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07 July 2024

Annie Ruth Jiagge

The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), which aims to eradicate all forms of discrimination based on sex and gender, is an indispensable treaty for women and girls worldwide. Given its profound impact, today’s sphere of international human rights law would look vastly different. But few people know that the CEDAW treaty was preceded by a 1967 draft by Annie Ruth Jiagge. Continue reading >>
07 April 2024

Anna Julia Cooper

Dr. Anna Julia Cooper was born into slavery at a time, when the 1831 Act prohibited the teaching of literacy to enslaved people in North Carolina in order to prevent rebellion and emancipation. Despite this, she was the fourth (known) Black female Ph.D. and the first African American woman to receive a doctorade from the Sorbonne University. She is still considered a mother of Black feminism and a formidable writer, activist, and educator. Continue reading >>
08 March 2024

Substantive equality, not flowers

And we stand in solidarity with the women all over the world who are still fighting for equality! Continue reading >>
14 February 2024

Christine de Pizan

In conversations on missing female voices in the traditional development of international law a repetitive argument given as an explanation for the absence of women as active designers and contributors to international law is that it was simply unusual to find women in certain professions at that time due to the assignment of gender roles and corresponding conduct and activities considered as adequate. There is certainly a great deal of truth in this explanation. Nevertheless, the argument that the absence of women was a normal side effect of the traditional social circumstances at that time could also serve as an excuse to overlook, ignore and make women invisible, who have actually played a crucial role as active designers of the international legal order. One of them is Christine de Pizan. Continue reading >>
16 June 2023

Das Konzept der Nachhaltigkeit auf dem Pfad des Feminismus?

Faktisch sind Frauen* stärker von den Auswirkungen durch die Überschreitungen der planetaren Grenzen, insbesondere des Klimawandels und der damit verbundenen Naturkatastrophen, betroffen. Obgleich nicht alle Frauen* und keineswegs nur Frauen* tangiert sind, ist eine sog. genderspezifische Vulnerabilität messbar, da sich Gender oft mit anderen Merkmalen wie einer schlechteren sozio-ökonomischen Stellung oder einem erschwerten Zugang zu Ressourcen z. B. Land und Finanzmitteln überschneidet. Frauen* sind aber nicht nur passive Betroffene, sondern übernehmen auch aktiv Führungsrollen zugunsten von Klimaschutz und Klimawandelanpassung, beispielsweise im lokalen Wassermanagement oder in der Rechtsdurchsetzung. Continue reading >>
06 March 2023

Feminist Foreign Trade Policy is a Demand of the EU Treaties

there is a strong basis for feminist trade policy in EU primary law. Arguably, any external action of the EU ought to be in compliance with basic considerations of feminist foreign policy. The key question is not if EU external action should comply with feminist foreign policy, but rather, how. Continue reading >>
13 October 2021

“The right to life does not begin at conception”

This September, the Mexican Supreme Court of Justice issued a triad of rulings that constituted a fundamental step towards the full respect of the reproductive and sexual rights of women and other individuals with gestational capacity in our country. In this way, the Mexican Supreme Court positioned itself once again as a true ally in the fight for reproductive freedoms and also as a trailblazer since the protections outlined in the aforementioned rulings are the strongest handed down by a constitutional court in Latin America to this day. Continue reading >>
25 June 2019

Is a Social Credit System Good for Women?

In a capitalist economy, the value of goods tends to be tied to their exchange value. A Social Credit System is, in principle, able to integrate a wider set of behaviours and characteristics that merit reward than the price mechanism. It could hence turn out to be better at valuing feminine-coded tasks, such as care-work. Yet, I argue, feminists should be sceptical with regards to the emancipatory potential of a Social Credit System, as such a system might turn out to merely reproduce dominant forms of valuing rather than promoting real change. Continue reading >>
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