allow for all Member States, especially the ones who are willing and capable to spend resources to contribute to the oversight over very large platforms, is preferable. Continue reading >>
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