Should a Convicted Felon be the Next President of the US?
American Citizens are in a Bind
On Thursday, May 30th, 2024, former President Trump was convicted in New York City by a jury of seven men and five women of thirty-four criminal charges consisting of falsifying business records with the intend to deceive. Regardless of his tirade against the American legal system, he stands as a convicted felon unless he could prove otherwise on appeal. This is an unprecedented conviction. Mr. Trump is the first American president who has been criminally convicted. Lamentably, the republican establishment continues to stand by the former president and to question the legality of this trial thereby challenging the integrity of the rule of law.
Whether one favors or opposes former President Trump, it is evident that, contrary to what he has argued, this trial demonstrated that no citizen of the US is above the law. According to the former president and his sympathizers, the American legal system is “rigged.” They allege that President Biden and the leadership of the democratic party have waged “lawfare,” namely weaponizing the law to gain political advantage over the former president in the forthcoming presidential election on November 5th. For reasonable and fair-minded people, however, this trial represents the success of the rule of law in the US. In spite of members of both political parties frequently trying to influence the American legal system to gain political advantage over their opponents, in this case the court and the jury stood their ground. As a result, for citizens who respect the rule of law, it is a date for celebrating the independence of our legal institutions.
Many, including American citizens, and foreigners, are asking whether a convicted felon could be elected and serve as president of the US. The answer to their query is a resounding, yes. In spite of people’s bewilderment, there is nothing in the US Constitution to prevent a convicted felon from occupying the Oval Office if fairly elected. Yet the more pressing question is: Should reasonable and fair-minded citizens vote for a convicted felon based solely on their partisan politics disregarding the general welfare? This is not a factual question, but rather a question about good judgement in politics. Good judgment, however, is not only about virtuous or vicious character but also about who can deliver better outcomes for those affected by policies.
It is important to highlight that ours is a constitutional democracy founded on respect for the rule of law and the democratic principle to elect public officials. While the rule of law provides legal guarantees for citizens who are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt by a jury of their peers, it does not restrict the will of the people to determine who will govern them, including voting for those who might have been sentenced to serve a prison term. Only “We the People” have the right to determine who will govern them.
American citizens will likely face a stark dilemma in the forthcoming presidential election. We are caught between a rock, and a hard place. Either to vote for former President Trump, who is a convicted felon, or to re-elect President Biden, a person whose mental and physical faculties seem to be faltering. Despite all the reassurances by the democratic party establishment, it is evident that his mental and physical abilities are at least questionable. So to allow President Biden to run for office again might be seen as a folly on the part of the democratic party leadership or as an act of hubris or self-delusion by the president and those who stand to benefit from such a presumably unsound decision. They seem to be gambling with our national interest at a time of great international peril because, even if President Biden were to be re-elected, the likelihood of finishing his term in office is improbable. In the event that were to happen, Vice President Kamala Harris will automatically become the acting president. Yet the vice president’s political capital and leadership acumen are mostly unknown.
One can underscore that citizens always have the choice to vote for public officials based on character, policies, or both. For example, despite serious character flaws, the American populace re-elected former President Clinton to the Oval office in1996. Moreover, he was able to be an effective president at home and abroad. This example shows that failure of character need not prevent an elected official from being an effective leader in promoting the general welfare. Hence, those who support and are ready to vote to elect former President Trump to the Oval Office based on his policies can pivot their argument by citing, for example, former President Clinton when the majority of denizens chose to elect him based on his policies disregarding his moral shortcomings.
Still, one might argue that the above analogy is not necessarily compelling. There are degrees of failure of character. Former President Clinton was never a convicted felon. Also, he was never charged with election interference. Moreover, he did not encourage riots in Washington, D.C. to support him against the will of the people. By demanding that Vice President Pence did not certify President Biden’s victory, one could argue that former President Trump incited an unsuccessful legal coup but an attempted coup, nonetheless. Even nowadays, many supporters of former President Trump and Mr. Trump himself continues to challenge the results of the past presidential election as having been “rigged” with no evidence to support their bogus claim. Unlike former President Trump, former President Clinton did not challenge the foundation of our constitutional democracy by ignoring the rule of law or the will of the people.
