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09 October 2024

Every Fake You Make

In Asia, the war on fake news is reaching the next level. Several countries tightened regulatory demands over the past few years and introduced criminal liability for users and platforms publishing false content online. The laws effectively contribute to making the truth: Anything that is not aligned with the legal standards of what is considered true may be found unlawful. This blog post scrutinizes new legislation in South Korea and Singapore. Both jurisdictions are criminalizing deepfakes per se during election periods. The post situates these laws in the broader context of legal efforts to tighten controls of digital communication in Asia and beyond. Continue reading >>
31 March 2022

Versicherheitlichung und Solidarität in Singapur nach dem 11. September

Die singapurische Regierung verfolgt einen proaktiven, ganzheitlichen Ansatz, um die nationale Sicherheit, Einheit und Solidarität durch die Rehabilitation von Terroristen zu bewahren. Sie betont die Verantwortung aller Bürger, wachsam zu sein und aktiv die ethnische und religiöse Harmonie durch soziale Interaktion und Solidarität als Teil des Gemeinschaftspakts zu bewahren. Ein geeintes Volk zu bleiben, würde das Ziel der Terroristen vereiteln, einen scharfen Keil zwischen "uns" und "sie" zu treiben. Continue reading >>
31 March 2022

Securitisation and Solidarity in Singapore after 9-11

The Singaporean government adopts a proactive, holistic approach in seeking to preserve national security, unity and solidarity through rehabilitation, emphasising the responsibilities of all citizen to be vigilant and to actively preserve racial and religious harmony through social interaction and building relationships, as part of the communitarian compact. Remaining a united people would thwart the terrorist goal of driving a sharp wedge between ‘us’ and ‘them.’ Continue reading >>
16 November 2021

In Singapore’s war on fake news, the Constitution is not an obstacle

Singapore’s highest court has decided the first case under the city state’s controversial Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act. The whopping 154-page judgment finds key elements of the Act constitutional and establishes a test to determine the lawfulness of governmental correction notices. It also illustrates how the government’s insistence on factual accuracy pushes the courts to almost absurdly meticulous assessments, while being barred from asking the most significant questions. Continue reading >>
24 February 2021

COVID-19 as an Opportunity for Democratic Consolidation?

The Covid-19 pandemic has tested the legal, political, economic and public health systems of countries all over the world, and Singapore – particularly as it found itself having to hold a general election in the middle of the pandemic – is no exception. However, it does seem that the pandemic has created opportunities for consolidation of democracy in Singapore as a result of increased citizen-state interactions during this time. Continue reading >>
18 April 2020

Singapore’s Legislative Approach to the COVID-19 Public Health ‘Emergency’

Up till late March 2020, Singapore’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic was the envy of many nations. Its strategy of early testing, rapid contact tracing, and isolating cases and close contacts was praised for its effectiveness. Indeed, for some time, Singapore seemed to be successfully ‘flattening the curve’. And to top it off, the Singapore government managed to contain the spread of the disease while keeping workplaces, businesses, and schools open. This all, however, changed when a sudden spike in cases occurred in the latter half of March. Continue reading >>