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POSTS BY Christian Djeffal
25 April 2018

Harnessing Artificial Intelligence the European Way

Will 10 April 2018 be remembered by many as the day of Mark Zuckerberg’s testimony before the US Senate? The hearing was covered by the media in all aspects down to the tie he was wearing. But that was not the only important event taking place on that day, and maybe not even the most important one: I am talking about the Declaration on Cooperation in Artificial Intelligence, signed on the same day but hardly noticed. And yet its impact in the long term might exceed that of the current scandal about Facebook and Cambridge Analytica by far. Continue reading >>
06 September 2016

E-Government upside down

The story of Joshua Bowden's legal chatbots that help people fight unjustified parking tickets and eviction orders challenges common assumptions about eGovernment: Automation can actually help to further the rule of law culture and to make the administration more humane. Continue reading >>
30 June 2014

A Commentary on Commentaries: The Wissenschaftsrat on Legal Commentaries and Beyond

‘In the beginning was the word, the commentary followed swiftly…’ This wisecrack applies to many academic disciplines and it certainly applies to German legal academia. There are great many commentaries. As the Wissenschaftsrat very closely observed the practices of German legal academia, it also inquired into the genre of commentaries. What was there to say? Continue reading >>
07 November 2012

Harold Koh und seine Philippika über die US-Völkerrechtswissenschaft

Beim ASIL Midyear Meeting hat Harold Koh seinen Kollegen aus der US-amerikanischen Völkerrechtswissenschaft gehörig eingeheizt. Was ist dran an der Kritik, und ist sie auf europäische Verhältnisse übertragbar? Continue reading >>
04 February 2012

Constitutional paths not taken: Germany vs. Italy before the ICJ

by CHRISTIAN DJEFFAL On 3 February 2012 the International Court [...] Continue reading >>
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