Verfassungsblog is a journalistic and academic forum of debate on topical events and developments in constitutional law and politics in Germany, the emerging European constitutional space and beyond. It sees itself as an interface between the academic expert discourse on the one hand and the political public sphere on the other.
The blog has been founded in 2009 by Maximilian Steinbeis, a legal journalist and writer. The work of Verfassungsblog is supported by strong institutional partners: the Center for Global Constitutionalism at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center, the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (MPIL) in Heidelberg and the Law in Context research network at the Humboldt University of Berlin.
Verfassungsblog is a space for legal and political controversy and debate. Opinions published on this website are not necessarily shared by the Verfassungsblog editors/publisher/partners.
If you wish to submit an article for publication please consider our FAQs for authors and send an email to the editor.
To ensure the further growth and independence of Verfassungsblog, we depend on contributions by our large and committed readership. Please donate on Steady or Riffreporter!
If have job offers, book launches, call for papers or anything else to announce to the global constitutionalist community, we’ll be happy to carry your advertisement in our weekly editorial. Please get in touch.
We encourage researchers to contact us about the possibility of a joint online symposium. This is a great way to give your research visibility and public impact and thereby to raise the chances for success of your funding application. Do get in touch, we’ll be happy to help.