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POSTS BY Verfassungsblog
01 April 2021

Zugang im Lockdown

Was bedeutet die Pandemie für Forschung, Lehre, Studium und Praxis? Wie steht es um den Zugang zu rechtswissenschaftlicher Literatur in Pandemiezeiten? Wie publizieren Sie? Wie lehren, lernen und forschen Sie? Welche Barrieren stellen sich Ihnen in den Weg, welche neue Wege tun sich auf? Was könnte bleiben, was wird (oder soll) wieder verschwinden? Wir laden Rechtswissenschaftler:innen, Studierende und Praktiker:innen dazu ein, über ihre persönlichen Erfahrungen in einem Essay zu reflektieren. Continue reading >>
28 May 2020

VB Live: Judicial Independence – a Public Talk by Robert Spano, President of the ECtHR

Today on VB: In his first public talk since taking over the presidency of the European Court of Human Rights, Judge Robert Spano speaks about "The Principle of Judicial Independence and the Democratic Virtues of Human Rights Law." The talk will be followed by questions from the online audience, chaired by iCourts Director, Professor Mikael Rask Madsen. Continue reading >>
25 May 2020

VB Live: “Universally respected but temporarily neglected?” – COVID-19 as a crisis for human rights and multilateralism

Today on Verfassungsblog: Session III of our discussion series on the COVID-19 crisis from a German, European and International Perspective, jointly organized by IFHV and Verfassungsblog - streamed live, Tuesday, 19 May 2020, from 4:00 - 5:45 pm. Don't miss it! Continue reading >>
19 May 2020

VB Live: “Whatever it takes?” – COVID-19 as an (existential) crisis for the European Union

Session II of our discussion series on the COVID-19 crisis from a German, European and International Perspective, jointly organized by IFHV and Verfassungsblog - streamed live here on Verfassungsblog from 4:00 - 5:45 pm. Join now! Continue reading >>
12 May 2020

VB Live: “Schaffen wir das?” – COVID-19 as a Crisis for German Law and Politics

Session I of our discussion series on the COVID-19 crisis from a German, European and International Perspective, jointly organized by IFHV and Verfassungsblog - streamed live here on Verfassungsblog from 4:00 - 5:45 pm. Join now! Continue reading >>