28 May 2018

The People vs. the Elite: Italian Dialectics and the European Malaise

Has the Italian President power of veto over the choice of the ministers of the government? Some argue that the Constitution does not allow Mattarella to go against the indications of the winning parties and should respect the will of the majority of the electorate, and should abstain from interfering with the political choices of the future Prime Minister. These considerations are not correct and follow from a superficial reading of the Constitution. Continue reading >>

“A Bad Workman always Blames his Tools”: an Interview with LAURENT PECH

Constitutional capture in Poland and Hungary and what to expect from the European Commission, the Council and the Court of Justice: an interview with Laurent Pech. Continue reading >>
25 May 2018

Transnational Partisanship vs Transnational Democracy

The European Parliament has called for he creation of a European cross-border constituency, a transnational list of candidates from across the continent. This idea, recently popularised by French president Emmanuel Macron, has been gutted by the European People's Party, though – a move which could itself be seen as a powerful manifestation of the importance of transnational partisanship in the EU. Continue reading >>
23 May 2018

Caviar, Corruption and Compliance – New Challenges for the Council of Europe

Compliance with judicial decisions often poses challenges, all the more so when international courts such as the European Court of Human Rights are involved. How to react to a failure to abide by judgments of the ECHR has been a question for the Council of Europe for some time. But the suspicious background of a currently unfolding episode involving Azerbaijan may offer an unusually clear justification for a strong reaction even to a single case of non-compliance. Continue reading >>

Crossing the Rubicon

During the last weeks, a group of Greek anarchists that go by the name of Rubicon has attacked the Council of State and a number of other public buildings. So pervasive is the activity of this group of disruptors that it has become the background to a new normality in Greece. Rubicon is not a terrorist group, it is not a political party, it is not a group of vigilante Robin Hoods. It is the symptom of a disease. The disease is the brutalisation of a frustrated, enraged society that hates everyone and also hates itself. Continue reading >>
22 May 2018

Ethnocentric Mambo in Catalonia

Catalonia is a fragile object. As in many other places, history has assembled fragments without completely fusing them, leaving behind scars that remind us of the effort required to join what is diverse. These scars demand special attention because, contrary to societies where the wounds that produced them are old and almost forgotten, in Catalonia many of the wounds were still suppurating just a few decades ago. As they do now. For months, we have been at risk of tearing them open. Continue reading >>
21 May 2018

Save the Constitution!

India's oppositional Congress party wants to impeach Dipak Misra, the Chief Justice of India, who stands accused of allocating cases to the respective benches at his own, politically right-leaning whim. In its fight against the governing BJP party, the Congress party has launched a "Save the Constitution!" campaign. Unfortunately, its leader Rahul Ghandi's family has a history of entanglement with the constitution of its own. Continue reading >>

Kundin oder Kunde – Geschlechtergerechte Sprache revisited

Vor gut zwei Monaten hat der Bundesgerichtshof sein Urteil zur geschlechtergerechten Sprache in Bankformularen gefällt und damit eine Menge Aufregung erzeugt. Jetzt liegen die Urteilsgründe vor. Obwohl schon viel Sinnvolles zu diesem Urteil geschrieben wurde, lohnt dennoch ein erneuter Blick aus sprachwissenschaftlicher Sicht auf die Argumente, mit denen das oberste deutsche Zivilgericht der 80-jährigen Klägerin das Recht darauf verneint, als „Kundin“ angesprochen zu werden und nicht als „Kunde“. Continue reading >>
20 May 2018

Nicht nur eine Frage der Finanzierung: Karlsruhe verhandelt zum Rundfunkbeitrag

Dass das Bundesverfassungsgericht letzte Woche zum Rundfunkbeitrag zwei Tage mündlich verhandelt hat, überrascht auch vor dem Hintergrund, dass das Bundesverwaltungsgericht alle relevanten Fragen schon geprüft hatte. Wenn das Gericht nun doch grundsätzlicher prüft, stellen sich im Wesentlichen zwei Fragen: Ist der Beitrag in der aktuellen Ausgestaltung wirklich als Gegenleistung für den individuell zurechenbaren Vorteil anzusehen, die öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkprogramme empfangen zu können? Und wird dieser Vorteil verlässlich erfasst, wenn die Beitragspflicht einzig darauf abstellt, dass jemand eine Wohnung unterhält? Continue reading >>
18 May 2018

There is No Such Thing As a Particular „Center and Eastern European Constitutionalism“