Some Trump’s acolytes have sided with the former president by arguing that the New York trial was politically motivated and hence a legal sham. And yet, none of those who have argued so thus far have been able to present a shred of evidence to prove that the judge presiding over the case, the prosecutor team, or the jury were politically motivated rather than motivated by upholding the law. In any case, the former president is ready to appeal his conviction and can exhaust all the legal means at his disposal, including appealing to the Supreme Court of the US (aka, SCOTUS) to try to prove his innocence. No one can prevent any citizen, including a former president, for using his right to try to prove his innocence beyond reasonable doubt in a court of law. That is a vital component of the rule of law, be that in a system of Common Law that prevails in the US, or a system of Civil Law that prevails in Europe.
In the past, former President Trump has flirted with the idea of pardoning himself of any criminal offences that he might have committed while in office but claimed that he had no intention of doing so. But just the fact that he has alluded to such a possibility is worrisome. Since our constitution is silent regarding a self-pardoning power and given the criminal federal charges that the former president is facing, we should be skeptical of his word. Given his bombastic rhetoric and behavior and his disregard for truth, it is reasonable to expect that if President Trump were to be elected, he could choose to pardon himself of all federal criminal charges against him. As a result, he could establish a dangerous precedent whereby the president of the US (aka, POTUS) would be above the law. Such a possible but deplorable outcome would be against the spirit of the Founding Fathers who repudiated royal prerogative in favor of a republican form of government based on respect for both the rule of law and the democratic will of the people.
In the event that former President Trump were elected, he could appeal to SCOTUS to justify a possible self-pardoning decision. Given the present conservative majority of the highest Court, where the former president appointed three of the current nine justices, and the unprecedented nature of his criminal charges, a five to four majority decision in favor of the questionable presidential prerogative of self-pardoning is not only a possible but also a probable outcome.
Of course, “We the People” can choose to vote for a convicted felon for president based on policy, but “We the People” can also demand that it is time for our representatives in Congress to enact a constitutional amendment based on character to prevent any future convicted felon president to pardon himself or herself for federal crimes committed while in office. To allow POTUS and/or SCOTUS the possibility to approve such a perilous presidential prerogative would be to make a travesty of the rule of law thereby threatening the foundation of our constitutional democracy. Despite whom we choose to vote for in the forthcoming presidential election, whether based on character, policy, or both, as vigilant citizens we have a right and, more importantly, a duty to prevent such a threat to the future of our republic.
I think the actual question should always regard the alternative.
What is it that the democratic party does wrong that somebody like Trump seems like a viable candidate? I’m no expert in US politics but you can see the sort of blame-shifting attitude here with regards to political shifts as well.
The best way of opposing bad candidates is by offering good policies. It seems like the democrats fail to do this on such a level that a convicted felon is seen as a preferrable option by nearly half of the country. That’s not a mistake of the populus but a mistake made by the opposition. Voters aren’t wrong in a democracy – parties that don’t adapt to current wishes are.
he should not be able to run for president.what would the world think about that.
NO! Emphatically, he should not be president, should not have been allowed to run. There is something wrong when a teacher has to be fingerprinted and pay for a background check in order to be considered for employment. Yet a felon can be president! How many job applicants that answered the question on an application honestly regarding being a felon were disqualified? Perhaps they should run for president.
If a convicted felon can be President, we should open all prisons and let all of the residents out!!!
I wouldn’t go that far but I agree that a convected felon should not be allowed to represent our nation. what does that say about us to the rest of the world? what example is that for our children.? my husband, a gulf war veteran, pointed out that as president Trump is also the commander and chief of our armed forces yet as a felon he can’t own a firearm. is this situation just a little hypocritical? I reiterate Trump should not be allowed serve as our next president/commander in chief.
One should note and know, that Trump is now a felon according to New York State Law.
The presidential pardoning power but does not exceed to the states, so self-pardoning would not work here. The same counts for Georgia.
Pardoning Trump in New York would only be possible for Cathy Hochul.
