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POSTS BY Angelika Nußberger
27 January 2025

Omnipresent History

Present-time politics are, to an unprecedented extent, shaped by struggles over how to remember the past: Putin’s war of aggression against Ukraine is led in the name of history; Germany’s wrestling with the war in Gaza is largely determined by its memory of the Holocaust, to give just two examples. However, historical narratives have not only swept into politics, but also into law. Continue reading >>
30 July 2024

Verfassungskonsenskultur in Gefahr

Das Erfolgsmodell der Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit in Deutschland beruht – aus dem Ausland mit gleichbleibend großer Verwunderung zur Kenntnis genommen – auf einer bekennend politischen Auswahl der Richterinnen und Richter. Da man aufgrund der hohen Hürde der Zweidrittelmehrheit zur Wahl die Stimmen der jeweiligen Opposition braucht, sind nur jene Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten durchzusetzen, die sich in die Karlsruher Dialogkultur einpassen. Nach dem gegenwärtig auf dem Tisch liegenden Vorschlag zur Änderung des Grundgesetzes sollen gerade diese einfachgesetzlichen Regelungen nicht im Grundgesetz abgesichert werden. Continue reading >>
25 November 2020
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LawRules #10: We need to talk about the European Convention on Human Rights

Europe is larger than the EU – and a European framework aiming at preserving basic rights and freedoms as well as rule of law safeguards has been in place for 70 years precisely this November: the European Convention on Human Rights. Today, we take a deeper look at the Convention and at the institutions that work to enforce it: The European Court of Human Rights and the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe. Are they capable of adding another layer of human rights and rule of law protection to the European legal framework? What kind of support do those institutions need in order to be able to fulfill their task? And how is their status today, 70 years after the European Convention on Human Rights has been signed? Continue reading >>