04 March 2015

A referendum on Britain’s EU membership is a sure fire way to encourage the breakup of the UK

David Cameron has pledged to hold a referendum on the UK’s EU membership if his Conservative party wins a majority at the British general election in May. Jo Murkens writes on the impact an EU referendum would have on the UK’s place in Europe and on the UK as a whole. He argues that the EU referendum debate highlights the extent to which the UK has failed to contribute to the EU’s political goals in key areas like the Ukraine crisis, and that the net effect of the referendum could be to weaken the unity of the United Kingdom itself. Continue reading >>
27 February 2015

„Ausermittelt“ ist nicht gleich aufgeklärt – zur Rolle der Bundesanwaltschaft im NSU-Komplex

Nach der Aufdeckung der NSU-Mordserie gab es viele Stimmen, die eine radikale Reform oder sogar Abschaffung des Verfassungsschutzes forderten. Eine Debatte über die Rolle deutscher Staatsanwaltschaften im Umgang mit dem NSU-Komplex bleibt bislang aus. Continue reading >>
26 February 2015

Poland: trust no one but the law

The Strasbourg court has found that Poland violated the European [...] Continue reading >>

Poland: trust no one but the law

The Strasbourg court has found that Poland violated the European [...] Continue reading >>
25 February 2015

Does property protection entail a right to obtain social benefits under the ECHR?

It goes without saying that a supranational court’s engagement with national social policy is a sensitive endeavour. This is all the more so when the norms this court is protecting are of a ‘classic’, rather than of a socio-economic kind. In the recent case of Béláné Nagy v. Hungary the European Court of Human Rights seemingly recognises a right to obtain social security benefits under Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 to the European Convention on Human Rights, which contains the right to protection of property. The case was decided by a three to four vote and hence might be referred to the Grand Chamber. Yet it is especially the strong and diverging conclusions of the majority and the minority on a sensitive issue like the protection of social security qua property rights issue, that make this judgment worth elaborating upon. Continue reading >>

Does property protection entail a right to obtain social benefits under the ECHR?

It goes without saying that a supranational court’s engagement with national social policy is a sensitive endeavour. This is all the more so when the norms this court is protecting are of a ‘classic’, rather than of a socio-economic kind. In the recent case of Béláné Nagy v. Hungary the European Court of Human Rights seemingly recognises a right to obtain social security benefits under Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 to the European Convention on Human Rights, which contains the right to protection of property. The case was decided by a three to four vote and hence might be referred to the Grand Chamber. Yet it is especially the strong and diverging conclusions of the majority and the minority on a sensitive issue like the protection of social security qua property rights issue, that make this judgment worth elaborating upon. Continue reading >>
24 February 2015

The “Anti-Mosques” Law of Lombardy and Religious Freedom in Italy

Lombardy, Italy’s most populous region, has just enacted a law that seems to be designed to make life for Muslims as hard as possible. On January 27th, the Council of the Lombardy Region has enacted amendments to the Regional Law that regulates the planning of buildings and other structures for religious purposes. These amendments make it extremely cumbersome to build new places of worship for all non-established religious denominations, particularly Muslims – while the still dominant Catholic Church remains exempted from the regulation. Discrimination is not the only aspect of the new law that makes its constitutionality look more than questionable. Continue reading >>

The “Anti-Mosques” Law of Lombardy and Religious Freedom in Italy

Lombardy, Italy’s most populous region, has just enacted a law that seems to be designed to make life for Muslims as hard as possible. On January 27th, the Council of the Lombardy Region has enacted amendments to the Regional Law that regulates the planning of buildings and other structures for religious purposes. These amendments make it extremely cumbersome to build new places of worship for all non-established religious denominations, particularly Muslims – while the still dominant Catholic Church remains exempted from the regulation. Discrimination is not the only aspect of the new law that makes its constitutionality look more than questionable. Continue reading >>
20 February 2015

Von blinden Männern und Elefanten: was kann und sollte die Rechtswissenschaft gegen die „Desintegration“ Europas tun?

