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11 February 2025

Does the EU Have What it Takes to Counter American Plutocratic Power?

Our symposium ‘Musk, Power, and the EU’ has evolved in parallel with the inauguration of the new US administration and has been marked by numerous and unprecedented attacks on the European Union. Amid a flurry of announcements challenging the status quo - often with brutal disregard, even against traditional allies - the European Union, along with the way it exercises power, suddenly appears as the antithesis of the new America. Yet does the EU have what it takes to resist such an expansionist and plutocratic projection of power, which now threatens Europe’s security, lifestyle and overall existence?  Continue reading >>
10 February 2025

Corporate Power Beyond Market Power

Elon Musk’s corporate empire spans an impressive array of markets and industries. This empire includes SpaceX (and its subsidiary Starlink), Tesla, Neuralink, The Boring Company, X, xAI, and the Musk Foundation. These corporations are connected and interlinked, creating a cross-corporate power structure. Competition law, which focuses on market power in narrowly defined relevant markets – say, a market for booster rockets – has very limited reach to guard against the possible detrimental effects of such multifaceted concentrated power in the hands of a few on open democratic societies. Continue reading >>
09 February 2025

Trump und der neue Faschismus

Seit der Inauguration Trumps zum 47. US-Präsidenten zieht Elon Musk mit einem Gefolge aus Tech-Ingenieuren und Führungskräften seiner diversen Firmen durch die Bundesbehörden in Washington und verschafft sich Zugang zu Gebäuden, Daten und Computersystemen. In diesem Prozess positionieren sich Akteure der Big Tech Industrie als Profiteure und als Betreiber einer neuen, technologischen Regierungsinfrastruktur – eingeklinkt über die Zugänge zu Computer- und Bezahlsystemen, die Musk sich gerade verschafft. Diese Entwicklung stellt einen neuen Qualitätssprung im politischen Projekt Trumps dar. Sie ist am besten mit dem Wort Faschismus zu beschreiben. Continue reading >>
07 February 2025

Elon Musk, the Systemic Risk

Elon Musk seems to many in Europe to symbolize the dawn of a digital dystopia. I argue, however, that this view may be incorrect in several respects. With the Digital Services Act (DSA) and its new “systemic tools,” the EU has an opportunity to address the technological roots of Musk’s powerful position in the digital sphere. In this context, Musk (potentially) using his platform (or AI) to intentionally influence the access, distribution, and presentation of information is “merely” a manifestation of risks that are already inherent in the systemic position of certain digital services. Continue reading >>
03 February 2025

Democracy vs. Digital Giants

After Elon Musk's attacks on European politicians, Emmanuel Macron warned of digital tycoons threatening democracy. This post examines how tech giants have evolved from EU allies to political actors shaping policy and public debate. It questions whether current regulations can curb their growing influence while balancing free speech and platform neutrality. Continue reading >>
24 January 2025

Countering the Tech Oligarchy

Seeing Elon Musk with Donald Trump at the latter’s inauguration, it would be tempting to single him out as a unique and overbearing threat to a range of EU interests, such as its online environment, election integrity and regulatory capacity. But that would be to miss the point of a larger trend; what Joe Biden has termed the “tech-industrial complex” is not limited to the US. It, and an associated worldwide oligarchy, is converging with ascendant ultra-nationalist political agendas to pose wide-ranging challenges. Continue reading >>
23 January 2025

Democracy or Domination

The urgency of Europe’s creep towards plutocracy calls for a similarly urgent response. Competition law, given its history and potential as a tool of anti-domination, is a natural fit to protect and revitalise democracy in Europe from the threats posed by excessive concentrations of private power. For it to be effective for that purpose, competition scholars must clearly articulate which democratic values, like non-domination, competition law should seek to pursue, and clear-mindedly design mechanisms through which to channel them. Continue reading >>
23 January 2025

Musks Megafon als Parteispende?

Während die Influencer-Kooperationen von Habeck, Lindner, Merz, Scholz und Wagenknecht kaum diskutiert wurden, erregte Elon Musks Unterstützung der AfD sogar international Aufsehen. Sein Gespräch mit Alice Weidel und sein Stream des AfD-Parteitags generierten zusammen bisher rund 100 Millionen Aufrufe. Die Unterstützung politischer Parteien in sozialen Medien stellt die neuen Regeln zu Werbemaßnahmen durch Dritte auf die Probe. Continue reading >>
14 December 2022

Twitter – Wie der Digital Services Act willkürlichen (Ent-)Sperrungen und der „Generalamnestie“ eine Absage erteilt

Die Willkür Elon Musks auf Twitter sorgt für Entsetzen. Er hat durch willkürliche (Ent-)Sperrungen von Nutzer*innen zur Unsicherheit und Polarisierung des Online-Diskurses beigetragen. Derartiger Willkür bei der Mitgliedermoderation wird der neue Digital Services Act der EU einen Riegel vorschieben. Continue reading >>
21 November 2022

Nein, Elon Musk, so geht Plattformdemokratie nicht

Nach einer Online-Abstimmung hat Elon Musk den Account von Donald Trump freigeschaltet: “The people have spoken. / Trump will be reinstated. / Vox Populi, Vox Dei”, schreibt er. Grundlage für die Entscheidung ware eine Online-Abstimmung mit 15 Millionen Teilnehmer*innen, die 51,8% zu 48,2% für eine Entsperrung ausgegangen ist. Doch so geht digitale Demokratie nicht, so geht Plattformregulierung nicht. Continue reading >>