Mr. Trump may be able to overturn his conviction on procedural grounds and/or the misapplication of the law and other technicalities. Nonetheless, the facts presented at his trial will stand, rendering him a convicted felon, not an “innocent man” as he claims. Further, I don’t think that he will be able to pardon himself a the state level. This was not a federal case. Thus, he may still win the national election and serve as President of the U.S.A. from a state penitentiary in the State of New York.
As Felix and Christian have pointed out, it seems that an elected president would not be able to pardon himself of a conviction from a state court. However, because the Trump case shows that someone could be tried and convicted at the federal level and, if elected, could then pardon himself, I totally agree that the current constitutional loophole needs to be urgently addressed. Of course, the more serious challenge for us all is the current state of information dissemination, which not only has resulted in groups of people living in diametrically opposite political realities, but also in groups with vastly different views of ourselves and the world that defy logic and (scientific) truth.
Much bigger problem here is the weaponization of justice system to persecute political opponents. I am no fan of Trump, but reviving misdemeanors for which the statute of limitation has expired to attempt to link it inexplicable federal crime that the federal prosecutor refused to try, coupled with a judge who broke the ethics rules by donating money to the accused person’s political opponent and the jury who was instructed that they don’t need unanimity on legal qualification as long as they pick one of the three is banana republic level judiciary. Trump or no Trump, this is a disgrace for a developed democracy. As Pyrrhon nicely put it, voters are not wrong, they see the rot in the current state of politics and they want change. The fact that they want it so much they would rather vote for Trump should trigger some serious soul-searching for the Dems, not further destruction of the institutions.
I think we are not seeeing the elephant in the room: moral character. Mr. Trump was found guilty of 34 felonies. I realize that there is nothing in the constitution to prohibit a person from running for president with this background, but the founding fathers did not thiink that a person of such low moral character would place themselves in the position to run and would have gracefully bowed their head and withdrew into silence.
This has not been addressed regarding a felon becoming president of the U.S.! One can not have a felony on record to be a member of the military. It seems unfair for a president with a felon on record to lead the military of the U.S.
In the month since Professor Medina posted this thoughtful and heartfelt commentary, the affairs got more complicated. The polls taken after the debate indicates that more of the US population now believes that the POTUS is not fully compos mentis. At the same time, the SCOTUS made a decision, which, at least according to some commentators, may be interpreted as a get-out-of-jail card for Trump.
It is true that three members of SCOTUS were appointed by Trump. But this does not invalidate the SCOTUS decision any more than the decision of the Juan Merchan can be discarded as politically motivated. The Law is never perfect but one has no choice but accept its verdicts, whether they come from the Supreme Court of New York or the Supreme Court of the United States.
I recently read a post by John Ganz where he quoted Hegel on Caesar’s assassination: “… the noblest men of Rome supposed Caesar’s rule to be a merely adventitious thing with the entire position of affairs dependent on his individuality. So thought Cicero, so Brutus and Cassius. They believed that if this one individual were out of the way, the Republic would be ipso facto restored.” It was not of course.
Many believe that the Trump-Biden dilemma may be a manifestation of a deeper malaise. Killing Caesar did not solve the problems of the Roman Republic. Similarly, if Trump is prevented from being on the ballot, the problems of the USA will not disappear.
This is a difficult situation.
It is frightening that anyone would support Trump. Trump wouldn’t pass the background check with the company I work for. If Trump wins, then what does that say about American’s and our values?
It’s Kamala not Kamila
If Trump is elected he will become number one in the military… a convicted felon?
Stuff that goes on in the military is itself a felony, like murder and vandalism. Waging wars is criminal in itself, too. So the military is made up of felons, even if they weren’t convicted of anything beforehand.
