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POSTS BY Gábor Halmai
07 May 2015

Viktor Orbán’s rampage to attract more far right voters

The latest dangerous ideas of PM Orbán and his government to reintroduce the death penalty in Hungary, to legitimate the disclosure of immigrants through the foreseeable result of a ‘national consultation’, and to legalize the segregation of Roma in public education further undermine the democratic values of Article 2 of the Treaty of the European Union. This new wave of anti-rule-of-law populism is a direct consequence of the continuous decline of the governing party’s popularity. Continue reading >>
28 August 2014

Illiberal Democracy and Beyond in Hungary

Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orbán describes his country as "illiberal state", citing as role models authoritarian regimes like Putin’s Russia and dictatorial governments like China. As with citizens in any other nation-state, Hungarians certainly have the right to oppose the development of a liberal political system, if they are willing to accept certain consequences such as parting from the European Union and the wider community of liberal democracies. However, this conclusion must be reached through a democratic process, unlike the constitution making that took place in 2011, when Hungary’s leaders neglected to consult the people on their opinions about the very nature of the constitution. Continue reading >>
28 August 2014

Illiberal Democracy and Beyond in Hungary

Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orbán describes his country as "illiberal state", citing as role models authoritarian regimes like Putin’s Russia and dictatorial governments like China. As with citizens in any other nation-state, Hungarians certainly have the right to oppose the development of a liberal political system, if they are willing to accept certain consequences such as parting from the European Union and the wider community of liberal democracies. However, this conclusion must be reached through a democratic process, unlike the constitution making that took place in 2011, when Hungary’s leaders neglected to consult the people on their opinions about the very nature of the constitution. Continue reading >>
15 July 2013

Guys with Guns vs. Guys with Reports: Egyptian and Hungarian Comparisons

Sind Fidesz und die Muslimbrüderschaft vergleichbare Phänomene? Gábor Halmai über Parallelen und Unterschiede zwischen Ägypten und Ungarn. Continue reading >>
04 February 2013

Ungarns Verfassungsgericht: Das Imperium schlägt zurück

Das ungarische Verfassungsgericht, so scheint es, ist trotz aller Versuche [...] Continue reading >>
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