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POSTS BY Viktoria Kraetzig
03 May 2024

Why Europe Needs a Harmonised Access to Information Act

May the 3rd marks press freedom day around the world. Today, many articles and editorials will be published across Europe, highlighting the need to put an end to threats faced by journalists in Member States. While all these pan-European threats certainly need to be tackled, one fundamental pan-European crisis faced by journalists across the continent remains widely ignored: the difficulties to access information held by public authorities and the disparities among Member States when requesting data. This article aims to review the current situation of the right to request information from public bodies in EU Member States and offers a proposal that opens the door to discussing the possibility of harmonising such a right through the internal market competence. Continue reading >>
21 September 2023

The Legal Art of Judging Art

In another round of the case "Metall auf Metall", the German Federal Court of Justice is asking the Court of Justice of the European Union how to define the concept of pastiche. The CJEU response will not only be crucial for the rules of artistic imitation, but also set the legal frame for the digital reference culture of millions, as expressed in Memes and GIFs every day. This Article takes the referral to the CJEU as an opportunity to recapitulate the proceedings with a sideways glance at the Supreme Court’s  Warhol case. Its discussion of transformative use addresses the questions the CJEU will have to answer when defining “pastiche”. How should we deal with the art of imitation? Continue reading >>
12 June 2023

Freedom Governed by Brussels

With its EMFA proposal, the Commission is pursuing objectives that are beyond doubt: the safeguarding of plural, independent media in the Union. But no matter how noble an objective may be, it is still not a legal basis. Furthermore, European media supervision shouldonly be linked to the Commission if its oversight Board can provide independent supervision. Finally, the regulatory approach as such has to be questioned: Shall media freedom be secured through media supervision? Continue reading >>
05 October 2022

Filtering fundamental rights

On platforms, the protection of fundamental rights is increasingly provided by algorithms. With the Digital Services Act (DSA) at the door, algorithms used for copyright protection were probably only the first step in regard to automated decision-making. Indeed, the DSA, conceived by the Union legislator as the new constitution of the Internet, presupposes the use of algorithmic filtering. Human pre-examination has become impossible due to the sheer amount of user-generated content. Filters are an effective moderation tool that is cost-effective compared to human review. But being fast is easier than being right: the usual method of applying European fundamental rights hangs heavily on the proportionality test, which at least at the current technological level escapes automation: fundamental rights cannot be filtered. Continue reading >>
26 February 2022

Kette ins nichts?

Noch immer sind deutscher und europäischer Gesetzgeber dabei, die digitale Plattformökonomie juristisch einzuhegen. Im Umgang mit der Blockchain besteht nun die Gefahr, dass sich das alte Muster aus blauäugiger Begeisterung mit anschließendem Erstaunen wiederholt. Sie müssen aber nicht nur zivilrechtlich dogmatisiert, sondern auch öffentlich-rechtlich reguliert werden. Es drohen sonst Gefahren für den Rechtsschutz im digitalen Raum, den man gerade zu zivilisieren begonnen hat. Continue reading >>
01 August 2021

Grundrechte gegen Gebühr

Am 1. August tritt das Urheberrechts-Diensteanbieter-Gesetz in Kraft. Mit ihm halten nicht nur algorithmische Filtersysteme - die umstrittenen Uploadfilter - Einzug in das deutsche Urheberrecht, sondern auch eine Vergütungspflicht für Parodien, Karikaturen und Pastiches: Kunst- und Meinungsfreiheit werden auf Plattformen künftig kosten. Das ist verfassungsrechtlich wie rechtspolitisch bedenklich, allerdings eine gute Gelegenheit, die Bedeutung des Urheberrechts für die (Plattform-)Kommunikation herauszustellen.  Continue reading >>
10 July 2020

Das Urheberrecht als „Zensurrecht“

Das Urheberrecht wird von der Bundesregierung genau wie von Privaten zur Unterdrückung von Presseberichterstattung eingesetzt. Es kann derart missbraucht werden, weil die Zivilgerichte bei der Prüfung eines urheberrechtlichen Unterlassungsanspruchs jenseits eines engen Ausnahmekatalogs keine einzelfallspezifische grundrechtliche Interessenabwägung vornehmen. Über 60 Jahre nach dem Lüth-Urteil ist die mittelbare Drittwirkung der Grundrechte im deutschen Urheberrecht noch nicht angekommen. Continue reading >>
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