11 February 2025
Beyond Formal Legality
The Venice Commission’s position on Poland’s judicial reforms presents a paradox: it warns that measures to restore the rule of law could themselves violate it – even though the rule of law has already been undermined. To solve this paradox, I propose two conceptual clarifications. The first one applies distinction between violating and departing from formal legality. The second one recognizes that judges unconstitutionally appointed under an illiberal regime cannot be acknowledged as legitimate judges in the constitutional sense. Continue reading >>
12 February 2024
The Year of the Defense of Life, Liberty and Property
Following his inauguration on December 10, Argentina's President Javier Milei has pursued his governmental goal to reduce the size and expenses of the state and to deregulate productive activities by issuing Executive Order (DNU) 70/23, titled "Bases for the Reconstruction of the Argentine Republic." This executive order is unprecedented in Argentina's history for its ambitious scope, addressing a wide range of issues in a single directive. This blogpost maps some constitutional questions that arise with Milei’s choice of implementing his governmental agenda via Executive Order, including their status in Argentina’s constitutional system and available mechanisms for congressional and judicial control. Continue reading >>
26 November 2023