Wie weit darf man / muss man als Europarechtler für Europa auf die Barrikaden gehen, vielleicht auch nur im übertragenen Sinne, wenn und soweit die Europäische Union und das europäische Verfassungsrecht in Gefahr sind? Vor der Hintergrundfolie einer Vergewisserung über die Rolle der Wissenschaft vom Europäischen Verfassungsrecht in europäischen Krisenzeiten möchte ich diese Frage in zwei Schritten behandeln. In einem ersten Schritt will ich prüfen, was es mit europäischen Desintegrationsprozessen auf sich haben könnte. In einem zweiten Schritt will ich verschiedene Ebenen der Herausforderungen für die Rechtswissenschaft, namentlich der Europarechtswissenschaft, in den Blick nehmen. Es wird sich zeigen, dass das Hantieren mit Desintegrationskonzepten gegenüber anderen Ansätzen nur begrenzten Mehrwert verspricht. Continue reading >>
17 February 2015

Who’s Afraid of National Parliaments’ “Green Card”?

Five years from the entry of the Lisbon Treaty into force, national parliaments are evaluating the means of their influence and control over the EU law and policies. New ideas and improvements of existing procedures are being tabled. One of them is the so-called "green card" initiative, explored recently at least by Danish, Dutch and British parliament. In my opinion none of the objections against this proposal is convincing, and there are indeed good reasons for trying out the green card. Continue reading >>

Who’s Afraid of National Parliaments’ “Green Card”?

Five years from the entry of the Lisbon Treaty into force, national parliaments are evaluating the means of their influence and control over the EU law and policies. New ideas and improvements of existing procedures are being tabled. One of them is the so-called "green card" initiative, explored recently at least by Danish, Dutch and British parliament. In my opinion none of the objections against this proposal is convincing, and there are indeed good reasons for trying out the green card. Continue reading >>
09 February 2015

Welcoming Russian Navy to Cyprus Should Be a Violation of EU Law

The struggle for the continued observance of Article 2 TEU values in the EU is on-going. Arguably, it is now much more acute than ever before. The news that Cyprus considers granting the Russian military access to military bases on its territory is just another urgent reminder of the mounting necessity to upgrade the Union’s role in dealing with values crises in the Member States – both internally and externally – issues which are indispensable for the Union’s survival. Continue reading >>

Welcoming Russian Navy to Cyprus Should Be a Violation of EU Law

The struggle for the continued observance of Article 2 TEU values in the EU is on-going. Arguably, it is now much more acute than ever before. The news that Cyprus considers granting the Russian military access to military bases on its territory is just another urgent reminder of the mounting necessity to upgrade the Union’s role in dealing with values crises in the Member States – both internally and externally – issues which are indispensable for the Union’s survival. Continue reading >>
01 February 2015

CIA Torture Sites in Poland: Thirty Million Dollars for Torture Victims

According to the US Senate report into the CIA rendition programme and prisons, US authorities paid 30 million dollars to Polish secret services in return for the opportunity to establish and operate the CIA detention facility in Stare Kiejkuty. Our country clearly has a lesson to learn. This lesson is to create a comprehensive assistance programme for victims of torture. A sum of 30 million dollars should be enough to finance such a system over the few years following its establishment. Continue reading >>

CIA Torture Sites in Poland: Thirty Million Dollars for Torture Victims

According to the US Senate report into the CIA rendition programme and prisons, US authorities paid 30 million dollars to Polish secret services in return for the opportunity to establish and operate the CIA detention facility in Stare Kiejkuty. Our country clearly has a lesson to learn. This lesson is to create a comprehensive assistance programme for victims of torture. A sum of 30 million dollars should be enough to finance such a system over the few years following its establishment. Continue reading >>
30 January 2015

Will the empire strike back? Strasbourg’s reaction to the CJEU’s accession opinion

Annual reports by international courts are rarely the stuff of controversy or harbingers of judicial conflict. Thus the strongly worded response to the European Court of Justice’s (CJEU) Opinion 2/13 in the annual report of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) presented by President Spielmann yesterday warrants a few comments. It is recalled that the CJEU considered the draft agreement on the EU’s accession to the ECHR to be incompatible with the Treaties on a number of grounds. Academic criticism followed promptly, not least on this blog. The short passage in the President’s foreword to the ECtHR’s annual report, probably squeezed in in the last minute, constitutes a first reaction by the institution most affected by the Opinion. Continue reading >>

Schlägt das Imperium zurück? Die Straßburger Reaktion auf das EuGH-Gutachten zum EMRK-Beitritt

