From Blog to Journal

Ein Monat auf einen Blick

Im Verfassungsblatt bündeln wir die auf dem Blog erschienenen Texte aus einem Monat in einer Publikation. Dieses Format ermöglicht es unseren Leser*innen, einfacher im Blick zu behalten, welche Themen wichtig waren und leichter zu finden, was sie interessiert.

One Month at a Glance

With Verfassungsblatt, we collate a month’s worth of texts that have been published on the blog into one publication. This format enables our readers to better keep an eye on which topics were important in a given month and to more easily find what interests them.

Verfassungsblatt Dezember
Verfassungsblatt November
Verfassungsblatt Oktober
Verfassungsblatt September
Verfassungsblatt August
Verfassungsblatt Juli
Verfassungsblatt Juni
Verfassungsblatt Mai
Verfassungsblatt April
Verfassungsblatt März
Verfassungsblatt Februar
Verfassungsblatt Januar

Verfassungsblatt is the result of our project “Open Access to Public Law” funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. It addresses libraries that financially support Verfassungsblog to receive something “in return”. It is aimed at scholars publishing on Verfassungsblog and who want to add their blog posts in a more traditional format to their publication list. Finally, Verfassungsblatt shall make it easier for everyone to keep an overview of what has been published on Verfassungsblog in a given month.

Creating an issue of Verfassungsblatt is a largely automated process. The texts are first exported from our WordPress. A Python script converts them into .tex files and a Latex template is used for layout and design. The most labour-intensive part is sorting the texts thematically. You can learn more about the technical process on GitHub where you can also download the script.

As of 2024, we are exclusively providing our Verfassungsblatt to institutions participating in Verfassungsblog’s funding.

If you are affiliated with one of the institutions financially supporting Verfassungsblog, check your library catalogue. For everyone else, we’ll make the issues available on our website after one year.