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10 October 2024

The Role of Private Law in Times of Polycrisis

Crises are a good test case, not only to check the practical performance of the law, but also to gain conceptual clarity about the possibilities of (certain areas of) the law. This post compares a German regulatory approach to private law with the US Law and Political Economy movement. Continue reading >>
10 October 2024

Steward Ownership, Wealth Inequality, and LPE

Among the many crises challenging our societies is the inequality crisis. The central role of law in creating and addressing this crisis is not sufficiently recognized. What do “Steward Ownership” and “Law and Political Economy” might have to offer in this regard? Continue reading >>
09 October 2024

And, of course, Climate Change

Scholarly debates on climate change law in general and climate change litigation more specifically and the recent LPE debates mutually enrich each other. Surprisingly, the interaction of those two fields of study – while evoked frequently – remains underdeveloped. Continue reading >>
08 October 2024

Normalization of the Housing Market

Law and Political Economy sharpens our understanding of how law came into being and how economic thought has shaped legal reality. Applied to housing, it uncovers the path dependencies of marketization and allows to question their background assumptions. Continue reading >>
08 October 2024

Different Jurisdiction, Same Problems?

The relationship of Economics and Law is long, contested, and entangled. Law and Political Economy, a group of legal scholars that are mostly working at universities in the United States, offers yet another perspective on this relationship. LPE may be described as an attempt to analyse, criticise and shape Law and legal scholarship to contribute to a more democratic and more egalitarian society. How this concept translates to the german and european legal debate is examined in this blog post. What can LPE bring to the table? Continue reading >>
19 May 2021

Administrierte Freiheitschancen

Klimaneutralität als alternativloses Ziel politischen Handelns hat jetzt das höchstrichterliche Plazet. Zugleich befördert die neue intergenerationale Vorwirkungsdogmatik einen klimapolitischen Unilateralismus, der so manche ökonomische Binsenweisheit in den Wind schlägt: Trittbrettfahren und carbon leakage werden bei unilateralem Vorpreschen noch für klimapolitische Ernüchterung sorgen. Continue reading >>
01 September 2020

The Path Back to the Law

We more than ever need a theory of law which allows us to imagine and, hopefully, to realise the conditions for social progress. This means, at a minimum, a theory which makes it possible to see how law can help address chronic problems of capitalism, including inequality and environmental degradation, which are now at the point of creating existential risks for democracy and, indeed, humanity. Continue reading >>
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