03 March 2025
Fast-Tracking Ukraine
Whatever the outcome of the current crisis, Ukraine needs to join the European Union as fast as possible. Neither Trump nor Putin can veto this. The EU, for long lukewarm about widening and deepening, must take rapid steps to facilitate Ukraine’s entry. This will involve revising the terms and conditions of accession. Although Volodymr Zelensky has seen EU membership as second best to NATO, he well knows that his country’s sovereignty now depends on the European Union. Enlargement is a geostrategic investment in peace, security, stability and prosperity. Continue reading >>
05 November 2024
The Tail That Wags the Dog
In Opinion 2/13 the Court of Justice held that accession to the ECHR must not interfere with the operation of the principle of mutual trust as this would affect the autonomy of EU law. I offer a different reading: mutual trust is not a general principle capable of having autonomous legal effects. Furthermore, mutual trust is acquiring a novel value for the progressive operationalisation of the foundational values ex Article 2 TEU. Read in this way, it has then the potential to enhance fundamental rights protection and is certainly no bar to accession to the ECHR – it is the dog of core values that wags the tail of mutual trust and not vice versa. Continue reading >>
28 March 2024
The Kovačević Case Revisited
On 20 March 2023 the Council of the European Union gave Bosnia and Hercegovina green light to start accession negotiations. However, despite this political endorsement, BiH must fulfill the conditionality criteria, including a series of six judgments by the ECtHR relating to the predetermined ethnic keys. The last case, Kovačević v. BiH, was referred to the Grand Chamber in December 2023. If the Court follows its previous case law, this should force the mono-ethnic political parties and their leaders as well as the EU institutions to insist on de-blocking the constitutional impasse for any realistic steps towards European integration. Continue reading >>
22 December 2022
Як Європейське політичне спільнотовариство могло би сприяти вступу України до ЄС
Мало хто очікував, що президент Зеленський і його уряд навіть подумають про членство в ЄС на тлі лавиноподібного вторгнення російської армії. Паралельно з прискоренням вступу України ЄС шукав нові форми політичної співпраці для зміцнення своєї стійкості та забезпечення взаємної солідарності в часи страшної безпеки та економічної кризи в Європі. Європейське політичне співтовариство містить кілька важливих переваг, які Україна має враховувати під час процесу вступу до ЄС. Continue reading >>