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07 October 2015

Schrems v. Commissioner: A Biblical Parable of Judicial Power

We might celebrate the Court’s decision in Case C-362/14 as an improbable victory of good (data-privacy) over evil (consumer and intelligence data abuses). But I want to offer some words of caution about god-like judicial power. Continue reading >>
31 August 2015

Finnish Government and the Desire to Constitutionalize Mass Surveillance: Toward Permanent State of Emergency?

The Finnish Government intends to amend the constitution to clear the path for a NSA-type surveillance scheme. The form of constitutionalism that results from this kind of change would reverse the traditional grounds of legitimacy as set forth by the constitutions and human rights treaties: instead of providing one possible but narrowly interpreted ground for restricting right to confidential communications and protection of personal data, national security would occupy the position of a main rule while the constitutional right would wither away to a narrowly applied exception. In essence, the amendment would securitize one of the key fundamental rights of our time, and create a permanent state of emergency within it. Continue reading >>
18 August 2015

Kein Grundrechtsschutz gegen Abhörgesetz in Frankreich

Die französische Verfassung schützt die Bürgerinnen und Bürger Frankreichs nicht davor, künftig von den Sicherheitsbehörden in großem Umfang abgehört zu werden. Am 23. Juli hat der Conseil Constitutionnel sein Urteil zum neuen französischen Überwachungsgesetz gesprochen. In seiner Entscheidung erklärt er das Gesetz im Großen und Ganzen für verfassungskonform, zensiert es aber in drei Punkten. Continue reading >>
16 August 2015

Data Protection in the US and the EU: the Case for Federal Solutions

Which level is better placed to provide efficient data protection – the federal or the state level? This question is topical both in the United States and in the European Union. In the US, there are concerns regarding the increased fragmentation of American data privacy law and the lack of relevant federal consolidation. In the EU, the proposed General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) supposed to replace the Directive of 1995 was met with opposition regarding the “over-centralization of powers” in the European institutions. Continue reading >>
12 November 2009

Datenschutz-Beauftragte: Unabhängig genug, meint der Generalanwalt

Die Datenschutz-Kontrolle in Deutschland geht, was ihre Unabhängigkeit betrifft,  europarechtlich […] Continue reading >>