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25 October 2024

Why Teaching International Law Should Be an Antiracist Endeavour

Teaching international law as an antiracist endeavour is essential for addressing the historical and systemic biases that continue to shape the field. The text argues that by diversifying the curriculum, employing critical pedagogy techniques, and promoting active learning and engagement, educators can help students develop a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of international law and its impact on diverse populations. Continue reading >>
24 October 2024

Do Sanctions Work?

After Rhodesia's 1965 unilateral declaration of independence, which upheld white minority rule, sanctions were imposed to challenge the regime. However, support from allies like South Africa helped circumvent these restrictions, revealing the limitations and mixed effectiveness of sanctions. Continue reading >>
23 October 2024

Why Offshore Processing of Asylum Applications is Actually Racist

With the Rwanda scheme, the UK government unleashes a regime of offshore asylum processing which is being considered by countries around the world. Such schemes though may be considered racist for their obvious neocolonial implications of removing and returning asylum seekers and refugees from the global north to the global south. More importantly though, such schemes undermine the commitment to abide by international human rights law and the obligations which attach to states in a particular rather than vicarious sense. Continue reading >>
21 October 2024

Exploring Intersectionality as a Concept to Effectively Combat Racism and Racial and Ethnic Discrimination

The contribution promotes the concept of intersectionality as a means of addressing the gap between what anti-racism law promises and what it delivers. Then, nationality serves as an example to illustrate if and how intersectionality can affect anti-racism law. Continue reading >>
19 October 2024

How the judgment by the German Federal Constitutional Court on the German debt brake entrenches climate injustice

Germany, as a major greenhouse gas emitter, has a critical obligation to support developing countries affected by climate change; however, its adherence to the constitutional “debt brake” undermines this responsibility and exacerbates global inequalities. Continue reading >>
18 October 2024

Anti-Racism Law and its Limits

By drawing upon insights of sociolegal thought, feminism and the US social context, this contribution argues that anti-racism law’s apparent ineffectiveness stems from its reliance on the inherently vague concept of “race”. Continue reading >>
17 October 2024

German Police Controls and Structural Racism

Police operations such as stops are prone for patterns of racial profiling. The contribution looks into the role of the new federal police commissioner (Polizeibeauftragte des Bundes) and his tools to address this. Continue reading >>
16 October 2024
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Unmasking the Intractable

The first contribution of the online symposium explores the ineffectiveness of anti-racism laws. It raises the leading question whether their underperformance is a result of unrealistic expectations regarding the potential of law in general, or whether inherent flaws in legal design are the root cause. Continue reading >>
12 October 2024

Uber knows. Do you?

Law shapes and is shaped by the contemporary, dominant economic system. This contribution illustrates this finding by the case of Uber. Continue reading >>
06 August 2024

Making the Unacceptable Acceptable

Over the last days, England and Northern Ireland have witnessed a wave of racist violence and destruction. These riots, which have thrown the country into chaos, included attacks on mosques, burning of cars, and confrontations with the police. The racist nature of the events is made clear by the racist chants that are sung amid them, by posters shown by participants, and by the selective targeting of minorities. Given how shocking these scenes are, one naturally wonders what is causing them. Research suggests that elite rhetoric in recent months can have made these events more likely, by making far-right individuals feel that acting on their views is more acceptable. Continue reading >>