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05 February 2025

America’s First Religious Public School?

On 24 January 2025, the US Supreme Court granted certiorari to a case that could fundamentally reshape the nature of public education in the United States by permitting public schools – so called charter schools – to become religious in character. However, this blog argues that this case is not merely about school choice or religious freedom, but rather reflects the culmination of “private disestablishment”— a legal phenomenon where entities that operate at the blurred boundary between public and private recast themselves as entirely private actors while performing public functions. By doing so, they secure public benefits—such as funding and regulatory advantages—without bearing the constitutional obligations, such as anti-discrimination mandates or religious neutrality, that typically constrain public institutions.  Continue reading >>
23 April 2024

The End of a Dream?

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) may have officially declared war on the hijab in 2022, but the Hindu right’s battle strategy has been set in place since at least 2014 when the BJP rose to power under the leadership of Narendra Modi. A tenacious master of populism, the BJP has successfully altered the mainstream Hindu perception of the Muslim as a threat to secularism. Within this imaginary, Muslims are believed to constantly seek exemptions from the secular regulations constraining the Hindu community. Continue reading >>
10 March 2023

The Constitution under the Rubble

On 6 February 2023, the century-old Republic of Turkey witnessed the most horrific environmental catastrophe in its history. Despite the evident responsibility of the central government and local administrations in the exacerbation of the social disaster, a particular state institution and an affluent Sufi cult apparently sought to capitalise on the destitution of young earthquake victims. Such was the context of the two criminal complaints filed by the lawyer-led NGO “Children and Women First Association” (Önce Çocuklar ve Kadınlar Derneği). Theocratic practices in a constitutionally secular country like Turkey do not merely erode the rule of law, but also violate the rights of children as defined under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Continue reading >>
20 December 2019

Citizenship by Religion

India is presently witnessing a country-wide mass uprising against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019, which purposefully aims to grant migrants belonging to six enlisted communities an easy path to Indian citizenship, while denying the same to others – notably Muslims. This Act is unconstitutional as it exploits deliberate omissions on citizenship rules in the constitution while it ignores the constitutional design which is fundamentally based on equality and secularism. Continue reading >>
26 September 2017

Rethinking Turkish Secularism: Towards “Unofficial” Islamic Constitutionalism?

There are both domestic and foreign concerns that Turkey is a theocracy in the making or some “attenuated” version thereof.  While most of these concerns are full of extravagant exaggerations, often suggesting Iran as an example Turkey is allegedly headed towards, there is a certain element of truth embedded in these concerns. Continue reading >>
11 November 2016

Religious Installations in French City Halls: A Christmas Crib Story

Christmas, in certain circumstances, has its place in the Republic. Judges have agreed in a plenary session reviewing two different Court of Appeal cases (courtyard of Melun’s town hall and hall of the departmental council of Vendée) that a Christmas crib in a public building doesn’t a priori represent a threat to secularism. In fact, the installation is legal, says the Conseil d’Etat, provided that particular circumstances give it « a cultural, artistic or festive character ». The decision is questionable for two main reasons: its foundation is doubtful, and its outcome unsatisfactory. Continue reading >>
06 October 2016

Can private undertakings hide behind “religious neutrality”?

Is the pursuit of religious neutrality an acceptable aim for public and private organisations alike, on the basis of which they may prohibit their employees from wearing religious signs or apparel whilst at work? In two pending cases before the CJEU, the Advocates General seem to arrive at opposite conclusions on this point. To solve this puzzle, I think it is crucial to see that there are two radically different reasons why a private-sector company may wish to adopt an identity of religious neutrality, which reflect two distinct types of interest a company may have in religious neutrality: a business interest and an interest as a member of society. Continue reading >>
19 August 2015

Der Kampf der Zeugen Jehovas: Grundrechte vs. föderales Kompetenzgefüge

Föderalismus und Länderkompetenzen treffen auf Grundrechte – so könnte man die Kernproblematik, die in dem jüngsten Urteil des BVerfG zu den Zeugen Jehovas (2 BvR 1282/11) steckt, auf den Punkt bringen. Grundrechte wie die Religionsfreiheit gewähren Freiheiten, die im Grundsatz keine Ländergrenzen kennen. Sie berechtigen im gesamten Bundesgebiet. Wenn die föderale Kompetenzordnung sich einer Entfaltung von Grundrechten erheblich in den Weg stellt, sind die Länder gehalten, auf das Engste mit einander zu kooperieren, um Divergenzen soweit wie möglich zu verhindern – ein Grundsatz, den man bereits der Rechtsprechung des BVerfG in Sachen Hochschulzugangsberechtigungen entnehmen kann. Gerade auch im Falle der Verleihung des Körperschaftsstatus an eine Religionsgemeinschaft sollte er strikt beachtet werden, rückt aber im jüngsten Urteil in den Hintergrund. Zu Unrecht. Continue reading >>
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