23 April 2017
Populist Constitutions – A Contradiction in Terms?
The meaning of “populism” is deeply contested. It is striking, [...] Continue reading >>
15 March 2014
The Commission gets the point – but not necessarily the instruments
This week the European Commission issued a Communication about a new framework for protecting the rule of law within EU Member States.[1] Is this the long hoped for mechanism that allows the EU to deal with internal threats to liberal democracy (the democratic deficits within Member States, so to speak) effectively? The clear-cut answer is: yes and no. This week the European Commission issued a Communication about a new framework for protecting the rule of law within EU Member States.[1] Is this the long hoped for mechanism that allows the EU to deal with internal threats to liberal democracy (the democratic deficits within Member States, so to speak) effectively? The clear-cut answer is: yes and no. Continue reading >>23 June 2013
The Idea of Democracy Protection in the EU Revisited
Im Umgang mit Mitgliedsstaaten, in denen Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit ins Rutschen kommen, zeigen sich EU-Kommission und EU-Parlament weniger hilflos und unentschlossen, als manche befürchtet hatten. Doch reicht solch punktueller Druck aus? Jan-Werner Müller berichtet über die jüngsten Entwicklungen in Brüssel und antwortet zum Abschluss des Verfassungsblogs-Symposiums "Ungarn - was tun?" auf die Kritiker seines Vorschlags, als unabhängige Instanz eine "Kopenhagen-Kommission" einzurichten. Continue reading >>23 June 2013
The Idea of Democracy Protection in the EU Revisited
The EU Commission and the EU Parliament seem to be less ineffective than some expected in responding to deteriorations in democracy and rule of law within member states like Hungary. But will such selective pressure suffice? Jan-Werner Müller reports on the most recent developments in Brussels and, in a final contribution to Verfassungsblog's online symposium "Hungary – Taking Action", answers to the critics of his suggestion to install an independent "Copenhagen Commission". Continue reading >>
13 March 2013
Die EU als wehrhafte Demokratie, oder: Warum Brüssel eine Kopenhagen-Kommission braucht
Kann es innerhalb der Europäischen Union eine Diktatur geben? Vor [...] Continue reading >>13 March 2013
Protecting Democracy and the Rule of Law inside the EU, or: Why Europe Needs a Copenhagen Commission
Could there be a dictatorship inside the European Union? If [...] Continue reading >>