27 May 2015
An Empire of Capital? Transatlantic Investment Protection as the Institutionalization of Unjustified Privilege
The field of investor state arbitration is historically connected to purposes and contexts, which are strikingly different from the contemporary world of trade and investment relations between liberal constitutional democracies. What might conceivably have been a mutually useful policy instrument in the relationship between developing and developed countries has no plausible role to play in the relationship between developed liberal constitutional democracies. The idea of investment arbitration as a field with its own separate dispute resolution infrastructure should be seen as an inherently dubious transitional phenomenon that deserves to wither away over time, rather than being reformed. Continue reading >>
26 May 2015
Gleiche Rechte als Sonderrechte?
Nach dem Referendum in Irland ist es auch in Deutschland an der Zeit, die Ehe für gleichgeschlechtliche Paare zu öffnen. Als politischer Zwischenschritt war das Lebenspartnerschaftsgesetz äußerst wichtig und hat viel in Bewegung gesetzt. Aber ein Sonderrecht, wie es sich in der Sonderbezeichnung als Lebenspartnerschaft statt Ehe ausdrückt und in den vielen fortbestehenden Ungleichbehandlungen in Einzelrechten niederschlägt, das entspricht nicht dem fundamentalen Anspruch von gleichgeschlechtlichen Paaren auf Anerkennung ihrer Gleichheit mit verschiedengeschlechtlichen Paaren. Sonst werden gleichgeschlechtlich liebende Menschen rechtlich weiterhin als Bürger*innen zweiter Klasse behandelt. Nur die gleiche Ehe für gleichgeschlechtliche wie verschiedengeschlechtliche Paare löst das verfassungsrechtliche Gleichheitsversprechen des Grundgesetzes ein. Continue reading >>22 May 2015
Giving Greece a chance
Opinion piece by members of the Eiffel Group and the [...] Continue reading >>Donnons sa chance à la Grèce
Dix-neuf personnalités économiques et politiques, françaises et allemandes, se prononcent contre toute résignation à la fausse solution du «Grexit». Continue reading >>
Helft Griechenland!
19 Intellektuelle aus Deutschland und Frankreich fordern, das Krisenland in der Euro-Zone zu halten. Nötig seien Reformen, eine Sonderwirtschaftszone und noch ein Hilfsprogramm. Continue reading >>19 May 2015
“Germany should take up a leadership role towards a global solidarity system of refugee protection”
Is the European Union with its motion for military intervention against refugee smugglers asking the UN Security Council to bless a blatant breach of international human rights law? James C. Hathaway, one of the most respected experts on international refugee law in the world, on Europe's response to the refugee crisis in the Mediterranean Sea, on its failure to provide protection for the 4 million refugees from Syria and the urgent need for a global system of shared responsibility. Continue reading >>
Dublin ist gescheitert: Thesen zum Umbau des europäischen Asylsystems
Wer in Europa Zuflucht sucht, bekommt es mit dem so genannten Dublin-System zu tun: In der Dublin-Verordnung ist geregelt, welcher europäische Staat sich um welchen Asylbewerber kümmert. Das Dublin-System dient von seinem Ursprung im Schengenrecht her primär Staateninteressen. Jeder Flüchtling soll innerhalb des Kooperationsraumes ein Asylverfahren erhalten, die Zuständigkeit dafür soll effizient geklärt werden, wobei zentraler Zuordnungsgrund der Ersteintritt ist (Verursacherprinzip). Dieses System ist gescheitert. Continue reading >>18 May 2015
Europäische Freizügigkeit für Flüchtlinge: Warum die EU-Quote gegen die Interessen der Flüchtlinge gerichtet ist
Die EU-Kommission plant, die Verteilung ankommender Flüchtlinge in der EU künftig über eine Quote zu regulieren. Ob es dazu kommt, ist angesichts massiver Widerstände in vielen Mitgliedstaaten mehr als fraglich. Aber selbst wenn – ist die Quote tatsächlich der große Durchbruch, als der sie von vielen gefeiert wird, oder nur ein Versuch, die Komplexität von Migrationsbewegungen und Flucht durch ein mathematisches Verfahren bürokratisch zu organisieren? Continue reading >>13 May 2015
Legal implications of human rights reform in the UK
The return of a majority Conservative government in last week’s general election in the UK has made the Conservative Party’s plans for reforming human rights law in the United Kingdom a likely prospect. It is recalled that on 3 October 2014, the Conservative Party published its policy document ‘Protecting Human Rights in the UK’ which sets out its proposal to repeal the Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA) and replace it with a new British Bill of Rights. In addition, the policy document also raised the prospect that the UK might withdraw from the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). But none of that is as easy as it sounds. Continue reading >>
Legal implications of human rights reform in the UK
The return of a majority Conservative government in last week’s general election in the UK has made the Conservative Party’s plans for reforming human rights law in the United Kingdom a likely prospect. It is recalled that on 3 October 2014, the Conservative Party published its policy document ‘Protecting Human Rights in the UK’ which sets out its proposal to repeal the Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA) and replace it with a new British Bill of Rights. In addition, the policy document also raised the prospect that the UK might withdraw from the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). But none of that is as easy as it sounds. Continue reading >>10 May 2015
“Brexit/Scot-in”: could a non-independent Scotland stay in the European Union in case of a Brexit?
