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POSTS BY Klaas Hendrik Eller
10 January 2025

Im Sog der Bürokratierhetorik

Lieferketten- und Nachhaltigkeitsregulierung sind auf bestem Wege, zentrale Wahlkampfthemen zu werden. Als eine der ersten Gesetzesinitiativen nach dem Bruch der Ampelkoalition brachte die FDP einen Entwurf zur Aufhebung des Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetzes (LkSG) ein und prangert darin „teure Lieferkettenbürokratie“ an, die sinnbildlich für einen Ansatz der „gesinnungsethischen Politik“ stehe und keine spürbaren Verbesserungen entlang der Lieferkette bringe. Der Entwurf befindet sich derzeit gemeinsam mit einer parallelen Initiative der CDU/CSU-Fraktion in der Ausschussberatung. Er steht exemplarisch dafür, wie ‚Bürokratie‘ zu einem politischen Schlüsselbegriff hinter dem Backlash gegen den Green Deal wird. Continue reading >>
09 June 2023

Regulating the Sustainability Transition

The European Parliament’s adoption of its position on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) last week marks a breakthrough for transnational corporate regulation. At a moment when the EU Green Deal was facing open opposition from within the European People’s Party Group (EPP), rapporteur Lara Wolters (S&P) withstood lobbying efforts until the final minute and secured a majority for her report. With a strong mandate for the Parliament in the upcoming Trilogue, the EU has come a big step closer to passing the most ambitious due diligence legislation worldwide. Continue reading >>
21 February 2022

Quantifying ‘Better Regulation’

The EU Commission is expected to publish later this month its long-awaited proposal on Sustainable Corporate Governance, an initiative to ‘better align the interests of companies, their shareholders, managers, stakeholders and society’. Almost a year of delay and possibly some toning down of the legislative ambition can be attributed, in large part, to the double negative opinion issued by the EU Regulatory Scrutiny Board’s (RSB) on the Impact Assessment. In doing so, the RSB – a body whose absence from public debate seems largely disproportionate to its actual powers – has shown its teeth and incidentally revealed some of the shortcomings of its own mandate. Continue reading >>
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