Ensuring the Mission of Public Service Broadcasters
Public Service Broadcasters (PSBs) are publicly organised and funded broadcasters, organised by each of the EU’s Member State with a great degree of discretion and under a unique legal framework. Politicised interventions and the decline of PSBs’ independence threaten their ability to adequately perform their role and offer citizens a high-quality public service which meets the public’s democratic and cultural needs. The politicisation of PSBs by national authorities, coupled with the increasing concerns about media freedom, shows that some type of regulatory intervention is necessary.
Continue reading >>Biting More Than It Can Chew
Among (too) many other things, the recently adopted European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) introduced an assessment of the impact of media market concentration on media pluralism and editorial independence. It thereby aims to address the growing economic threats media pluralism and freedom have been facing all across Europe. However, when considering recent media merger cases in Poland as well as the substantive and institutional competition law framework, it is uncertain whether the Act will provide efficient solutions.
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Nicht nur in den Kommentarspalten unter Social-Media-Posts von ARD und ZDF werden immer öfter Forderungen nach der Abschaffung des ‚zwangsfinanzierten‘ öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunks (ÖRR) laut. Ähnliche Forderungen genießen auch im analogen Leben große Beliebtheit, vor allem bei Anhängern der AfD. Die AfD sieht den ÖRR als Instrument für „Indoktrination und Propaganda“, das in dieser Form abgeschafft gehört, Björn Höcke hat bereits die Kündigung des Medienstaatsvertrags (MStV) gefordert. Angesichts dieser Entwicklungen und der anstehenden Landtagswahlen in Thüringen, Sachsen und Brandenburg scheint daher die Frage zwingend: Sind die Strukturen des ÖRR gegen Angriffe von Rechtsaußen abgesichert?
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