If the UK will leave the European Union after a Brexit referendum in 2017, Scotland will either have to secede or, unwillingly, leave the EU along with the rest of the Kingdom. Or so goes conventional wisdom. Is the prospect of a non-independent Scotland remaining part of the EU while the UK leaves really totally inconceivable? Not entirely. Continue reading >>“Brexit/Scot-in”: could a non-independent Scotland stay in the European Union in case of a Brexit?
If the UK will leave the European Union after a Brexit referendum in 2017, Scotland will either have to secede or, unwillingly, leave the EU along with the rest of the Kingdom. Or so goes conventional wisdom. Is the prospect of a non-independent Scotland remaining part of the EU while the UK leaves really totally inconceivable? Not entirely. Continue reading >>07 May 2015
Viktor Orbán’s rampage to attract more far right voters
The latest dangerous ideas of PM Orbán and his government to reintroduce the death penalty in Hungary, to legitimate the disclosure of immigrants through the foreseeable result of a ‘national consultation’, and to legalize the segregation of Roma in public education further undermine the democratic values of Article 2 of the Treaty of the European Union. This new wave of anti-rule-of-law populism is a direct consequence of the continuous decline of the governing party’s popularity. Continue reading >>Viktor Orbán’s rampage to attract more far right voters
The latest dangerous ideas of PM Orbán and his government to reintroduce the death penalty in Hungary, to legitimate the disclosure of immigrants through the foreseeable result of a ‘national consultation’, and to legalize the segregation of Roma in public education further undermine the democratic values of Article 2 of the Treaty of the European Union. This new wave of anti-rule-of-law populism is a direct consequence of the continuous decline of the governing party’s popularity. Continue reading >>
06 May 2015
PKW-Maut: Nächster Halt Bundespräsidialamt
Am Freitag entscheidet der Bundesrat, ob in Sachen PKW-Maut der Vermittlungsausschuss angerufen wird. Aber selbst wenn nicht: die Zweifel, ob die Maut europarechtlich überhaupt zulässig ist, bleiben bestehen. Kann der Bundespräsident das Gesetz vor seiner Ausfertigung nicht auch auf seine Vereinbarkeit mit dem Europarecht prüfen? Sowohl aus verfassungs- als auch aus europarechtlicher Sicht spricht viel dafür. Continue reading >>05 May 2015
A Never-Ending Story : Die Vorratsdatenspeicherung
Nach zunächst tapferem Widerstand hat sich jetzt das Bundesministerium für Justiz und Verbraucherschutz entschlossen, dem Drängen der Big-Data-Fraktion nachzugeben und erneut eine Vorratsdatenspeicherung in Deutschland mitzutragen. Die Salami-Taktik des Ministeriums, erst einmal eine grobe Richtschnur in den Raum zu stellen, um dann noch in concreto nachbessern zu können, zeigt, wie unsicher man sich dort eigentlich ist. Und dies durchaus zu Recht. Man würde sich wünschen, dass das Bauchgrimmen des Ministeriums, das sich bisher in bemerkenswerter Weise zugunsten von Privatheit und Datenschutz hervorgetan hat, wieder auf diese Tugenden besinnt und endgültig an der „Vorratsdatenspeicherung“ nicht weiterschreibt. Continue reading >>01 May 2015
Die Angst vor der epistemischen Unsicherheit: das gruppenspezifische Blutspendeverbot vor dem EuGH
