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20 December 2023
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A Duty to Rescue

Reports of migrants drowning in the Mediterranean have, unfortunately, become more and more frequent in recent years. A recently published MSF report has highlighted the role ‘pushbacks and systematic non-assistance to those at risk of drowning proliferate’ play in this regard. The report refers specifically to two events that happened in 2023 in which national authorities failed to launch rescue operations despite receiving the information on migrants in distress at sea hours before the tragedy. In this blogpost, we assess whether a coast guard’s failure to act in situations of migrants in distress might violate an incumbent criminal law duty to rescue. We map the core elements of the duty to rescue under criminal law and how they might apply to such a chain of events, using the abovementioned event of 14 June as an example. Continue reading >>
29 September 2023

„Pushbacks“ an den deutschen Grenzen: ja, nein, vielleicht?

Mittels Grenzkontrollen signalisiert die Politik auch dann ihre Handlungsfähigkeit, wenn diese praktisch wenig ändern. Die Forschung spricht von „Kontrollsignalen“, die die verunsicherte Bevölkerung beruhigen. Diese Signalwirkung nutzt nun auch Innenministerin Faeser, wenn sie anordnet, was die Opposition schon lange gefordert hatte: „flexible“ Kontrollen an den deutschen Grenzen zu Polen und Tschechien. Scheinbar ändert sich damit viel. Schließlich wurden nach Österreich im ersten Halbjahr knapp 4.500 Personen zurückgewiesen, im Jahr zuvor sogar mehr als 14 Tausend. Realisiert damit die Ampelkoalition, worüber Merkel und Seehofer im Jahr 2018 leidenschaftlich stritten? Und warum gilt das EuGH-Urteil vom 21. September für Deutschland nicht, das manche als Zurückweisungsverbot interpretieren? Continue reading >>
21 September 2023

Migrant Instrumentalisation: Facts and Fictions

The last two years have seen recurring efforts to introduce the concept of instrumentalisation of migration into EU asylum law on a permanent basis. This post will demonstrate why the ‘instrumentalisation of migration’ is an overly simplified and generalised term that does not capture the complexities of the situation on the ground. Its adoption into EU asylum law thus threatens both to undermine legal certainty and bear far-reaching consequences for the Rule of Law in the EU. Continue reading >>
09 September 2023

Shielding Frontex

In a landmark case, the EU General Court ruled this week on liability claims against Frontex for human rights violations - and rejected the damage claims. The case was the first of its kind concerning human rights responsibility of Frontex and had all the ingredients to prompt the General Court to finally clarify a number of pervasive and urgent questions concerning Frontex responsibility for complicity in unlawful human rights conduct. Instead, by conflating the wrongful conduct under scrutiny, the Court prevents a critical examination of Frontex’s conduct altogether. The significance of the case thus lies in the adopted approach by the Court, which, in effect, contributes to the systematic shielding of Frontex from any responsibility for contributions to human rights harms. Continue reading >>
25 June 2023

Human Rights Violations to Deflect Refugees

The Council of the European Union (EU) recently reached a negotiating position (‘mandate’) on two significant elements of the ‘reform’ of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS). The vision hailed as a ‘historic’ agreement by national governments is a direct threat to the right to asylum. The Council not only maintains all structural flaws of the CEAS intact but proposes a quagmire of asylum procedures marred by unworkable, unnecessarily complex rules, that are in clear violation of key human rights standards. Continue reading >>
19 June 2023

On the Pylos Shipwreck  

Only 104 out of the 750 passengers who travelled on the fishing boat, which capsized on June 14 and sank in the Ionian Sea, were rescued. The bodies of 80 have been recovered so far and the remaining passengers, an estimated total of as many as 500 people, including large numbers of women and children, remain missing. The boat had departed from Libya the previous Friday and was heading towards Italy. The tragic shipwreck, which immediately became yet another icon of the never-ending catastrophe of asylum seeking in the Mediterranean, occurred on the high seas, 87 kilometres from the Greek Coast. As long as the overarching policy aim is to deter racialized migrants from entering the EU, tragedies like the one in Pylos are bound to continue. Continue reading >>
15 November 2022

Seven Months in the Freezing Forest

On 10 November 2022, Latvia extended the emergency situation at its border with Belarus for a further three months – now until February 2023. Introduced in August 2021 in response to the perceived ‘hybrid attack’ organised by Minsk, the state of emergency has since been renewed five times, effectively becoming a permanent condition. In practical terms that means that Latvia will continue carrying out systematic pushbacks – despite the very low number of border crossing attempts and allegations of gross violations of human rights. Continue reading >>
02 May 2022

Trapped in a Lawless Zone

The treatment of asylum-seekers – predominantly from the Middle East – crossing the Latvian border from Belarus is in sharp contrast with the recent decision of the Latvian government to support at least 23,000 people who have arrived in the country from war-torn Ukraine. Those who have paid the highest price for this policy are people who have been forced to remain in the forest for months under inhuman conditions just to be ultimately returned to their country of origin, an experience that has left most of them severely traumatised. Continue reading >>
24 January 2022

Pushbacks? Never mind, we’re doing it

"Pushback" has been elected Germany’s non-word of the year 2021. The word is rather innocent, the act is the problem. The EU Commission has now submitted a proposal for an amendment of the Schengen Borders Code that allows for irregular arrivals to be returned without effective legal protection. Continue reading >>
21 January 2022

Pushbacks? Egal, wir machen das jetzt so

„Pushback“ ist zum Unwort des Jahres 2021 gekürt worden. Das Wort ist eher unschuldig, die Tat ist das Unding. Die EU-Kommission hat jetzt einen Änderungsvorschlag zum Schengener Grenzkodex vorgelegt, der das ignoriert: Sie schlägt Transfers ohne effektiven Rechtsschutz vor. Continue reading >>
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