Help us protect the constitution!

The constitution is increasingly under pressure. To protect it, we need knowledge. And we make that knowledge accessible. Open Access.

We publish up-to-date analyses and commentaries. We spark debates. We raise awareness about threats to the constitution and how they can be countered. In Thuringia. Across Germany. In Europe. Worldwide.

Many are asking what they can do right now. Our answer: Create knowledge. And thus, protect the constitution.

To do so, we need your support.

Your donation makes a difference

Since 2009, the Verfassungsblog has provided a free, open platform where over 3,600 authors have published their contributions. Our content is always accessible to everyone – without paywalls. With your donation, we will be able to sustain this model and ensure free access to legal expertise for a wide audience.

The Constitutional Blog is actively committed to protecting our democracy and the rule of law. We started in Thuringia, and now we are expanding our focus to the entire Federal Republic: We examine how authoritarian populists attack the liberal-democratic constitutional order – in our research, in our blog posts, Open Access. With your donation, we enable thorough research and the development of effective strategies to counter these threats, making our democracy more resilient.

After more than a decade online, it is time to technically revamp the Verfassungsblog and make it future-proof. With your donation, we can develop a modern, user-friendly platform that matches the high quality of our content and meets the needs of both readers and authors.

The protection of the democratic constitution is too important to be left to security agencies alone. We analyze how democratic institutions can better protect themselves against the strategies of authoritarian populists. With this knowledge, society can prepare for what lies ahead. Through the Thuringia Project, we have successfully tested the model. With your donation, you make civil constitutional protection possible.

2025 – A decisive year for our democracy

Much will be decided in 2025. Will democracy survive in the United States? Where is the European Union heading? Who will govern at the federal level? What impact will the authoritarian-populist electoral success in Thuringia, Saxony, and Brandenburg have? What should other federal states be prepared for?

Protecting the constitution means defending the institutions of democracy and the rule of law, and keeping spaces open for free discourse – especially in times when such spaces are becoming increasingly restricted and scare.

The Verfassungsblog is one of those spaces.

Help us keep this space open!


Our donation goal

  • 80.000 € – Essential operations ensured 🎉

  • 220.000 € – Knowledge made available through Open Access 🎉

  • 390.000 € – Taking on a watchdog role for democracy and the rule of law

  • Donation goal reached

What our supporters say

The Verfassungsblog has long become an indispensable platform for legal discussion in Germany and Europe.

Ulf Buermeyer, Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte / Lage der Nation

The Verfassungsblog is a model for how science should be today.

Arne Semsrott, FragDenStaat

Those who seek in-depth information with constitutional law expertise on current issues turn to the Verfassungsblog.

Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, Bundesjustizministerin a.D.

A democratic political public must also engage with legal questions. Unfortunately, most legal experts write in a way that is difficult for non-lawyers to understand. This is where the Verfassungsblog comes in.

Wolfgang Kaleck, European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. As a registered non-profit organisation, donations to us are tax-deductible according to § 10b EStG. At the beginning of the following year, you will receive a consolidated confirmation of your donations for the current year. For donations up to 300 €, a bank statement is usually sufficient as proof for the tax office.

  • You help keeping access to crucial knowledge on constitutional matters open.
  • You take action against the rise of authoritarian populism.
  • You become part of our community.
  • You earn our heartfelt respect and gratitude.

By using our donation tool “twingle” you can send us a one-time donation or donate on a recurring basis. Recurrent donations provide planning security, flexibility and independence from temporary third-party funding.

Of course, an ordinary bank transfer (IBAN DE94 4306 0967 1302 0051 00, BIC GENODEM1GLS, GLS Bank eG ) is perfectly fine as well.

Our donation account is:

  • IBAN: DE94 4306 0967 1302 0051 00
  • Bank: GLS Bank eG in Berlin

We use your donations to cover a part of the costs of running  Verfassungsblog. We are committed to the principle of open access, which means that we will never demand fees from our readers or authors. As a registered non-profit organisation, we are legally obliged to spend the money we receive for altruistic goals – in our case principally the advancement of science and research and of democracy (§ 52 AO).

Steady is designed to serve for-profit customers, not non-profits like us. We can’t hand out tax donation receipts for what we receive through Steady. We will continue to use Steady, and unless you want or need a receipt for your tax return, you don’t need to change anything. Switching to a direct recurring monthly donation, however, is considerably less costly in terms of fees, so more of your donation will be actually reaching us.

Corporate donation

Would you like to actively contribute ti strengthening democracy and the rule of law as a company?

With your corporate donation, you significantly support our work and help us analyze authoritarian threats, keep legal knowledge accessible, and protect the constitution.

You can send your donation via our donation tool “twingle” or make a regular bank transfer to our donation account:

  • IBAN: DE94 4306 0967 1302 0051 00
  • Bank: GLS Bank eG in Berlin

If you have any questions about your donation or support opportunities as a company, please feel free to contact Johannes Kaufhold.

Gift a donation

Looking for a special gift? With a donation to the Verfassungsblog, you can make someone happy while also strengthening our democracy.

Whether for Christmas, birthdays, or any other special occasion: By making a gift donation via our donation tool “twibgle”, you support our wok and open access to legal knowledge. You help ensure that current articles, commentaries, and in-depth analyses remain accessible to everyone.

Thank you for your gift and your donation!

Do you have any questions?

If you have any questions about your donation or the Verfassungsblog, Johannes Kaufhold is happy to assist you. We look forward to hearing from you and will address your inquiry as quickly as possible.