Breaking with Conservatism?
The Japanese Supreme Court has been described as “the most conservative constitutional court in the world”. And, though lower courts can sometimes be more active, the Japanese judiciary as a whole tends also to be referred to as conservative. However, recent developments challenge this view. In particular, Japanese courts have begun to issue rulings in favour of the rights of sexual and gender minorities on issues like same-sex marriage and gender recognition. Do these decisions suggest that the conservatism of the Japanese judiciary has been overstated – or are they signs of change?
Continue reading >>New Salt into an Open Wound
The entry ban imposed by the Japanese government on April 3 in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic has shed a new light on the somewhat “schizophrenic” situation that foreign nationals in Japan often find themselves in. While the Japanese government is slowly trying to open the labor market for foreign talent, launching internationalization campaigns at universities and building towards an international image surrounding the upcoming Olympic Games, the reality of foreign workers’ rights protection in Japan looks bleak in many respects. In fact, foreign residents in Japan still face social and legal discrimination of various kinds.
Continue reading >>Japan’s Soft State of Emergency: Social Pressure Instead of Legal Penalty
People have been perplexed by the slow and soft approach of the Japanese government in their attempt to bring COVID-19 under control. The first case of COVID-19 in Japan was confirmed on 16 January 2020. On 30 January, the Japanese government set up the COVID-19 Countermeasures Headquarters. It published emergency countermeasures against COVID-19 on 13 February and presented Basic Policies for Coronavirus Disease Control on 25 February. However, none of these measures have introduced drastic measures such as border controls and/or curfews.
Continue reading >>Japanische Unterhauswahl 2017: Gedanken über eine mögliche Verfassungsänderung
Die japanische Regierungspartei LDP unter Ministerpräsident Shinzo Abe hat seit der letzten Unterhauswahl eine verfassungsändernde Mehrheit. Die will sie nutzen, um in der anti-militaristischen Verfassung die Existenz der Selbstverteidigungskräfte zu verankern. Was steckt dahinter?
Continue reading >>Rechtswissenschaft in Japan: Interessiert an uns, interessant für uns
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