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05 February 2025

Grüße aus den Niederlanden

Am 29. Januar 2025 stimmte der Bundestag über Anträge der Union zur Verschärfung der Migrationspolitik ab. In einem bislang beispiellosen Tabubruch in der Nachkriegsgeschichte der deutschen Politik nahmen Union und FDP erstmals Stimmen der extrem rechten AfD in Kauf. Ein Blick über die Grenze in die Niederlande zeigt, was passiert, wenn Mitte-rechts-Parteien der radikalen Rechten die Hand reichen. Statt sie zu schwächen, legitimiert und stärkt es sie.

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28 November 2023

Dutch Rule of Law Alert

It is never a good sign when Viktor Orbán celebrates the election results of another country. Last Wednesday was one of those days. For the first time in the history of Dutch politics, a far-right party became by far the biggest party in the Dutch parliament. It is bad news in many respects, and even more, because the Dutch constitutional system knows a lack of formal rule of law safeguards. In contrast to countries such as Italy or Germany, the Dutch constitutional system is not prepared for a democratic move to the anti-liberal far right.

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