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04 September 2024

From Zero to Hero

Poland, once a country with one of the highest numbers of Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs), might now be an example of how to deal with them. With third sector actors experienced in helping SLAPP victims and a willing Minister of Justice, Poland may have found the recipe for success. With Poland set to take over the EU Presidency, the effective implementation of the Anti-SLAPP Dircetive could transform the country into a model of progress after years of shamefully using abusive proceedings to suppress freedom of expression among government critics. Continue reading >>
26 June 2024

The Lighthouse of EU Law Shines on the Polish Constitutional Tribunal

Last week, legal scholars from all over the world met in Freiburg at the ConTrans conference. On the one end of the spectrum, scholars like Woijcech Sadurski advocated for a revolutionary approach, simply dismantling the current Tribunal and re-building it from scratch. On the other end stands Adam Bodnar, who stressed the importance of legality in the transition process. In my view, EU law shines a possible way ahead – it can justify disregarding the Tribunal’s decisions and empower ordinary courts to assume the Tribunal’s jurisdiction. Eventually, this would lead to a decentralised constitutional review. Continue reading >>
19 June 2024

Up to Four Times

The Council of Europe’s requirements for transparency in the process of selecting a national judge for the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) should be strengthened. This is the lesson to be learned from the saga of the selection of a Polish judge, lasting now for more than three years. Poland, which has been going through a crisis of the rule of law in recent years, and the ongoing process of its restoration, may serve as an important example. Continue reading >>
06 June 2024

Militant Public Administration

An unprecedented scandal surrounding a Polish governmental fund established to aid crime victims highlights the role of civil servants in authoritarian state capture. The revelations surrounding the Justice Fund show broad levels of bureaucratic acquiescence with shocking abuses of power, and only belated effort to document and report these abuses. The Polish case shows it is time for a democratically militant public administration – the new vision of civil service better prepared to fend off authoritarian encroachment from elected politicians. Continue reading >>
23 May 2024

On Rebuilding and … Keeping the Rule of Law

When I think about the challenge of rebuilding the rule of law in Poland after years filled with unimaginably lawless legal and factual acts and hateful words tearing the Polish Constitution to shreds and offering adequate recipes, the starting point is framing the discussion. A correct description of the starting point determines the route and provides the background against which one can evaluate more detailed legislative choices made along the way. The route must be determined by “fidelity to the Constitution”. Finally, our avowed destination must be framed in clear terms as restoring the meaning and respect to the basic elements of the Polish legal order. I argue that the latter must become the new narrative of lawyers, politicians and citizens alike if we are to succeed. Continue reading >>
13 May 2024

The Autocratic Party-Structure of PiS

Political parties are the heart of every parliamentary democracy. This post aims to explore what categorises political party-structure as autocratic and postulates a reform of political parties in Poland as partially inspired by German legal solutions. Namely, the main executive body of the party must consist of at least three members elected no less frequently than every two years. Furthermore, all party members must be allowed to propose electoral candidates. Finally, decisions on party offices and electoral nominations must be carried out by a secret ballot. Continue reading >>
10 May 2024

On the border, the war is relatively close

500 meters away from Poland. Continue reading >>
29 April 2024

Rebuilding the Rule of Law

The victory of the opposition in the parliamentary elections in Poland in 2023 followed by the formation of a coalition government paved the way for the rebuilding of the rule of law after a period of its systematic violation during the 8-year rule of PiS. The first four months of the new government have already shown that this process will not be easy. However, certain actions aimed at rebuilding the violated standards have already been taken. Three goals and values ​​should be among the guiding principles in the process of rebuilding the rule of law in Poland: legalism, legal certainty, and building citizens' trust in public institutions. Continue reading >>
24 April 2024

Pushbacks From Europe’s Borders Enter the Mainstream

The Polish reckoning with the illiberal turn of the past years seemingly does not apply to the unlawful practice of pushbacks on the Poland-Belarus border. The unlawful practices, best exemplified by pushbacks, have come to be accepted in the European mainstream. The humanitarian crisis on the Poland-Belarus border and its handling by the new government, together with its rejection of the New Pact on Migration and Asylum, vividly illustrates this point. Continue reading >>
12 April 2024

Hercules or Sisyphus? On the legacy of statutory lawlessness in post-autocratic Poland

A constitutional responsibility. Continue reading >>
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