After a new landslide electoral victory by the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, a fresh perspective on constitutional developments in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) has started taking shape. It could be described as constitutional appeasement. The argument goes that given a widespread popular support for the constitutionally backsliding regimes in Hungary, Poland as well as elsewhere, we should start examining our own theoretical premises from which we have been observing and evaluating the developments in CEE. Perhaps, there is not everything wrong with CEE political and institutional developments? Continue reading >>

Dashcams: Wenn die ZPO erlaubt, was das Datenschutzrecht verbietet

Mit Dashcams den Verkehr aufzuzeichnen, kann nach einem Unfall in einem zivilrechtlichen Haftpflichtprozess sehr nützlich sein - obwohl man das datenschutzrechtlich eigentlich nicht darf. Der BGH hat in dieser Woche zwei rechtliche Problemlagen geklärt, die deutsche Gerichte seit geraumer Zeit beschäftigt haben: Zum einen betrifft dies die datenschutzrechtliche Zulässigkeit des Einsatzes von Dashcams im öffentlichen Verkehrsraum. Zum anderen deren zivilprozessuale Verwertbarkeit, insbesondere wenn die Aufnahmen rechtswidrig erfolgten. Continue reading >>
17 May 2018

The Białowieża case. A Tragedy in Six Acts

In the judgment of 18th of April 2018 the European Court of Justice has ruled (unsurprisingly) that by carrying on logging activities on the UNESCO-protected Białowieża Forest, Poland has failed to fulfil its obligations under EU law. In the Białowieża case the process of judicialization of the EU governance called for a concerted action and dual commitments: from the Court and the Commission. The Court did its part, Commission failed and reverted to its bad ways from the past: negotiating with the government who has been giving short shrift to the Commission and to the core values of the EU law for two years and will continue doing that under the pretense of striving for a compromise with the EU. The Commission continues to be missing one crucial element: the politics of resentment are not just one-off aberration. Continue reading >>
15 May 2018

From DNA Tracing to DNA Phenotyping – Open Legal Issues and Risks in the new Bavarian Police Task Act (PAG) and beyond

Is Germany facing a tidal shift in police powers? Does the border between the prosecution of criminal offences and the prevention of looming dangers, which has so far been regarded as self-evident and constitutionally necessary, fall? Will people who are suspected of maybe committing crimes in the future only on the basis of statistical data or non-individualized investigative approaches be preventively restricted in their fundamental rights and even imprisoned in the long term? Is Germany on the way to comprehensive predictive policing, for which considerable risks of discrimination will be accepted? These questions arise from the critics of the draft act on police tasks, which the Bavarian state government intends to pass this week. Beside drones and online seizure one of the crucial investigative issues is the so called “DNA phenotyping”. Continue reading >>

The Israeli Override Clause and the Future of Israeli Democracy

The recent proposals to enact an override clause to the Israeli Basic Law; Human Dignity and Liberty has triggered a fierce public debate in Israeli legal and political circles. Under this proposal, the Knesset could reenact a statute that was declared void by the courts.   As is characteristic of such debates, the proponents and opponents of the override clause claim to defend democracy, strengthen the protection of rights and defend restore the proper balance between different branches of government. The purpose of this post is to explain the background of this debate and evaluate the pros and cons of the override clause in the Israeli context. Continue reading >>
14 May 2018

Judges under Attack in Hungary

Judges seem to irritate the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán who likes to talk officially about “the judicial state” and irresponsible judges. Despite many problems with judicial autonomy and practice, judicial independence itself has remained relatively intact from overt political influence so far. More precisely: the governing party and its friends could not completely rely on the courts to get favorable decisions. For example, governmental bodies have regularly lost cases initiated by civil legal organizations for the release of public information. That, however, might change after Orbán’s latest electoral victory. Continue reading >>
13 May 2018

10 Facts on Poland for the Consideration of the European Court of Justice

In June, the European Court of Justice is to decide whether, despite massive legislative changes, the Polish judiciary is still independent and therefore able to ensure a fair trial to people extradited to Poland on the basis of a European Arrest Warrant. Marcin Matczak, a Polish lawyer, uses the old tradition of the amicus curiae letter – a letter from a friend of the court – to depict the situation of the Polish judiciary in 2018. Continue reading >>
11 May 2018

“Passive Indoctrination” as a Terrorist Offense in Spain – A Regression from Constitutional Rights?

