20 May 2020
Corona Constitutional #27: Justiz-Iron Man in Polen
Seit Wochen streiten die Richterinnen und Richter des polnischen Obersten Gerichtshofs darüber, wer für den vakanten Präsidentenposten kandidieren soll. Am Freitag könnte die Entscheidung endlich fallen. Was genau dort vor sich geht, und was auf dem Spiel steht, erklärt ANNA WÓJCIK vom Osiatyński Archiv im Gespräch mit Max Steinbeis. Continue reading >>
07 August 2018
Open Letter
We, the undersigned, have learnt that Chief Justice of the [...] Continue reading >>05 July 2018
Polish Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Under Pressure: What Now?
These days mark the capture of the second-last central institution not yet fully under the control of the Polish Law and Justice party, namely, the Supreme Court (the last remaining one being the Ombudsman office). Having captured the Constitutional Tribunal, the National Council of Judiciary, electoral commissions, media regulation boards, prosecutorial offices and presidents of all local, regional and appellate courts, the illiberal revolution is eager to devour the highest court of the land. Continue reading >>
08 March 2017