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10 June 2024

A High-Stakes Game

So it has happened: Marine Le Pen’s Rassemblement National (RN) received more than twice the votes of Macron’s Renaissance list in the European elections (31.4% vs. 14.6%). Following the results, Macron announced to dissolve parliament and call an early election. Judging by the immediate reactions on social media, Macron’s announcement shocked several commentators and the public. Yet, from the perspective of the 2027 presidential elections, the reasoning may not be as reckless as it seems. Macron’s calculation is based on the consideration that three more years of the current situation would make a Le Pen presidency highly likely in 2027. Continue reading >>
16 April 2022

Es geht um die Demokratie

Der Präsident ist im französischen Verfassungssystem der V. Republik von 1958 das zentrale Verfassungsorgan. Doch ob und wie das so bleiben wird, ist in diesem Jahr aber noch offen.  Nach der Parlamentswahl, die im Juni auf die Präsidentschaftswahl folgen wird, könnte der Reformbedarf des Wahl- und des politischen Systems unabweisbar werden. Und zwar unabhängig davon, ob Macron oder Le Pen gewinnt. Continue reading >>
02 March 2017

Marine Le Pen: a Constitutional Program Threatening the French Constitutional Regime

The recent publication of Marine Le Pen’s presidential program has been followed by many comments from the media, specialists and policy makers analysing her economic, social or security propositions. But one particular point has been missed: the different constitutional amendments she intends to achieve. With this constitutional program, her goal is to deeply reform the organization of the French state and its institutions. It is an unnamed constitutional revolution since Ms. Le Pen’s objective is to strike down French liberal democracy in order to in store an almost absolutist presidential regime. Continue reading >>
05 February 2017

Marine Le Pen’s Constitutional Programme on the European Union: Use, Misuse and Abuse of Referenda

Marine Le Pen, the far-right candidate for President of France, was asked in an interview about her constitutional programme should she be elected in May. Her answer can be summarised in one word: referenda. One of them would be, of course, about “Frexit”, the other would include a vast set of amendments to the French Constitution and would take place just after the legislative elections. That, however, would not most likely not be the end of it. Continue reading >>