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POSTS BY Malcolm Jorgensen
06 December 2024

A “Democratic Exception” to ICC Jurisdiction

On 21 November 2024, the International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants for the Israeli Prime Minister and the former Minister of Defence, for alleged crimes against humanity and war crimes in the ongoing Israel-Gaza War. Equally contentious was the response of leading Western states – including Germany and France – who have questioned or openly rejected treaty obligations to enforce the warrants. This is a conspicuously fraught position for countries who previously welcomed 2023 ICC arrest warrants for Russian President Vladimir Putin in legally identical circumstances. Continue reading >>
02 April 2022

Internationale Rechtsordnung als nationales Sicherheitsinteresse

Die Zeitenwende vom 27. Februar 2022 ist faktisch das Eingeständnis einer Kluft zwischen den lang anerkannten Interessen an Multilateralismus und Völkerrecht einerseits und den außen- und verteidigungspolitischen Strategien zu deren Durchsetzung andererseits. Ein Bekenntnis zum Multilateralismus und den zugrunde liegenden rechtlichen Verpflichtungen reicht nicht mehr aus — wenn das überhaupt jemals der Fall war. Deutschlands künftige Nationale Sicherheitsstrategie muss sich mit den beschwerlicheren politischen und militärischen Verpflichtungen befassen, die notwendig sind, um ein solches System zu ermöglichen. Continue reading >>
02 April 2022

International Legal Order as a National Security Interest

The "Zeitenwende" of 27 February 2022 is, in effect, an admission of a gap between long-recognised interests in multilateralism and international law, on the one hand, and the sufficiency of foreign and defence policy strategies for upholding them on the other. A primary commitment to the modes of multilateralism and underlying legal obligations is no longer sufficient—if indeed it ever was—and Germany’s forthcoming National Security Strategy must address the more arduous political and military obligations necessary to make such a system possible. The turning point is, in short, the realisation of commitments deeply embedded in national foreign policy identity, which emerges as the foundation for broad legitimacy in the policy revolution. Continue reading >>