Spanish counter-terrorist legislation was originally aimed at fighting local terrorism of a nationalist nature. In Spain, the phenomenon was so present during the constituent process that the Constitution itself included a provision that allows certain fundamental rights to be suspended for specific persons, “in relation to the investigations corresponding to the actions of armed bands or terrorist elements” (art. 55.2 EC –Spanish Constitution-). Continue reading >>

The Case Law of the Bundesverfassungsgericht on Counterterrorist Measures

Ever since 9/11, a multitude of laws against terrorism have been adopted, both on the federal level and on the level of the Länder (which in Germany are mainly responsible for the police). The 2002 “Law on suppression of international terrorism” was only the first of many to follow: immediately after 9/11, the Federal Ministry of the Interior seized the opportunity to introduce counterterrorist measures that had been on its agenda for quite some time. Continue reading >>
10 May 2018

Excesses of Counter-Terrorism and Constitutional Review in France: The Example of the Criminalisation of the Consultation of Websites

In the span of three years, France has adopted no […] Continue reading >>
09 May 2018

China’s Constitution and the People’s War on Terror

When HU Bo posted his tweet in July 2014, he […] Continue reading >>

Ein Feiertag für Europa

Vor einigen Wochen wurde bekannt, dass der Berliner Senat die Einführung eines neuen gesetzlichen Feiertags plant. Laut dem Regierenden Bürgermeister Michael Müller soll es sich dabei um einen Anlass handeln, „der eine politische Relevanz in unserer Geschichte hat“. Welcher Tag es genau sein wird, ist allerdings noch offen. Das Blog Der (europäische) Föderalist hat zusammen mit The European Moment einen Aufruf initiiert, diesen künftigen Berliner Feiertag auf den Europatag am 9. Mai zu legen. Continue reading >>

The State of Emergency, Non-Refoulement and the Turkish Constitutional Court

There is almost not a day that passes without terrorism […] Continue reading >>
08 May 2018

Leges fugitivae: Wie Recht verschwindet

In Österreich vollzieht sich leise und beinahe unbemerkt die größte „Rechtsbereinigung“ seiner Geschichte. Alle Gesetze, die vor dem 1. Jänner 2000 verabschiedet wurden und weiterhin in Geltung bleiben sollen, werden im Anhang des Entwurfs zum Zweiten Bundesrechtsbereinigungsgesetz aufgelistet. Diese Liste umfasst 224 Seiten. Was nicht in diesem Katalog aufgenommen wird, soll seine Geltung verlieren. Mit Ordnungsliebe allein lässt sich dieses Projekt kaum erklären. Continue reading >>

State Secrecy in Counterterrorism: Different Judicial Standards of Review – The Abu Omar Case before Italian Courts

State secrecy provides an interesting viewpoint on national and supranational […] Continue reading >>

Is Travel to Syrian Warfare a Terrorist Crime? The Finnish Case

On 24 January 2018, the Helsinki District Court of 24 January 2018 ruled on an alleged plan by three Muslim men, all Finnish nationals, to travel to Syria and join the ongoing armed conflict there. The prosecutor chose to base the charges on Section 2, Preparation of an offence to be committed with terrorist aim, under the construction that joining the armed opposition forces in Syria so as to engage in hostilities against the official army of the al-Assad regime, could have resulted in death or injury to members of the Syrian military forces. Continue reading >>
07 May 2018

Mit dreierlei Maß – Ellwangen und das Rechtsstaats­verständnis der Deutschen

Wer am Wochenende die politische Debatte und auf Twitter den Hashtag #Ellwangen verfolgt hat, könnte den Eindruck gewinnen Deutschland stehe kurz vor einem Bürgerkrieg. Dabei hatten Flüchtlinge nur versucht, die Überstellung ihres Mitbewohners im Rahmen des Dubliner-Zuständigkeitssystems nach Italien zu verhindern, ein Akt des zivilen Ungehorsams. Was immer in Ellwangen tatsächlich passiert ist, eines zeigt dieser Vorfall ganz deutlich: In Deutschland wird der Rechtsstaat mit dreierlei Maß gemessen. Continue reading >>

The Right to Fair Trial and the Rise of Sensitive Intelligence Evidence: Responses from the Dutch and UK Courts

Writing extra-judicially, Lord Justice Brown once described the typical court […] Continue reading >>

Courts and Counter-Terrorism: the Last Line of Defence?

Terrorism is all over the news these days but not […] Continue reading >>