The funding of Verfassungsblog is essentially based on six pillars:
- crowd funding via our membership model for university libraries and institutions;
- cooperation with the Center for Global Constitutionalism at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center and the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (MPIL) in Heidelberg;
- specific funding for blog symposia;
- third-party funding of research projects;
- advertisement in the weekly editorial and
- donations.
In terms of editorial decisions, Verfassungsblog remains entirely independent.
Verfassungsblog timeline is the centrepiece of Verfassungsblog. It is where we publish expert analyses and comments on topical events and developments in constitutional law and policy, usually on a daily basis. Keeping up not only with what is happening in Germany, Europe, and the world but also with the constant stream of submissions we receive, requires a substantial number of qualified staff. In order to finance the editorial team we strive for support from libraries and institutions as indispensable partners for Verfassungsblog and donations. At the moment, 57 libraries and institutions facilitated by the Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen (SUB Göttingen), as well as the Library Consortium of Saxony and 8 international libraries and institutions support our work with annual payments (Link: Financing institutions). If you are a researcher or a librarian who thinks that your institution should support up to date, high-quality, and Diamond OA content then do get in touch via oa[at]
On Verfassungsdebate we publish blog symposia on topical events and developments in legislation and jurisdiction. They usually comprise 10 to 15 articles that discuss and engage with cutting-edge research put forward by scholars. You can read more about our blog symposia as well as the associated costs here (pdf: Blog Symposium and Edited Volume). If you have an idea for a blog symposium – and, ideally, the funding – please don’t hesitate to get in touch via symposium[at]
Our weekly editorial is published on the Verfassungsblog website and sent out as a newsletter to approximately 17.000 subscribers. It carries three places for advertisement to announce calls for papers, job opportunities and the like. If you wish to place an ad and reach the German, European, and global professional readership of Verfassungsblog, then send us an e-mail via advertise[at]
Institutional Partners and Advertising Policy
The work of Verfassungsblog is supported by strong institutional partners: the Center for Global Constitutionalism at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center, the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (MPIL) in Heidelberg and the Law in Context research network at the Humboldt University of Berlin. In terms of editorial decisions, Verfassungsblog remains entirely independent.
Verfassungsblog carries advertisement in its weekly editorial as well as a limited amount of advertisement on its homepage. We accept advertising for job opportunities, calls for papers and applications, journals and books as well as study programmes and the like that fit Verfassungsblog’s profile. If you wish to place an advertisement with Verfassungsblog, please approach us via advertise[at]