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POSTS BY Antje Wiener
12 January 2024

Staatsräson: Empty Signifier or Meaningful Norm?

Following the shocking Hamas atrocities against the state of Israel and its people on 7th October 2023, German state representatives keep voicing unwavering support for Israel: “(A)t this moment there is only one place for Germany. The place beside Israel. That’s what we mean by saying: Israel’s security is German Staatsräson”1), Chancellor Olaf Scholz emphasised in the German Bundestag, confirming “full solidarity with the people of Israel” and emphasising “that Germany stands unwaveringly on Israel’s side.“ As this public claim leads beyond solidarity, which other states have also expressed in light of the Hamas atrocities, many wonder what – if anything – the Chancellor’s reference to the norm actually means beyond uttering moral support? Continue reading >>
22 October 2016

Why the Brexit debate might mark the end of Britain’s unwritten constitution

The current debate in the UK about Parliament's right to vote on the Art. 50 decision suggests that not only the Brexit decision may become subject to revision, but the uncodified constitution may become subject to scrutiny as well. So far, the absence of a written constitution was generally viewed as a sign of “stability of the British polity.” However, the Brexit contestations may change that, and, on the long run, the status of an ‘unwritten’ or ‘uncodified constitution’ may well come to an end. The present constitutional turn in British politics suggests that the long period of stability of the British polity is challenged, just as the Brexit campaign promised the contrary. Continue reading >>
09 December 2013

Schutzverantwortung: Ein politikwissenschaftlicher Blick auf den Völkerrechtsteil des Koalitionsvertrags

Dieser Beitrag wirft einen politikwissenschaftlichen Blick auf die von CDU, CSU und SPD angestrebte Ausweitung völkerrechtlicher Normen. Im Kapitel über globale Politik im Koalitionsvertrag finden sich – aus politikwissenschaftlicher Sicht und insbesondere aus Sicht der Disziplin Internationale Beziehungen – einige Formulierungen, die eine kritische Betrachtung erfordern. Nicht zuletzt, um für Normalbürgerinnen nachvollziehbar zu machen, wie bestimmte Konzepte und Ideen, die in der Wissenschaft diskutiert werden, in die Politik Eingang finden. Im Folgenden machen wir daher diesen Transfer und die potenziellen Probleme damit beispielhaft am Abschnitt im Koalitionsvertrag über „Vereinte Nationen, globaler Dialog und strategische Partnerschaften“ deutlich. Dabei liegt ein besonderes Augenmerk auf der so genannten Schutzverantwortung oder Responsibility to Protect (R2P). Drei Fragen stellen sich aus unserer Sicht. Erstens: Wie sähe eine weitere Ausgestaltung aus? Zweitens: In welcher Art und Weise würde eine weiter ausgestaltete Schutzverantwortung völkerrechtlich implementiert werden? Drittens muss darüber hinaus gefragt werden, ob es mit einer solchen völkerrechtlichen Implementierung der Norm getan wäre. Continue reading >>
09 December 2013

Responsibility to Protect: A political science perspective on the international law section of the coalition agreement

This contribution casts a view from political science on the coalition agreement between CDU, CSU, and SPD and its aim to expand international law norms, especially with a view to implement the Responsibility to Protect (R2P). The coalition agreement states: “A further development of international law should make a contribution so as to enable the United Nations to make a more effective contribution for the enforcement for freedom and human rights. The concept of the Responsibility to Protect requires further development with a view to implementation in accordance with international law. The prevention pillar of the R2P should be strengthened internationally”. Three questions arise. First: How would the envisaged further development of R2P look like? Second: How would the thus developed R2P be implemented in accordance with international law? Third: Would the implementation based on international law really help in any way? Continue reading >>
22 March 2012

Rettungsschirm für Grundrechte: Anmerkungen von ANTJE WIENER

Auch wenn „Rettungsschirm“ nicht unbedingt das Wort des Monats ist […] Continue reading >>
22 March 2012

Rescue Package For Fundamental Rights: Comments by ANTJE WIENER

While “safety umbrella” (German: “Rettungsschirm”) is perhaps not the word […] Continue reading >>
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