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POSTS BY João Victor Archegas
16 December 2021

Schnüffel mich nicht aus

In den letzten zwanzig Jahren war Brasilien hin- und hergerissen zwischen der öffentlichen Sicherheit und der Massenüberwachung, sowie der Bekräftigung der Menschenrechte, insbesondere des Rechts auf Privatsphäre. Es hat sich eine interessante Dualität herausgebildet: Einerseits die Schaffung eines robusten Datenschutzsystems und andererseits die uneingeschränkte Akzeptanz der Gesichtserkennungstechnologie. Continue reading >>
16 December 2021

‘Don’t Snoop on Me’

For the past twenty years, Brazil has been torn between the paths of public security and mass surveillance, and of reaffirming human rights, especially the right to privacy. An interesting duality has emerged: on the one hand, the creation of a robust regime in terms of data protection and, on the other, a wholehearted acceptance of facial recognition technology. Continue reading >>
19 August 2020

Abortion in Times of Disinformation

It should have been as straightforward as that. A ten-year-old is raped and now is pregnant. According to Brazilian law, she has the right to terminate her pregnancy at will. However, the girl from our tale yet again has her most fundamental rights violated. Continue reading >>
04 June 2020

The ‘Constitutional Military Inter­vention’: Brazil on the Verge of Democratic Breakdown

After numerous judicial defeats in the past couple of months, Bolsonaro chose to travel down the path of intimidation and defiance rather than institutional reform: Through dubious constitutional interpretation, he and his supporters are ascribing to the armed forces the role of a "constitutional moderator" in order to undermine the independence of the Supreme Court. Continue reading >>
10 April 2020

Pushing the Boundaries of Legal Normality

The Brazilian Emergency Constitution is still dormant, instead “legislative and executive apparatuses” are used to “enforce measures for protecting public health”. But that does not mean, that emergency powers in Brazil are not yet in reach: While we patiently wait for the Emergency Constitution to wake up from its doctrinal sleep, legislation has already bypassed it and is venturing into uncharted territory. Continue reading >>