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30 October 2024

Whither, the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

So, has the Charter come of age, now that it is nearing its quarter century, and has been binding in force for nearly 15 of those years. No longer is the Charter a “sleeping beauty”, and no longer are fundamental rights mere epiphenomena in EU law – offshoots framed in the amorphous category of “general principles of law” – creations of the EU’s earlier desire for legitimacy in its quest for greater integration. The EU Charter contains the essence of a common language, a currency that all can understand. And the EU is better with it than without it. Continue reading >>
11 September 2024

Diskriminierung und juristische Ausbildung

Dieser Beitrag beleuchtet einige Aspekte von Diskriminierung und juristischer Ausbildung und stellt Überlegungen vor, wie eine inklusive und möglichst diskriminierungsfreie juristische Ausbildung aussehen könnte und wie diskriminierende Strukturen in der juristischen Ausbildung verhindert werden könnten. Jura ist wie wenig andere Studiengänge geprägt von starken Exklusionen in der Auswahl von Lehrpersonal und Studierenden. Eine inklusivere personelle Auswahl könnte sich auf die Inhalte in der juristischen Ausbildung auswirken, der es bisher weitgehend an vertiefter thematischer Auseinandersetzung mit Rechtsfragen von Diskriminierung mangelt. Continue reading >>
29 July 2024

Influences of the Holocaust on the Constitutional Law of Israel

The trauma of Auschwitz continues to reverberate in the collective consciousness of Israelis and manifests in Israeli laws across several primary domains. However, the primary impact of the Holocaust trauma on Israeli constitutional law has been the concerted efforts to prevent Israel from descending into a fascist, racist regime akin to Germany in the 1930s. The incorporation of the concept of Intolerant Democracy, which occupies a central role in Israeli constitutional law, was explicitly inspired by German history. Continue reading >>
26 July 2024

A Network in Defense of the Rule of European Constitutional Law

In face of the erosion of the role of the judiciary, which is undermining the power and independence of many courts worldwide, European national courts stand in a stronger position. They benefit from the support of a robust network of actors committed to defending shared European values. Continue reading >>
25 July 2024

Never Again in Russia

In the Soviet Union and later in Russia, reference to World War II played a central role in the decades after 1945. The “never again” narrative in Russia takes a very specific form: The focus is not on the Holocaust but on the Victory in the “Great Patriotic War” against fascism, the increase of power and status in the international system that this has brought, and the perpetuation of the present and timeless actuality of war in a mostly imperial and post-imperial context. The discourse on Victory against fascism undergoes a paradoxical development, from a way of commemorating collective trauma to the justification and glorification of new wars. Continue reading >>
22 July 2024

Administrative and Citizen Interpretations of Unwritten Constitutional Principles and Constitutional Silences

Looking at Canadian law, this blog posts argues that administrative agencies should be able to interpret and articulate unwritten constitutional principles when exercising their discretionary powers, and that these interpretations ought to be deferred to by courts. This would also encourage citizens to put forward their own interpretations of unwritten constitutional principles, fostering a participatory approach to constitutional interpretation. Continue reading >>
10 July 2024

Locating Unwritten Constitutional Norms in Global Constitutionalism

If there is a global constitutional order, it is “unwritten”. We cannot point to a written constitution for global law. Rather, theories of global constitutionalism and processes of global constitutionalisation are derived from an amalgamation of sources across international law and domestic constitutional orders. This blog post reflects on these tensions within the debate on global constitutionalisation, and focuses specifically on democracy as an unwritten constitutional norm in global constitutionalism. Continue reading >>
09 July 2024

Unwritten Constitutional Law as a Brazilian Constitutional Category?

Brazilian constitutional law is profoundly marked by the ideal of codification. In this context, the ‘unwrittenness’ of certain constitutional problems is usually not treated as such. This is especially intensified through the size and textual openness of the Brazilian Constitution. Yet unwritten constitutional normativity plays (and can play) arguably a decisive role in Brazilian constitutionalism. Could one then articulate unwritten constitutional law as a Brazilian constitutional category? Continue reading >>
09 July 2024

What are Principles and How Do They Work?

Unwritten constitutional principles pose a number of interesting puzzles, some of which are unique to their unwritten status, some of which are shared with all principles, unwritten and written, legal and non-legal. Using examples from the Canadian constitutional system, this blog post examines what principles are before going on to consider how they work. Its observations are intended to be of general, cross-jurisdictional relevance. Continue reading >>
08 July 2024

The Stakes of the Unwritten Constitutional Norms and Principles Debate in the UK

Unwritten principles serve crucial purposes in the UK’s constitution. For example, they provide guardrails for judicial interpretation of legislation, and they form or give rise to substantive rules about the limits of legislative, judicial and executive power. With a growing body of research on unwritten constitutionalism, it is worth considering why these issues matter, and what is at stake in the debate. This post considers two issues which it argues can only be properly understood once regard is paid to the unwritten principles and norms in the UK’s constitution: the limits of Westminster’s legislative power, and the nature of the UK’s territorial constitution. Continue reading >>
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