03 March 2022
Time for Military Integration in the EU?
For decades, the EU’s security and defence policy was largely looked at as a theoretical piece in the overall puzzle of the Union’s external role. During the past week, however, the unthinkable happened, and European defence policy has taken a significant leap forward. This brings to fore questions about the legal nature of the security and mutual assistance provisions in the EU Treaties, including the relationship between aligned and non-aligned States in EU defence policy. Continue reading >>
03 March 2022
Kann Straßburg den Krieg zähmen?
Nur wenige Tage nach seinem Beginn hat der russische Angriff auf die Ukraine gleich mehrere internationale Gerichte erreicht. Der Europäische Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte (EGMR) hat bereits gehandelt. Auf einen Antrag der Ukraine hat er am 1. März 2022 vorläufige Maßnahmen seiner Verfahrensordnung ergriffen. Die Entscheidung des EGMR vom 1. März 2022 ist bemerkenswert und ernüchternd zugleich. Continue reading >>
03 March 2022
Strasbourg Has No Chance and Uses It
On 28 February 2022, Ukraine lodged a request for interim measures against Russia before the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). Ukraine referred to “massive human rights violations being committed by the Russian troops in the course of the military aggression against the sovereign territory of Ukraine”. Within one day of the Ukrainian request, the Strasbourg Court granted “urgent interim measures” under Rule 39 of the Rules of Court. Continue reading >>
02 March 2022
The Legal Obligation to Recognize Russian Deserters as Refugees
The European Union (EU) and its member states are reportedly considering offering asylum to Russian deserters. They and other states around the world have a legal obligation to do precisely that. Soldiers who flee punishment for refusing to fight in aggressive wars are properly understood as refugees under international law. Continue reading >>02 March 2022
Too Little Politics in EU Defense Policy
The arming of Ukraine with European financial means may enjoy widespread support among European populations scandalized by Putin's egregious actions. But this should not obscure the fact that it is the result of largely arcane decision-making processes: Neither the establishment of the European Peace Facility nor the breaking of the Union's rules on arms exports by supplying weapons to the war zone Ukraine was the subject of a substantively open public discourse and will formation. Continue reading >>
02 March 2022
Nord Stream 2 in Zeiten eines internationalen bewaffneten Konfliktes in Europa
Letzte Woche stoppte die Bundesregierung das Zertifizierungsverfahren für Nord Stream 2. Rechtliche Konsequenzen hat Deutschland deswegen nicht zu befürchten, denn die Maßnahme begegnet keinen rechtlichen Bedenken. Continue reading >>02 March 2022
It’s Not Propaganda If It’s True
The first casualty of war is the truth. Putin’s reasons for the invasion, like his claims of genocide in Donbas, are abstruse and lack any basis in reality. Rather than addressing the West, this national propaganda is meant to convince the Russian people of the necessity of war. Is there a possibility to correct misinformation by communicating directly to the Russian people in Russian? Continue reading >>
01 March 2022
Crypto-assets as a blind spot in sanctions against Russia?
On 24 February 2022, Russia illegally invaded the territory of Ukraine. The international community was quick to condemn this military aggression and to issue sanctions. Missing in today's sanctions strategy, however, is the inclusion of crypto-assets. This is worrying, as it is highly likely that crypto-assets are used to fund the Russian war machine without anyone really seeing it. Continue reading >>
28 February 2022
Zu wenig Politik in der EU-Verteidigungspolitik
Die Rüstung der Ukraine mit europäischen Mitteln mag in der europäischen Bevölkerung, die durch das ungeheuerliche Vorgehen Putins skandalisiert ist, breite Unterstützung genießen. Das darf aber nicht verdecken, dass es sich um das Ergebnis weitgehend arkaner Entscheidungsprozesse handelt: Gegenstand einer inhaltlich offenen öffentlichen Meinungs- und Willensbildung war weder die Errichtung der Europäischen Friedensfazilität noch die Durchbrechung der Unionsregeln für Rüstungsexporte durch Waffenlieferungen in das Kriegsgebiet Ukraine. Continue reading >>
28 February 2022
Hot War and Cold Freezes
In light of mounting pressure to take effective action against Putin, the European Commission and six states (UK, USA, Canada, Germany, France, Italy) agreed last Saturday on yet another bundle of sanctions against Russia. Some of them had been expected, like the exclusion of Russian banks from SWIFT. Others like the freezing of central bank assets came as a bit of a surprise, allegedly even for Vladimir Putin. He should have watched the news more carefully. The United States did the exact same thing to Afghan central bank assets after the Taliban takeover last year. The purpose of this note is to explore the practical and legal implications of this freeze. Continue reading >>