10 March 2025

They Not Like Us

On 13 February 2025, AG Ćapeta delivered a milestone opinion on racial discrimination and migration in the EU when she found the Danish ‘Ghetto Law’ in violation of the Race and Ethnic Equality Directive. She determined that the differentiation between “Western” and “non-Western” immigrants and their descendants in the Danish legislation creates a perceived “ethnic ‘Other’” vis-à-vis the majority population that falls under the anti-discrimination ground of “ethnic origin”. I will explain how her opinion challenges this form of legalized ‘othering’ in migration law, based on the underlying sentiment of ‘us’ vs. ‘them’, as it goes against Art. 2 TEU and the vision of a democratic, tolerant, and anti-racist European society. Continue reading >>
20 January 2025

Trump’s Order of Law

Today, January 20, 2025, Donald Trump is going to be inaugurated a second time as the 47th President of the United States. His presidency is expected to herald a dramatic change to America’s policy on immigration as his hardcore rhetoric may transform into hardened policy. To fulfil his campaign promises, in particular his planned mass deportation policy, Trump has repeatedly stated his intention to invoke two archaic laws: the 1807 Insurrection Act and the Alien Enemies Act of 1798. This blog will provide an overview of the two acts, explain the requirements for the President-elect to utilize them, and detail potential ways to cabin their use. Continue reading >>
04 March 2024

The Place of Numbers in Migration Debates

The governance of migration, in particular of asylum migration, is caught in the contrast between the political relevance of numbers, and the individuum-based structure of the law. For politics, it matters how many persons arrive, require shelter, enter procedures. For the legal assessment, however, numbers mostly do not matter: The right not to be rejected at the border, the right to access an asylum procedure and to shelter during that procedure are individual rights that are independent from the overall number of arrivals. This contrast is visible in periodical debates about a maximum number of asylum seekers per year, or proposals to abolish the individual right to protection altogether. Such proposals disregard that individual rights to protection are enshrined not just in constitutional law, but also in European and international law, and for good reason. However, it is worth taking the perspective of numbers seriously – while respecting the individual right to protection. Continue reading >>
26 February 2024

Rethinking the Law and Politics of Migration

2023 was, to put it mildly, a terrible year for (im)migrants and their human rights. With the declared end of the Covid pandemic came an end to the exceptional border policies it had led to which had further restricted already weakened migrants’ rights. Yet governments have largely chosen to replace them with legal frameworks that incorporated many of the same rights negating policies and ideas- except for this time they put them on a permanent legal basis. Liberated from their initial emergency rationales, asylum bans have now joined outsourcing and overpopulated mass detention camps as standard methods of migration governance. What is the role of legal scholarship and discourse at a time where governments seem increasingly comfortable to eschew many long-standing legal rules and norms, often with majority support? Continue reading >>
05 February 2024

Heightening the Repressive Dynamic

The new French Immigration Act was promulgated and published on 26th January 2024, the day after the Conseil Constitutionnel decision which censored 35 provisions in one of its longest decisions to date. The Conseil chose to emphasize the Constitution’s procedural requirements, while largely avoiding substantive analysis of the Act’s drastic reduction of foreigners’ rights. Indeed, it asserted the constitutionality or remained silent on many provisions that undercut foreigner’s rights. The Act as promulgated thereby constitutes the most repressive text since 1945 and heightens a migration restrictive dynamic. Continue reading >>
01 February 2024

Mit der Verfassung spielt man nicht!

Am 25. Januar 2024 hat der französische Verfassungsrat zahlreiche Normen des neuen Einwanderungsrechts für verfassungswidrig erklärt (Nr. 2023-863 DC). Im Kontext dieses Normkontrollverfahrens zeigte sich eine Regierung, die den Verfassungsverstoß als Mittel zur Mehrheitsfindung nutzte. Zugleich scheute das Verfassungsgericht die inhaltliche Prüfung und stützte sich fast ausschließlich auf Verfahrensmängel. Beides hilft Bestrebungen von rechts, eine gerichtliche Kontrolle staatlicher Maßnahmen zukünftig einzuschränken. Noch bleibt Zeit, die Verfassungskultur in Frankreich zu stärken. Continue reading >>
11 October 2023

Poland’s Sham ‘Migration’ Referendum

On June 15, 2023, Jarosław Kaczyński, leader of Poland's PiS party, announced a rare referendum, ostensibly to allow the public to weigh in on crucial elements of Polish immigration policy, alongside the general elections. Yet, in reality, the referendum had little to do with migration and the opposition parties largely ignored the referendum's questions to avoid its deployment as an electoral campaign tool. As such, whatever voters will decide on Election day, it will tell us little about the state of Polish migration politics. Continue reading >>
01 October 2023

Europe’s Faustian Bargain

On Thursday, news broke that the German government had agreed to incorporating the previously rejected Crisis Regulation into the EU’s new asylum and migration pact. The decision was a radical change of course since Germany had previously consistently opposed its inclusion. Framed as allowing for more ‘flexibility’ in case of migratory surges, the Crisis Regulation’s adoption will, in effect, suspend the EU asylum system as we know it for the time being, given that recorded sea arrivals are currently nearing the 2015 levels. A crisis in need of regulation, if you will. In this blogpost, I highlight the dangerous fallacy that underpins our tolerance for the illegality that has come to characterize contemporary border control. In particular, our failure to oppose the constant expansion of the limits of the law that occurs in the name of crisis and political necessity rests on the mistaken assumption that we have nothing to lose in this race to the bottom.  Continue reading >>
06 December 2022

Upgrading German Citizenship

As part of their broader agenda to “modernize” its immigration laws, Germany’s government has proposed to ease immigrants’ access to citizenship. The opposition – especially the CDU – as well as the liberal government coalition partner FDP are not happy with this. Among other things, they are concerned that the new law would seriously diminish the value of German citizenship and insist that immigrants should successfully integrate before they become German nationals. I argue in the following that these concerns, and further claims, are unfounded. Continue reading >>
02 December 2022

Chancen-Gleichheit für Geduldete?

Neben dem X. Gesetz zur Beschleunigung von Asylverfahren hat der Bundestag am heutigen Freitag auch das sog. Chancen-Aufenthaltsrecht (CAR) für langjährig Geduldete beschlossen. Damit endet ein rund einjähriger Prozess, während dessen das CAR bereits früh eine Kontroverse hervorrief: Zahlreiche Bundesländer erließen sog. Vorgriffserlasse, die potentielle Adressat*innen des CAR bis zu dessen Inkrafttreten vor einer Abschiebung schützen sollten. Andere Länder setzten ihre Abschiebepraxis unbeirrt fort – gerade gegenüber potentiellen Adressat*innen. Der folgende Beitrag setzt sich mit dieser Praxis kritisch auseinander und zeigt auf, dass das CAR bereits vor Inkrafttreten eine Vorwirkung in Form eines Frustrationsverbotes entfaltete, das Ausländerbehörden irreversible aufenthaltsbeendende Maßnahmen untersagt. Continue reading >>
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