Hi Fred! Unfortunately, war is real, it is ugly, horrific, and is sometimes necessary. If we are talking about a nation-state, or country that is rational, war would be the last option. Sadly, humans have waged war on each other for centuries and as much as I and others do not want it to happen, it will continue. Surgical, sometime sporadic, low-level conflicts are more likely to happen in this day in age. And, no, I respectfully disagree. The military is NOT made up of felons. They are made up of brave, courageous, resilient, and disciplined folks. Without the military, a country cannot protect itself from foreign armies or outside aggression. If this is the case, we would be living in a state of fear, with no stability to govern, no infrastructure and no opportunity to pursue other endeavors. The luxuries and comforts of our technological, and first world lives would not be around if it weren’t for our military and for the sacrifice that others have made in past wars.
if you are a true American you know a convicted felon should not be president of these United States. No country in world will trust us again. Trump is bad for our country not only is he a crock an a racist, but most important he is a danger to America he is a traitor. All who back him knows this to be true.
that’s why they backing him the law is crooked as hell
If a felon cannot be a teacher, a bus driver work for the government be a police officer.Why is someone allowed to be a felon and be considered?Okay to run the country, it does not make sense.
i agree this is fd up. If a felon can’t get a government job How can one be the President? Isn’t that a government job?
I don’t know how this country got to this point. How could a convicted felon become president of the usa. He has been caught in so many lies and has no shame being racist and making every decision based on race, gender, disability, and everything else that would be considered wrong if it were anyone but him. I thought it was against the law to fire or intimidate employees based race, sex, disability exc.. And now he has proven that he is above all laws and that our judicator system is acting in prejudice. He seems to be only racially and financially motivated. He has proven that he can say and do as he pleases without any consequences ever. Even with multiple lies he gets caught in and yet he remains in power even with no moral, values, and no truth
I never thought I would live to see a felon run for president. Please lets vote him out. I still love and respect my county. We will be a laughing stock. I am 83 years old.
tell us all why the law is putting up with this?
I don’t understand how Trump can take the oath of office . Trump staged an insurrection . Isn’t that considered treasonous ?
Trump is a convicted criminal and should not be eligible to serve as president of our country. Elon loaned a ton of money to Trump so he does not belong in government but in Trump’s
closet . No one elected him so get out of our government. This is unethical and ridiculous. Our forefathers would never approve of what is going on in our government. I don’t approve,
Do you?
He is a convicted felon…..but, yesterday the court did not send him to jail. He stole top secret and classified documents and our broken government has looked the other way. Four years ago he lost the election and on TV he incited an insurrection to overturn the results………our broken government put on a show pretending to convict of the insurrection but as of today it was all a show and no action. They are not punishing him for taking top secret and classified documents………….he will be in the white house taking over our country along with all of the unqualified people he will surround himself with. We are not the United States of America anymore….we are a land taken over by a want to be facist criminal and dictator………and our broken “balance of powers” has allowed this to happen.
He does whatever and gets away with it setting a bad example to others. Makes me ashamed to say I’m a republican.
This situation makes me ashamed to be an American period.
Are you living under a rock? I ask because I was on this planet when the peaceful president was murdered for his stance on peace in vietnam, other bad actors in high government positions conspired and covered up only to blame a s soldier that was not the shooter yes that’s right a patsy to cover up foe the several hundred people in various government positions to name a few George hw bush cia supervisor trained sharp shooter ex pats od Cuba in Miami to do the shooting . Your Q on president felon well hell yes that’s just about all the republicons that became president since the Dems were too afraid to disclose all documents telling a truthful tail…wake up smell the coffee
i agree this country is screwed up. How many nations allow convicted felon to represent them? As President, Trump is our face to the world. If we allow a convicted felon to represent us, what does that say about us to the rest of the world? I don’t know of a president since JFK that I would have voted for. When I talk about the candidates running for office any government offices I say it’s just a choice of the lesser of two evils not who would be a good candidate. and that reflects poorly on our nation as a whole.
I’m just an average American. I don’t have a lot of money. I don’t have connections in high places. If I were to do half the crap Trump has done I’d be serving the rest of my life in prison. Yet Trump not only got no punishment what so ever. But he’s allowed to serve. as our President and the commander and chief of our Armed Forces. My husband, a Gulf War Veteran pointed out that as a convicted felon, Trump can’t own a firearm yet as President he is the commander and chief of all our armed forces. Doesn’t that seem hypocritical? A convicted felon can’t get a government job yet Trump can serve as president. Isn’t the presidency considered a government job? If not shouldn’t it be?The founding fathers didn’t foresee the need to bar a convicted felon from serving as president. Why would they think the American people would elect one in the first place? I know I wouldn’t.