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18 June 2024

A Constitutional Reform in Italy to the Detriment of Systemic Balance

In Italy, an important reform of the Italian constitution is underway: the introduction of direct elections for the head of government. This is to take place together with the election of both chambers of parliament. In addition, the composition of the two chambers is to be significantly influenced by a new "majority bonus" to be anchored in the constitution. By strengthening the power of the prime minister at the expense of guarantor functions of the head of State, Italy would therefore gain nothing in terms of democratic stability but would lose a great deal in terms of checks and balances in the political system. Continue reading >>
17 February 2019

Trump’s Non-Emergency Emergency, Part II

Trump evidently declared an emergency just because he wanted to do it. But, as I will show here, the emergency may never come into effect. That doesn’t mean that we should think that the constitutional system of the United States is out of danger. Continue reading >>
12 January 2016

Vom Recht der Opposition auf Oppositionsrechte

Muss die Mehrheit der Minderheit genügend Rechte geben, dass es in Deutschlands Demokratie eine effektive Opposition gibt? Darüber wird morgen vor dem Zweiten Senat des Bundesverfassungsgerichts mündlich verhandelt. Die Fraktion DIE LINKE hatte ein Organstreitverfahren angestrengt, um geklärt zu wissen, ob die derzeitigen Quoren für die Oppositionsrechte im 18. Deutschen Bundestag verfassungsmäßig sind. Continue reading >>
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