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20 December 2022

The Right to be Forgotten in 2022

On 8 December 2022, the Court of Justice of the European Union delivered its latest landmark judgment on the ‘right to be forgotten’. Despite the largely incremental character, the continuing legal manifestation of the right to erasure/be forgotten/de-referencing raises more fundamental questions on the governance of the datafication of society in the EU. Continue reading >>
09 March 2022

Journalism on trial and the right to be forgotten

New rulings in Hurbain and Biancardi now permit complainants to address their "right to be forgotten" requests directly to the primary publisher. Journalists and the press, particularly the local press, play a fundamental role in democratic society, but they are already in a precarious situation, and the use of privacy to debilitate them also has a negative impact on local democracy. Hurbain has now been scheduled for a hearing before the Grand Chamber on 9 March 2022. It will have the opportunity to consider whether interference with the press was actually necessary in that case and, by implication, in Biancardi, and to restore the balance between privacy and freedom of expression under the right to be forgotten. Continue reading >>
25 September 2019

The Judgment That Will Be Forgotten

On September 24 2019, the ECJ delivered its judgment in Google vs CNIL (C-517/17) which was expected to clarify the territorial scope of the ‘right to be forgotten’. In fact, the ECJ’s decision is disappointing in several respects. The Court does not only open the door to fragmentation in European data protection law but also fails to further develop the protection of individual rights in the digital age. Continue reading >>
11 December 2015

Eine “Charta der Grundrechte für die digitale Zeit”, und warum wir sie brauchen

“Ich surfe, also bin ich.” Das ist nach der Internet-Milieu-Studie des Deutschen Instituts für Vertrauen und Sicherheit im Internet das neue Credo der sogenannten Digital Natives. Auch das Verfassungsrecht reagiert auf diese Entwicklung. Das Internet ist heute auch “Grundrechtsverwirklichungsnetz“. Entsprechend laut werden die Rufe nach neuen Katalogen digitaler Grundrechte. Jüngst hat auch der Präsident des Europäischen Parlaments Martin Schulz eine “Charta der Grundrechte für die digitale Zeit” gefordert. Macht eine solche Charta Sinn? Was kann sie leisten? Wie weit soll sie reichen? Und wer soll sie ausarbeiten? Continue reading >>
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