POSTS BY Quirin Weinzierl
18 December 2020

Institutionalizing Parallel Governance

On 15 December, the European Commission published its proposal for the Digital Services Act (DSA-P). One, if not the, major challenge for the regulation of social platforms is which and how content is disseminated as well as moderated on such platforms. At least when it comes to so-called very large online platforms like Facebook, YouTube or Twitter, the DSA-P’s path seems quite clear: Put platforms and the Commission in charge. In the construction of a new social order for online platforms State courts, prosecutors, law enforcement and state law as such are apparently no longer needed. Continue reading >>
21 September 2019

Difficult Times Ahead for the Facebook „Supreme Court“

Over the past years, Facebook as well as other online platforms faced constant criticism and pressure from civil society, lawmakers, and governments regarding their role in content moderation. As a response, Facebook for the last two years sought a way to handle the decision-making process in a more transparent, accountable, and fair way, while at the same time diverting responsibility from itself and its CEO and sole controller, Mark Zuckerberg. Now, it finally rolls out its plan for an independent Oversight Board, also referred by some, including Mark Zuckerberg, as a “Supreme Court”. Major questions arise as to its mandate, the establishment of global free speech standards and the reactions of national courts. Continue reading >>
05 August 2019

Entscheiden müssen ist besser als spenden müssen

Die Organspende neu zu regeln ist seit langem ein politisches Thema in Deutschland. Der Bundestag hat sich vor der Sommerpause noch einmal mit der zentralen Frage befasst, wie festzustellen ist, wer als Organspender gilt und wer nicht. Zwei grundsätzlich verschiedene Ansätze stehen sich gegenüber: die (gegenwärtige) Zustimmungs- sowie die von einer großen Gruppe Abgeordneten verfolgte Widerspruchslösung. Aus (verhaltens-)ökonomischer und freiheitlicher Sicht verdient jedoch eine dritte Regelungsoption den Vorzug, die ohne Voreinstellungen auskommt: der Entscheidungszwang. Continue reading >>
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