Jahresberichte internationaler Gerichte sorgen selten für Kontroversen oder gar Konflikte zwischen Gerichten. Die scharf formulierte Antwort auf das Gutachten 2/13 des EuGH zum EMRK-Beitritt, zu finden im Jahresbericht des EGMR, der am Donnerstag von Präsident Spielmann vorgestellt wurde, stellt sicherlich eine Ausnahme dar. Der EuGH hatte entschieden, dass der Entwurf eines Beitrittsabkommens der EU zur EMRK aus mehreren Gründen als mit den Verträgen unvereinbar war. Die akademische Kritik folgte prompt. Die kurze Passage im Vorwort des Präsidenten zum Jahresbericht, die wahrscheinlich in letzter Minute eingefügt wurde, stellt die erste Reaktion der Institution dar, die von dem Gutachten am meisten betroffen war. Continue reading >>
29 January 2015

Ritual Animal Slaughter and Public Morality: a Comment on the Decision of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal

A landmark case of a constitutional court can be told by its impact on consecutive judgments and our understanding of constitutional law and practice. Yet, in the jurisprudence of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal, there are a handful of cases considered as landmark decisions not because of their outcome or the way they are decided, but because the Tribunal got them wrong. In this sense, the Polish ritual animal slaughter case is a landmark decision. Continue reading >>

Ritual Animal Slaughter and Public Morality: a Comment on the Decision of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal

A landmark case of a constitutional court can be told by its impact on consecutive judgments and our understanding of constitutional law and practice. Yet, in the jurisprudence of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal, there are a handful of cases considered as landmark decisions not because of their outcome or the way they are decided, but because the Tribunal got them wrong. In this sense, the Polish ritual animal slaughter case is a landmark decision. Continue reading >>
28 January 2015

A Fresh Start: How to Resolve the Conflict between the ICJ and the Italian Constitutional Court

Three months ago the Italian Constitutional Court decided that it would infringe the fundamental rights of Italians to follow the International Court of Justice and uphold state immunity as a barrier for individual claims of war crime victims (decision no. 238 of 2014). First commentators have pointed out the conflict between the two courts and the regime collision between international and domestic law. Germany’s possible reaction to the Italian breach of international law has also been taken into consideration. Finally, the possible role of the Italian Constitutional Court’s reasoning in the further development of international law with regard to state immunity in cases of serious human rights violations, which amount to the breach of a jus cogens rule, has been the focus of some contributions. I would suggest making a fresh start in this debate. What we need right now are procedural mechanisms to harmonize for the future, as far as possible, the claim of sovereign immunity and access to the courts, in case a state happens to be in a better position to settle the dispute at the international level in the interests of the victims. Continue reading >>

A Fresh Start: How to Resolve the Conflict between the ICJ and the Italian Constitutional Court

Three months ago the Italian Constitutional Court decided that it would infringe the fundamental rights of Italians to follow the International Court of Justice and uphold state immunity as a barrier for individual claims of war crime victims (decision no. 238 of 2014). First commentators have pointed out the conflict between the two courts and the regime collision between international and domestic law. Germany’s possible reaction to the Italian breach of international law has also been taken into consideration. Finally, the possible role of the Italian Constitutional Court’s reasoning in the further development of international law with regard to state immunity in cases of serious human rights violations, which amount to the breach of a jus cogens rule, has been the focus of some contributions. I would suggest making a fresh start in this debate. What we need right now are procedural mechanisms to harmonize for the future, as far as possible, the claim of sovereign immunity and access to the courts, in case a state happens to be in a better position to settle the dispute at the international level in the interests of the victims. Continue reading >>
27 January 2015

OMT-Verfahren in der Kritik: Von Juristen, Ökonomen und wer wofür kompetent ist

Daran, dass Ökonomen, die über keinerlei juristische Ausbildung verfügen, über Rechtsfragen räsonieren (oder auch schwadronieren), daran hat man sich in der Eurokrise längst gewöhnt. Dass sie anfangen, Juristen umgekehrt deren freimütige Einräumung ihrer ökonomischen Unkenntnis auch noch anzukreiden, das ist neu. Nichts anderes aber hat Jürgen Stark, immerhin ehemaliger Chefvolkswirt und Mitglied im Direktorium der Europäischen Zentralbank, jedoch getan. Continue reading >>
26 January 2015

Colourful Case Law: Citation Analysis of the German Constitutional Court’s Jurisprudence

Mit wachsender Rechenkraft und allgegenwärtigem Anfallen von Daten hat auch die Netzwerkanalyse als Methode der Sozialforschung rege Verbreitung gefunden. Sie knüpft an den Verbindungen von Einheiten an und sucht hieraus Schlüsse über die Beschaffenheit des Netzwerks und seiner Kausalitäten zu ziehen. Die Netzwerkanalyse wurde beispielsweise zur Erforschung digitaler Einflusssphären ebenso verwendet wie zur Analyse von Terrorzellen. Auch den Entscheidungen des U.S. Supreme Courts und schließlich auch dem deutschen BGB wurde bereits netzwerkanalytisch zu Leibe gerückt. Das Netzwerk, welches sich aus den Verweisungen der Entscheidungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichts aufeinander ergibt, liegt jedoch bisher im Dunkeln. Continue reading >>

