11 June 2020
Homosexuality as a Form of Expression
Numerous courts have dealt with the question whether the sexual identity of an individual enjoys constitutional protection as freedom of expression. Recently, Singapore’s Supreme Court has rejected this understanding of the freedom of expression which highlights the different approaches of courts across countries like Singapore, India, Botswana, and Kenya. Continue reading >>
09 September 2018
Decriminalising Homosexuality in India as a Matter of Transformative Constitutionalism
What worth is a Constitution if it does not seek out the emancipation of a society’s most marginalized and excluded? Indeed, what vision ought a Constitution espouse if it isn’t a commitment to basic fundamental rights and freedoms? Ultimately, what polity must a Constitution nurture if it isn’t towards imbibing the widest and most deepest sense of inclusion and pluralism in society? All these searching questions and much more came to form a distinct part of the decision of the Indian Supreme Court (Court) when it was called upon to rule on the constitutional validly of Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860. Continue reading >>15 July 2018
Being Gay under India’s Constitution
Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code penzalizes "carnal intercourse against the order of nature". The Indian Supreme Court heard a case last week that could finally lead to the end of this residue of British colonial rule. Continue reading >>24 January 2018
Sunshine through the Rain: New Hope for Decriminalization of Gay Sex in India?
Gay sex is still a criminal act according to the Indian Penal Act. In 2013, the Supreme Court had quashed a judgment by a Delhi Court to decriminalise consensual gay sex. Now, there are signs that the Supreme Court might reconsider. Continue reading >>
25 July 2016
Jetzt wird es ernst: Zur Rehabilitierung und Entschädigung von nach § 175 StGB verurteilten Männern
Das Gutachten von Martin Burgi und Daniel Wolff zur Rehabilitation strafrechtlich verurteilter Homosexueller war ein eklatanter politischer Erfolg: Nach einem Eckpunktepapier des Bundesjustizministeriums sollen Urteile auf Basis des früheren § 175 StGB rückwirkend aufgehoben werden. In zwei wichtigen Punkten geht das Papier sogar noch über das Gutachten hinaus: erstens in Fällen homosexueller Handlungen zwischen Erwachsenen und Heranwachsenden und zweitens bei der Umsetzung einer individuellen, zusätzlich zu einer kollektiven, materiellen Entschädigungsleistung. Continue reading >>19 May 2016