
The content-related, academic quality of the contributions to Verfassungsblog is complemented by the technical quality of the publications.

  • The texts of Verfassungsblog have a DOI and metadata in the usual standard formats.
  • The long-term digital archiving of the articles is guaranteed in cooperation with the German National Library via the repository of the Specialized Information Service for International and Interdisciplinary Legal Research at the Berlin State Library <intR>²Dok.
  • Verfassungsblog and its publications are indexed in the DOAJ.
  • The metadata of our publications are provided directly on our website in the standard formats MARC21 XML, MODS and Dublin Core and have an OAI PMH 2.0 interface. In addition, we are now able to assign GND keywords and our publications automatically receive Crossref DOIs, which resolve to the html versions of the texts. Access to Crossref is made possible by our cooperation with Front Matter.

The plugins were deliberately developed in such a way that they do not offer an “isolated solution” for Verfassungsblog, but can be used by other science blogs using WordPress. The plugins and their documentation are freely available on GitHub.


Publication and usage statistics

Verfassungsblog publishes an average of 800 articles per year. The posts are carefully reviewed by our editorial stafft and are seen by around 2 million visitors on our website worldwide each year.

Individual institutions can contact oa[at] to obtain publication and usage figures for their institution.