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04 December 2020

Klagen und klagen lassen

Ãœber Mitgliedstaaten, die Mitgliedstaaten verklagen, und andere aktuelle Rechtsstaatlichkeitsthemen Continue reading >>
31 March 2016

How to protect European Values in the Polish Constitutional Crisis

Does the Polish development concern us — the European citizens and the European institutions we have set up? There is a functional and a normative argument to state that it does. The normative argument is that the European Union organizes a community of states that profess allegiance to a set of fundamental values—among others, democracy, the rule of law, and human rights. The functional reason is that the European legal space presupposes mutual trust. European law operates on the presumption that all institutions are law-abiding. Otherwise, the legal edifice crumbles. Continue reading >>
28 February 2016

EU Law and Politics: the Rule of Law Framework

A voice from within Hungary's ruling party: György Schöpflin, Fidesz MEP and former politics professor from UCL, on the EU Commission's rule of law Framework, its activation against Poland and its use as a legal and a political tool. Continue reading >>
24 January 2016
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A New Page in Protecting European Constitutional Values: How to best use the new EU Rule of Law Framework vis-a-vis Poland

The application of the EU Commission's Rule of Law Framework in the current Polish case is a step in the right direction. It seems a good instance to develop the Framework as an EU mechanism to protect European constitutional values in a European legal space which is rife with constitutional crises, but short of instruments to address them. Its pertinence appears even more clearly in comparison to the Council's (in)activity under its own rule-of-law mechanism, hastily put forward after the Commission’s Framework. The activation of the Framework has shown its potential to mobilize European public opinion and orient public discourses to the current condition of EU values. Continue reading >>
21 January 2016

Politik, Recht und die Rule of Law irgendwo dazwischen: zur Rechtsstaatlichkeits­debatte zwischen EU und Polen

Die polnische Regierungschefin Beata Szydło hat am Dienstag in ihrer Rede vor dem Europaparlament ein wenig Erstaunen über die europäische Aufgeregtheit um jüngste Reformen der Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit und des öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunks in Polen durchblicken lassen. Trotz mehrmaliger Betonung der polnischen Souveränität musste aber auch sie einsehen: Brüssel hat die rechtliche Kompetenz, sich in bestimmten Grundwertefragen politisch auch auf nationaler Ebene einzubringen. Das Pech der polnischen Regierung – und gleichzeitige Glück des polnischen Volkes – ist der augenscheinliche Beschluss der Kommission, einem vormals politischen Totschlagargument nun endlich konkrete, normativ verwendbare Schärfe zukommen zu lassen. Continue reading >>
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