Gestern urteilte der EuGH über die Vereinbarkeit des französischen Blutspendeverbots für Männer, die gleichgeschlechtliche Sexualkontakte haben. Nachdem er sich in letzter Zeit vor allem im Bereich des Datenschutzes durchaus als Grundrechtsgericht profiliert hat, bestätigt sich diese Tendenz auch im vorliegenden Urteil, das sich durch eine detaillierte Grundrechtsprüfung mit ausgewogener Verhältnismäßigkeitsprüfung auszeichnet. Für die Zukunft ist dem EuGH auch aus Eigeninteresse anzuraten, künftig mutiger auch unter epistemischer Unsicherheit zu entscheiden und diese grundrechtsdogmatisch operabel zu machen. Continue reading >>
27 April 2015
Bundesnachrichtendienst und NSA: zu viele offene Fragen
Die Skandalchronik des Bundesnachrichtendienstes, so scheint es, ist um ein Kapitel reicher. Glaubt man dem SPIEGEL und anderen Presseorganen, soll der amerikanische Nachrichtendienst NSA dem Bundesnachrichtendienst Indikatoren für dessen technische Aufklärung übermittelt haben. Doch der geschilderte Sachverhalt lässt sich nämlich auf zwei verschiedene Weisen interpretieren. In der einen wäre das Verhalten des BND rundum rechtmäßig, in der anderen dagegen grob rechtswidrig. Continue reading >>25 April 2015
Slovenia constitutionally reloaded, but still failing
Some time ago this blog has lent itself as a platform for an intense debate on a systemic rule of law and democracy defiance in several EU Member States, most notably in Hungary. In that context, I contributed a short post on what I then called the de facto failed Slovenian democracy. I described a judicial process against the leader of the opposition, who was accused and convicted with the force of res judicata exclusively on the basis of circumstantial evidence for having accepted a promise of an unknown award at a vaguely determined time, at an undetermined place and by an undetermined mode of communication to use his influence, then as a Prime Minister, to have a military contract awarded to the Finnish company Patria. The ruling was confirmed by the Supreme Court and then appealed to the Constitutional Court. Two days ago the latter quashed the entire process. Continue reading >>
Slovenia constitutionally reloaded, but still failing
Some time ago this blog has lent itself as a platform for an intense debate on a systemic rule of law and democracy defiance in several EU Member States, most notably in Hungary. In that context, I contributed a short post on what I then called the de facto failed Slovenian democracy. I described a judicial process against the leader of the opposition, who was accused and convicted with the force of res judicata exclusively on the basis of circumstantial evidence for having accepted a promise of an unknown award at a vaguely determined time, at an undetermined place and by an undetermined mode of communication to use his influence, then as a Prime Minister, to have a military contract awarded to the Finnish company Patria. The ruling was confirmed by the Supreme Court and then appealed to the Constitutional Court. Two days ago the latter quashed the entire process. Continue reading >>
24 April 2015
Dr. “Law-Discoverer” and Mr. “Law-Maker”: the Strange Case of Case-Law in France.
The legal status of case-law is ambiguous in most legal systems. It is in fact a constitutional matter, a matter of separation of powers. If the judges can “make” the law, doesn’t it make them the equivalent of the legislative power? The legal situation of case-law in France traditionally reflects this ambiguity. However, a recent trend in French law seems to imply that case-law is progressively accepted as a source of law. The latest example of this is a decision from the Tribunal des conflits on the 9th March 2015. Continue reading >>
Dr. “Law-Discoverer” and Mr. “Law-Maker”: the Strange Case of Case-Law in France.
