26 February 2024
On Citing Van Gend & Citing it Correctly
There are multiple common misunderstandings that have, over time, taken on the status of established truths. For example, to Sherlock Holmes is often attributed the quote “Elementary, my dear Watson”, which never appears in the Conan Doyle novels. Neither did Voltaire ever confide to anyone that he “disagreed with what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it”. In EU law, there exists a similar widespread misconception, albeit tiny in nature. Simultaneously, it does concern the probably most famous ruling ever delivered by the European Court of Justice, so the comparative weight is substantial. Continue reading >>
19 May 2013
Nachdenken über van Gend en Loos: Reflexionstag beim EuGH
Wer eine Rechtsgemeinschaft gründen will, muss dafür Juristen gewinnen. Niemand [...] Continue reading >>