Farbenfrohe Rechtsprechung: Verweisungsanalyse von Entscheidungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichts

Mit wachsender Rechenkraft und allgegenwärtigem Anfallen von Daten hat auch die Netzwerkanalyse als Methode der Sozialforschung rege Verbreitung gefunden. Sie knüpft an den Verbindungen von Einheiten an und sucht hieraus Schlüsse über die Beschaffenheit des Netzwerks und seiner Kausalitäten zu ziehen. Die Netzwerkanalyse wurde beispielsweise zur Erforschung digitaler Einflusssphären ebenso verwendet wie zur Analyse von Terrorzellen. Auch den Entscheidungen des U.S. Supreme Courts und schließlich auch dem deutschen BGB wurde bereits netzwerkanalytisch zu Leibe gerückt. Das Netzwerk, welches sich aus den Verweisungen der Entscheidungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichts aufeinander ergibt, liegt jedoch bisher im Dunkeln. Continue reading >>
24 January 2015

A Tale of Two States: Rule of Law in the Age of Terrorism

As a reaction to the recent terrorist attacks in France, several EU member states as well as the EU itself have announced significant anti-terrorism measures. To fear, which is the first result of terrorism, the state has to respond with the wisdom of a legislator, which should not act under the pressure of understandable emotional feelings. The State of Terror wants to spread chilling fear and make people feel alone and without protection by the State of Law. The State of Law should respond by educating its community to the values of legality, tolerance and solidarity. Its duty, in times of fear, is an ethical rather than a police one; it has to make the people leave their isolation and facilitate their social and political inclusion. This action requires concrete actions by political decision-makers. Continue reading >>

A Tale of Two States: Rule of Law in the Age of Terrorism

As a reaction to the recent terrorist attacks in France, several EU member states as well as the EU itself have announced significant anti-terrorism measures. To fear, which is the first result of terrorism, the state has to respond with the wisdom of a legislator, which should not act under the pressure of understandable emotional feelings. The State of Terror wants to spread chilling fear and make people feel alone and without protection by the State of Law. The State of Law should respond by educating its community to the values of legality, tolerance and solidarity. Its duty, in times of fear, is an ethical rather than a police one; it has to make the people leave their isolation and facilitate their social and political inclusion. This action requires concrete actions by political decision-makers. Continue reading >>
20 January 2015

From bad to worse? On the Commission and the Council’s rule of law initiatives

The rule of law is one of the fundamental values on which the EU is founded according to Article 2 TEU. Faced with a rising number of ‘rule of law crises’ in a number of EU countries, the Commission adopted a new ‘pre-Article 7’ procedure last March in order to address any instance where there is a evidence of a systemicthreat to the rule of law. Having criticised the Commission’s initiative primarily on the (unconvincing) ground that it would breach the principle of conferral which governs the allocation of powers between the EU and its Member States, the Council proposed its own solution: a rule of law dialogue between national governments and to be held once a year in Brussels. Both initiatives, and in particular, the Council’s, appear grossly inadequate to tackle the problem of ‘rule of law backsliding post EU accession’ to quote Frans Timmermans, the First Vice-President of the Commission in charge inter alia of the Rule of Law. Continue reading >>

From bad to worse? On the Commission and the Council’s rule of law initiatives

The rule of law is one of the fundamental values on which the EU is founded according to Article 2 TEU. Faced with a rising number of ‘rule of law crises’ in a number of EU countries, the Commission adopted a new ‘pre-Article 7’ procedure last March in order to address any instance where there is a evidence of a systemicthreat to the rule of law. Having criticised the Commission’s initiative primarily on the (unconvincing) ground that it would breach the principle of conferral which governs the allocation of powers between the EU and its Member States, the Council proposed its own solution: a rule of law dialogue between national governments and to be held once a year in Brussels. Both initiatives, and in particular, the Council’s, appear grossly inadequate to tackle the problem of ‘rule of law backsliding post EU accession’ to quote Frans Timmermans, the First Vice-President of the Commission in charge inter alia of the Rule of Law. Continue reading >>