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22 January 2025

On Peru’s Constitutional Crisis

Two hundred years after gaining independence, Peru finds itself in a state of political instability. Over the past six years, the country has had six different presidents — largely due to a persistent power struggle between the Legislative and Executive branches. The ongoing turmoil indicates that Peru finds itself in a constitutional crisis– a crisis that encompasses both the constitutional text, tainted by its authoritarian history, and the political constitution, understood as the actual form of government. Continue reading >>
20 December 2024

What We Can Do

Wrapping up 2024 Continue reading >>
28 November 2024

Of Minor Benefits and Major Costs

Is general and indiscriminate data retention permissible under the EU fundamental rights framework? In La Quadrature du Net II, the Court tilts the metaphorical scale towards data retention. The take-away could contribute to the enlargement of privatised surveillance that rests on a generalised pre-emptive data retention scheme. The ECJ’s findings could cement intrusive practices emerging from the counter-terrorism narrative to regular state practice at the expense of fundamental rights protection. Continue reading >>
26 November 2024

Protecting Victims Without Mass Surveillance

Mass data retention is on the rise. In the current heyday of security packages in Germany, we are now witnessing a “super grand coalition” in favor of mandatory IP address retention. Some are calling for greater protection for victims through data retention. Yet, what one often overlooks is the following: The investigative capacities of law enforcement authorities have never been better, and the digital data pools that can be analyzed have never been larger. Hence, victims must be protected without mass surveillance. Continue reading >>
26 November 2024

Eyes Everywhere

Ten years after its groundbreaking judgment declaring the Data Retention Directive incompatible with the EU Charter, the Full Court significantly eased its previously strict requirements. On 30 April 2024, it issued La Quadrature Du Net II and, for the first time, declared the general and indiscriminate retention of IP addresses permissible for the purpose of fighting general crime. Given the CJEU’s fundamental change of heart, we have gathered a range of scholars to contextualize the judgment and situate it within the broader debate on mass data retention, online surveillance, and anonymity. Continue reading >>
21 November 2024

Deporting the Enemy Within

Two weeks ago, the Israeli Knesset passed a law that grants the Minister of the Interior powers to deport family members of terrorists, including Israeli citizens. The logic of this law, its instrumentalization of legitimate security concerns to not just deny the rights and membership status of minority groups but attack the foundations of a constitutional system, is not unique to contemporary Israeli politics. As such, this logic needs confronting and refuting, and this law presents an important opportunity to do so. Continue reading >>
04 November 2024
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Enhancing Fundamental Rights Protection

The EU should ensure fundamental rights’ compatibility of EU legislation before its adoption. To that effect, we propose three distinct paths to improve the EU control mechanisms. Whilst mechanisms to ensure quality control do exist, primarily in the form of impact assessments, these mostly remain a merely formal exercise. Henceforth, we suggest strengthening the ex ante fundamental rights review of EU legislation through enhanced involvement of FRA in the legislative process. Continue reading >>
31 October 2024

Why the EU Charter Matters

This blog post argues that the most interesting aspect of the Charter of Fundamental Rights at the moment is its impact on remedies in national law. Almost 15 years since its entry into force, it is not unusual to meet domestic lawyers and judges who will voice doubts as to whether the Charter really matters in practice. Yet, through the right to an effective remedy under Article 47, the Charter opens up domestic law for new (or modified) remedies, thus placing national procedural autonomy under greater constraint than it was from the principles of effectiveness and equivalence. Continue reading >>
30 October 2024

Whither, the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

So, has the Charter come of age, now that it is nearing its quarter century, and has been binding in force for nearly 15 of those years. No longer is the Charter a “sleeping beauty”, and no longer are fundamental rights mere epiphenomena in EU law – offshoots framed in the amorphous category of “general principles of law” – creations of the EU’s earlier desire for legitimacy in its quest for greater integration. The EU Charter contains the essence of a common language, a currency that all can understand. And the EU is better with it than without it. Continue reading >>
11 September 2024

Diskriminierung und juristische Ausbildung

Dieser Beitrag beleuchtet einige Aspekte von Diskriminierung und juristischer Ausbildung und stellt Überlegungen vor, wie eine inklusive und möglichst diskriminierungsfreie juristische Ausbildung aussehen könnte und wie diskriminierende Strukturen in der juristischen Ausbildung verhindert werden könnten. Jura ist wie wenig andere Studiengänge geprägt von starken Exklusionen in der Auswahl von Lehrpersonal und Studierenden. Eine inklusivere personelle Auswahl könnte sich auf die Inhalte in der juristischen Ausbildung auswirken, der es bisher weitgehend an vertiefter thematischer Auseinandersetzung mit Rechtsfragen von Diskriminierung mangelt. Continue reading >>