The legal status of case-law is ambiguous in most legal systems. It is in fact a constitutional matter, a matter of separation of powers. If the judges can “make” the law, doesn’t it make them the equivalent of the legislative power? The legal situation of case-law in France traditionally reflects this ambiguity. However, a recent trend in French law seems to imply that case-law is progressively accepted as a source of law. The latest example of this is a decision from the Tribunal des conflits on the 9th March 2015. Continue reading >>
21 April 2015
Asylum Policy in the EU: Holy Saint Florian, Spare this Cottage, Burn the Other One!
In the past days, an estimated 1,000 people drowned in the Mediterranean, when two boats sank in quick succession. The urgent call for a search and rescue system adequate to the situation is completely justified. Assistance in distress at sea is an age-old international obligation, which was laid down in several international treaties, and to denounce it as support for smugglers is as cynical as it is misleading. If smugglers aren’t to profit from these needs, legal access to asylum must be opened—showing the very solidarity to overstrained countries in the region that the Refugee Convention demands in its preamble. This requires a radically different approach; the measures envisaged by the EU are but a meager beginning. Continue reading >>Flüchtlingspolitik in der EU: Heiliger Sankt Florian, verschon’ mein Haus, zünd’ and’re an!
In den vergangenen Tagen sind vermutlich über tausend Menschen im Mittelmeer ertrunken, als in kurzer Folge zwei Boote untergingen. Der dringliche Ruf nach einem der Gefahrenlage angemessenen Seenotrettungssystem ist absolut berechtigt und richtig. Die Rettung aus Seenot ist eine uralte völkerrechtliche Pflicht, und sie als Unterstützung für Schlepper anzuprangern, ist so zynisch wie irreführend. Wer nicht will, dass Schlepper profitieren, muss legale Zugangswege zu schützendem Asyl schaffen – und damit überlasteten Aufnahmestaaten in Krisenregionen diejenige Solidarität leisten, die die Präambel der Flüchtlingskonvention einfordert. Das erfordert ein grundlegendes Umdenken; die soeben verabschieden Maßnahmen der EU sind hier allenfalls ein Anfang. Continue reading >>“Italian-style” secession and the semi-indifference of national politics
On April 28th, the Italian Constitutional Court will hold a public hearing on the constitutionality of the planned independence referendum in the northern Italian region of Veneto. Unlike its Scottish and Catalan counterparts, the Veneto secession case has been largely ignored on the national political level in Italy. From a legal point of view, the unconstitutionality of an independence referendum seems hard to deny. But politically, nevertheless, treating regional separatism as a taboo could endanger the very thing it seeks to protect, the one and indivisible Republic of Italy. Continue reading >>
“Italian-style” secession and the semi-indifference of national politics
On April 28th, the Italian Constitutional Court will hold a public hearing on the constitutionality of the planned independence referendum in the northern Italian region of Veneto. Unlike its Scottish and Catalan counterparts, the Veneto secession case has been largely ignored on the national political level in Italy. From a legal point of view, the unconstitutionality of an independence referendum seems hard to deny. But politically, nevertheless, treating regional separatism as a taboo could endanger the very thing it seeks to protect, the one and indivisible Republic of Italy. Continue reading >>
20 April 2015
The UK’s general election: a fundamental change to UK/EU relations?
The result of the current British election campaign could be crucial for the future of the UK’s relations with the European Union. Every UK-wide election party which is likely to win seats in the election has now released its election manifesto, namely: the Conservatives;Labour; Liberal Democrats; UKIP; and the Greens. It’s therefore a good time to examine what the parties are saying about the EU, and what the various post-election scenarios would mean for the UK’s relations with the EU. Continue reading >>The UK’s general election: a fundamental change to UK/EU relations?
The result of the current British election campaign could be crucial for the future of the UK’s relations with the European Union. Every UK-wide election party which is likely to win seats in the election has now released its election manifesto, namely: the Conservatives;Labour; Liberal Democrats; UKIP; and the Greens. It’s therefore a good time to examine what the parties are saying about the EU, and what the various post-election scenarios would mean for the UK’s relations with the EU. Continue reading >>