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03 March 2017

Scharade im kontrollfreien Raum: Hat die EU gar keinen Türkei-Deal geschlossen?

Das erstinstanzliche Gericht der EU hat Klagen gegen den EU-Türkei-Deal als unzulässig abgewiesen – die Europäische Union sei an dem Deal überhaupt nicht beteiligt gewesen. Damit bleibt nicht nur die Frage unbeantwortet, wie sicher Flüchtlinge in der Türkei wirklich sind. Der Beschluss wirft auch verfassungsrechtliche Fragen nach der Reichweite der Rechtsbindung und gerichtlichen Kontrolle der auswärtigen Gewalt der EU auf. Steht die Gerichtsbarkeit der Union in einer als „Krise“ wahrgenommenen Situation bereit, die Rule of Law auch gegen den vereinten Willen der politischen Spitzen von EU und Mitgliedstaaten zu verteidigen? Continue reading >>
03 March 2017

Poland and the European Commission, Part III: Requiem for the Rule of Law

On 20 February 2017, the Polish government has replied to the European Commission’s rule of law findings. That reply is so clearly absurd, rude and full of ‘alternative facts’ that the case to trigger the sanction mechanism in Art 7 TEU promptly is more compelling than ever. It is time for Member State governments to get their act together and make explicit their disapproval of a government that finds it acceptable not only to violate its national Constitution and EU values in plain sight but also to bully and disrespect EU representatives such as Frans Timmermans and Donald Tusk. Continue reading >>
22 June 2016

The EU General Data Protection Regulation: Powerful Tool for Data Subjects?

Two months ago, the European Parliament and the Council have enacted the European General Data Protection Regulation as the result of a 4 years running legislative procedure. For a long time, it was uncertain whether the regulation could be passed at all: Not only has there been considerable opposition by EU Member States, but there have also been about 4.000 amendments by Parliament, accompanied by an enormous engagement of lobby groups. Continue reading >>
03 February 2016

President Tusk’s Proposal for a New Settlement for the UK in the EU: Fueling – not Taming – EU Disintegration

The European Union is at the crossroad. On 17 February […] Continue reading >>